Pretty much every japanese dev is jumping to PC/STEAM gaming

>pretty much every japanese dev is jumping to PC/STEAM gaming
>Atlus is the only one left

What's wrong with they? Is Atlus afraid of money or what?

Japanese games are being a huge success on PC/STEAM (most of them even outselling their console version) recently since most weebs moved to PC/STEAM since the only thing console peasants buy are shit like Call of Duty and Assassin's Creed, games like Persona 3, Persona 4 Golden and of course, Persona 5, would sell like hot cakes on PC/STEAM, and of course, running at 4k resolution, 60fps and mods support, something that can never be archieved on consoles.

Other urls found in this thread:

please think of the development costs


That's it. Beg. Get on your fucking knees and beg for it, PCucks.


don't worry user, someone wished for it already.
with a Monkey Paw

Is Disgaea Atlus?

They already released disgaea 1 I'm still waiting for ZHP and the prinny games to be ported


That's Spike Chunsoft. Atlus only published it in America.

who the fuck cares

>pretty much every Japanese developer is releasing belated ports of console games in order to wring more money out of foreign audiences before putting their products to pasture

Fixed that for you, and for free, my man. No need to thank me.

Atlus wants us to pay $60 for english only games.

That's NIS.

Atlus does persona/smt, trauma center, catherine, and... uh...

Why do we want atlus on PC again?

Because Catherine and SMT are the tightest shit

>I h-hope they don't port these g-games over, then the only reason I use to justify buying a shitty PC knock off will be gone

This, I'd rather wait 2 decades for an emulator than to give money for Atlus' bullshit.


I swear every goddamn time we discuss Atlus games there are dumbfucks like you think publishing = developing

Bring back Trauma center, it can work on the pc.

Just a heads up, you are correct but this thread will devolve into a shitfest of angry consolebabbies.

Great series of games
>Trauma center
Great game
Great game

>why do we want great games on PC again?

Fine except for censored visual novels in Steam. This shit has to stop. AO section when?

Nevermind, i was too late. Making these threads is pointless, OP. Just wait a bit and make a thread once they release their games on PC.
Laughing at consoletards as their medium of choice is dying... worth the wait.

There's one in every thread, like a pecker in the woods or a cuck oldtiming.

>Is Atlus afraid of money or what?

Most Jap games are selling like shit.

And the ones that sell well are the meme games(MGS and DaS) or the ones that cut most of their price through sales.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of those titles are actually losing money because one sale on console is worth several on pc.

>pretty much every japanese dev is jumping to PC/STEAM gaming
BTW only a few titles for each dev, and most only after the games are a year old or more.

Only Sega and that company that makes Ys take pc gaming seriously.

>>pretty much every japanese dev is jumping to PC/STEAM gaming

Atelier when?

>Can't get into dual audio
>Can't get simultaneous release
>Can't pinpoint Europe on a map
>Can't even speak basic English in their godawful dubs played by 50 years old lung cancer Amerifats

Why would they be able to release games on PC?

low quality thread

>I wouldn't be surprised if some of those titles are actually losing money because one sale on console is worth several on pc.

That isn't how that works, and you know it


It might be
Considering that most sales from PC come from discounted purchases at 50-75%