Typical pc neckbeard autist: PC IS BETTER THAN CONSOLE BECAUSE GRAPHCS!!!!1!11

>typical pc neckbeard autist: PC IS BETTER THAN CONSOLE BECAUSE GRAPHCS!!!!1!11

>ordinary healthy person: what about Undertale, stardew valley, etc?


>then would you explain why you said pc is better solely because of the graphics




ITT: Nothing

Graphics don't matter.
But unless a AAA game supports 40k and 120 fps its shit.
Even if i am getting a superior game to the console release unless it lets me utilize the hardware 1% of all people in the world have its shit.

Graphics don't matter.
But ironically my favorite console games are all AAA Games that focus on graphics such as Uncharted God of war and similar i even think Order is good.
And i keep making threads about how they are better looking than PC games.

The library of the pc is expansive, and in one place as well, while you'll need multiple consoles to play something new

That hair makes you look dope man.

Will my bone cancer be cured?

>think The Order is good
Get out of here, your garbage opinion is contributing nothing

Gaming on PCs just works and is objectively better in literally every way. Consoles are a hassle, full of issues and shortcomings that belie their supposed "convenience" and "ease of use".

The only reason to have one is for exclusive games chained to the system, or if you're extremely poor, technologically inept, not that into playing video games; maybe a combination of the three.

Will I ever get married?

1 or 2

>Gaming on PC is objectively better in literally every way.
It's sad that you've convinced yourself this is a legitimate opinion

Is OP a faggot ?

it's fact

Should the user below me purchase Fallout 4?

Will I ever be happy?

>buy 2 1080s
>still play counter strike 1.6
>still play all games on lowest settings

im used to shit tier graphics so i dont mind. i just bought the cards so i can gloat about it.

>what about Undertale
Opinion discarted
Srsly you couldnt have said Odin's Sphere, Dragon's crown, hell even Skullgirls
Fuck you faggot you bad taste faggot

Undertale is pretty good bro

Hating a game because you hear about it a lot isn't a good reason

Am I a big guy?

>making up an argument with yourself for the sake of shitposting and baiting


No he's just a mad sonycuck

That's a lot of very bad shitposting and awful baiting. That's kind of sad. At least apply yourself.

I've had enough experience with both PCs and consoles to know, my friend.

Are you a firestarter?

Lol how did you all get 1s


Go buy the ps4 Neo and cry sony faggot

>graphics don't matter
>don't matter
>Buys a PS neo or xbox scorpio

Oh I see. He's looking at the trip you all replied to. Not sure if he's joking though

>Yo gimme that robot master look

How come consolefags say graphics don't matter, but feel the need to buy the new generation before it even has games?

Both point you made are valid though.

the quality of PC graphics for any game where such a thing is important is exactly as much as you're willing to spend to get as close to the best graphics technically possible. A console is only going to look as good as it looks for a given game on a given system.

There's a lower entry barrier for indies to make new and interesting games then there is on console, since the walled gardens are either cheaper to get in to or entirely optional.

I wouldn't argue that necessarily makes PC better or worse, It usually cost significantly more to get that best possible graphics, the game selection is wider yes, but Consoles still have their various exclusives, etc. Buy whatever hardware has the games you want to play on it.

will she say yes

My only gripe with PC's and consoles is that they swapped roles during some point.

Back then i play on consoles cause it was just
>shove thing in it

And as a kid the PC was a sacred unknown artifact so i was always worried that i might break it.

But now, consoles became so fucking convoluted, with the patches, and the network pay and stuff.