Just got my first perma ban, Sup Forums. What do I do now?
Perma Banned in League
Play better games.
Go back to whatever middle-eastern shithole you crawled from.
Kill yourself
You're free, OP. Move on to better genres
>playing shit games
>raging like a 12 year old in chat
What do you suggest?
I live in Australia, always have.
fucking kill yourself you horsefucking weeb
Yeah made the account when I was the most hardcore faggot, kinda glad it's banned now though. No real excuse for the raging except I'd been stressed out today looking after loud obnoxious kids so yeah.
Learn how to speak English, you retard.
I should have realised it from "dolan"
Go eat a spider nest
>playing cancer casual baby games for retards
>screaming and crying in chat like a 12 year old
>openly posting about both on Sup Forums
I really hope this is bait
>aussie cancer gets banned for shitting a chat up
color me suprised
>while League's an intense, competitive game
Jesus christ, this heap of shit game can't die soon enough
Take it as a sign to finally grow up and stop wasting time on this shit game.
Now you can be another league shutter playing OW. Congrats.
Play a better game, let it go to rest.
Post the entire chat log. So far it seems like you did nothing extraordinary that would result in a perma ban. I see this shit in almost every game.
if that's accurate... good job user, you deserve a medal.
Make a smurf. Keep flaming like there is no tomorrow.
Make everyone who plays with you suffer. That's what I did.
Show the rest of the Log.
>riot literally punishes the player, not the game for breeding hatred
If matchmaking didn't force 50/50 through bad teammates like that somehow evens things out.
or if the game had larger power gaps the eternally bad players would never meet the improving ones to bring them down in the first place.
tl;dr: Riot turned a bad game good, then bad again and is in far too deep to fix it so they blame the community
We must know OP
Amb, I know it's you
Please stop
So then you decide it's okay to act like a loud obnoxious kid.
I've had 2 chat restrictions, and one 14 day suspension, and then this, idk why so harsh but w/e I'm free.
Game 1
FlutterDolan: ty
FlutterDolan: riven how did you gret so far behind
FlutterDolan: omfg
FlutterDolan: this is cancer
FlutterDolan: IM DONE CUTN
FlutterDolan: just sit at base
FlutterDolan: game is over
FlutterDolan: good
FlutterDolan: surrender fuckheads
FlutterDolan: kys cunts
FlutterDolan: so fucking bad
FlutterDolan: Stupid fucking shit cunt team kys faggots
FlutterDolan: Dumb nigger cunts
Game 2
FlutterDolan: :(
FlutterDolan: ning
FlutterDolan: same with veigar :/
FlutterDolan: careful reksai
FlutterDolan: fuck this game cunt
FlutterDolan: You used your heal????
FlutterDolan: talking to leona
FlutterDolan: laggg
FlutterDolan: can we get some help
FlutterDolan: dont be a cunt about it
FlutterDolan: I wasn't level 6
FlutterDolan: If you waited a bit we woulda won
FlutterDolan: this game is over cunt
FlutterDolan: fuck up
FlutterDolan: muted reported
FlutterDolan: she bought qss
FlutterDolan: yeah
FlutterDolan: our leona tho
FlutterDolan: WTF WAS THAT
FlutterDolan: good
FlutterDolan: Wow
FlutterDolan: yes
FlutterDolan: No skill required
FlutterDolan: ???
FlutterDolan: cause I'd rather avoid dying more than I already have
FlutterDolan: didn't you see Darius ended up going there
FlutterDolan: surrender dumb cunts
Game 3
FlutterDolan: Ashe
FlutterDolan: Do you know what an activated nut is?
FlutterDolan: janna u hsouldva started shiel
FlutterDolan: NO MANAA?
FlutterDolan: I couldn't condemn
FlutterDolan: yeah
FlutterDolan: she got 40 ad over me rip
FlutterDolan: thats so fuckikng pathetic
FlutterDolan: mby
FlutterDolan: coin doesn't give armour
FlutterDolan: kill me
FlutterDolan: so bad at csing this game
FlutterDolan: fuck warlords
FlutterDolan: fucking shit game cunt
FlutterDolan: gg go die dumb niggers
>It's the game's fault that I'm a screaming and crying autistic manchild!
If your vocab extended past your edgy 7th grader phase you would have just gotten a suspension.
idk if i have the willpower for that
Honestly I can't even be surprised this is the sort of person who plays LoL.
End yourself or at the very least never procreate.
it really isn't; their numbers are fucked.
you seem like utter cancer
Please don't tell me you're over the age of 18.
>If matchmaking didn't force 50/50 through bad teammates
You're just a shitter. Actually good players have no problems climbing the rankings
nigger are you 12?
You reap what you sow.
>tl;dr: Riot turned a bad game good
LoL has been on a constant decline since its conception. There was not a single patch where things went upwards.
Well besides the elementary school insult level i don't think these chatlogs are so bad that you deserve a ban for it.
It's only some immature swearing - rito confirmed for oversensitive cunts.
>I live in Australia
"Cunt" is considered a bad word outside of your death trap of a country just so you know
>people like this actually exist
I seriously hope you're not older than 15
And if that's true then you shouldn't be posting here, so it's a lose/lose for you
>aussie gets permabanned for shitposting
can't make this up
18 and a few months, does that count?I use the OCE server, is the ban department Australian too?
You should propably try to grow up acting like this in the real world will get you killed.
I love threads where OP electively provides reasons they should drink bleach
and you're suprised you got perma'd after 2 chat restricts a 14 day suspension and then ur still calling everyone faggots and dumb niggers.
I wish I could have been the one to ban you myself
considering you curse like a 10 year old I'm actually amazed you had the balls to post the entire thing.
That being said, the 0.006% thing is a fucking joke. Every 10th player or so is like you. Try to expand your vocab and you will be considered a human being even if you're a raging autist. Good luck, user.
You deserve the ban because you're an unintelligent, incompetent and racist dolt.
That and you're playing a shit game.
you reckon they'd send me a 30 day ban and warn me the next time they deal with me would be perm, but apparently not.
14 is the max
You are retarded faggot.
>What do you suggest?
what kind of games do you like that aren't assfaggots
first post ____ ____
I've never been banned/suspended/warned/etc but the game did frustrate me like no other. Mostly due to the reasons I listed above.
During seasons 1-3 you could play well enough to carry your team. But then they kept closing the gap because carries carrying was considered "toxic".
I eventually stopped playing because I'm not a child and I don't touch the stove after it burns me. However I do miss how much fun the game used to be and it's Riot's fault 100% it's not like that anymore
No, great players have no problems climbing out. I'm good, somewhere around low plat. Whenever I play with my friends that are high plat/challenger they prefer to take me in their groups over some of their regulars.
The thing is the powergap got closed. There's a lot of overlap between what a B5 player is doing and what a Gold 5 player is doing. So if you aren't playing 5D Chess to a Bronze to Gold then you get stuck in Bronze/Silver eventually and subject to low quality games.
Meanwhile if the players were at my skill level the matches would be even, my teammates wouldn't be uncontrollable feeders and match quality would improve. I have no problem being ranked wherever they place me if the matches still had a sense of quality to them.
>immature swearing
Pretty sure 'nigger' and 'faggot' are considered more than just swearing.
Should have been banned from the start.
>I live in Australia
Why are you faggots addicted to shitposting?
Let me tell you fucking something.
If I ever saw you in my server you would get banned instantly because who the fuck would like to keep you except for some suckers trying to make another fucking video about fucking with kids.
i don't see why they banned you when they could just permanently mute you instead
>I've never been banned/suspended/warned/etc but the game did frustrate me like no other. Mostly due to the reasons I listed above.
And it's still entirely your fault. Grow up.
Well by now Nigger and Faggot should be accepted as normal swearwords since major parts of the black community use the first to describe themselves and the other is nowadays not connected to homosexuality anymore.
Fair enough, can't argue with that
Kill yourself because you've probably spent >50 bucks on useless microtransactions that are now lost forever.
>I eventually stopped playing because I'm not a child and I don't touch the stove after it burns me.
your chat log says otherwise kek
Because Moot applied a terrible meme to us some years ago and that means we're all shitposters
>$250 AUD Over the course of 3/4 years, so idc
You thank Riot for freeing you. I played LoL with friends all the fucking time and spent a bunch of money on it, and one day while a friend was literally screaming in anger I realized that about 99/100 matches were completely miserable and boring.
Leave forever and never look back, LoL is not a game anyone actually enjoys, it just somehow sucks you in forever.
You can get back to living your life again.
Go! Be free! There is a great, big world out there for you to explore!
Make friends, create new experiences! You may even find the love of your life!
This is the start of something wonderful.
Go on, little one! It is time to take your first steps towards a brighter future.
So, for fucks get a life, before you end up like those brainwashed Sonyggers.
>this is cancer
>game is over
Post the rest of your logs pls
You could have got at least 10 actually good games, instead you spent it on colored pixels. Please reconsider your life choices.
That's not OP, that's some random
I guess that's really all that's left to do, I feel kinda free now, idk why.
>league of legend
i bet you're not even 18, if mods could ban your ass from this place that'd be pretty tits too.
>playing league since he was 14
I don't even play LoL anymore, but riddance to you.
Toxicity and shitposting is an integral component of online gaming and it doesn't feel the same without it.
That's all I have, sorry. Do you know if there's a way I can grab logs from other bans I've received?
Yeah true, I have enough games to keep me occupied but I at least would've bought Overwatch with some of it, I played it once a a friends party and I really wanna try it out.
Can you tell me Sup Forums: why are negative people discriminated against? Why is it wrong to be negative?
do this
>Meanwhile if the players were at my skill level the matches would be even, my teammates wouldn't be uncontrollable feeders and match quality would improve.
That's not a fault of the matchmaking system, it's a fault of the game design. The game snowballs extremely easily especially after you go past the medium MMR tier (Plat 5) and people actually have at least a slight grasp on how to abuse a gold lead and convert it to an even bigger lead
Is this your first time getting banned? I got perma-banned for calling somebody a faggot but message them about it and they turned it into a two week suspension.
Also, you can do what I did and just make a new account and screw around with noobs.
What process did you go through to message them about it?
What did you say to them?
>LOL-playing australian pony memester
judging from your posts in the pic I;m guessing you are familiar with the game and so have played it a fuckton. Over the next week or so you are going to have thoughts like 'Oh yeah, I can play Lea....oh.....' again and again. Tonight and tomorrow especially
You were a silly child and so got banned. Ce la vie
> I share a board with people as autistic as this
They're not going to unban you. Don't waste your time.
LoL is a pile of trash anyways, they did you a favor.
Don't forget to stream it and post link of said stream here!
>During seasons 1-3 you could play well enough to carry your team. But then they kept closing the gap because carries carrying was considered "toxic".
They closed the gap at the very highest elo. The changes hardly impact on bronze-diamond.
Dynamic queue does fuck it up but not the nerfs onto characters.
Jack Dolan
steam community/id/flutterdolan/
face book/jack.dolan.50
Facebook matches up with Steam user. Both Jack Dolan. Both Victoria Austrailia.
He's underage.
not too different from the people in the chans
>Just got my first perma ban, Sup Forums. What do I do now?
Quit that shitty game and play Overwatch instead.
Well that's a relief.
why go to such lengths
This is one thing I definitely like about CSGO, you can say whatever you want and never get banned.
>vayne main
>I eventually stopped playing because I'm not a child and I don't touch the stove after it burns me.
your chat logs say otherwise
This is the most underage recently played I've seen in a long time.
That's not OP, dingus
read the backlinks
overwatch is just as shitty ever since ranked was released
My friends legit autistic 13 year old nephew types exactly like you do, so take that as a sign.