ITT: Perfect games

ITT: Perfect games

Haven't played it. Should I?

You'd have a lot to learn and grasp before getting to the point where you "play" it.

it's good and can be a lot of fun but no, you shouldn't

Complex to learn. But it's fun if you get good at it.

nobody should ever play it. Dota 2 is the perfect game except for the people


It is a good game but it takes a very long time to learn everything. There are about 500 spells in total and you need to memorise all of them to even play it.

Improving is also very difficult as there are no easy-to-identify factors for why you suck and the fate of winning a game is divided on 4 other team mates. CS:GO you can just aim better, Starcraft you just focus on yourself, DotA has no easy way to improve which makes climbing the ladder challenging and frustrating.

Unfortunately Starcraft 2 is kinda dead, DotA 2 is pretty much the only good "competitive rts" as loose as that term fits that is still alive.

Hopefully blizzard makes warcraft 4 or something soon. I will probably quit DotA when theres a better multiplayer "rts".

>CS:GO you can just aim better, Starcraft you just focus on yourself, DotA has no easy way to improve which makes climbing the ladder challenging and frustrating.
Map awareness and learning when to back out.

>There are about 500 spells in total and you need to memorise all of them to even play it.

Not really. The pool of heroes people actually pick is a lot smaller. When's the last time you saw fucking Chen or Visage or something? You really just need to learn the shit that is in every single game unless banned like slark, legion, alchemist, etc.

Yeah if you suck balls and want to play at 1500 mmr.

>shitty comeback mechanics since 6.83 that force icefrog to homogenize heroes
It's shit and it will always be shit until they make Invoker the late game powerhouse he used to be. Fuck this "everyone scales through the game equally at all points" league of legends mentality.

>Map awareness and learning when to back out.

Neither of those things are any more important than last hitting, creep equilibrium, stat-abusing or dewarding.

I got to LE in CS:GO by just going full autismo and sitting at my computer for 3 hours a day shooting bots until I could aim perfectly, and then just spammed rank without actually knowing anything about the game. You can't do anything like that in DotA 2.

>Neither of those things are any more important than last hitting, creep equilibrium, stat-abusing or dewarding.
They're far more important than everything there but last hitting. The rest of those things can't be taken advantage of at all if you have shit map awareness and don't know how to engage properly.

>tfw invoker is the only reason why you play this shitty game
most fun hero
that moment when you get a blind sunstrike kill
that adrenaline rush when you get a 5man tornado and your fingers start sperging out to do a combo and you fail miserably and cry to yourself at night

Well, you can't really do combos anymore. If you're playing at any mmr above 4.5k, using all your spells at once will only whiff all your spells, because everyone will just euls/bkb/glimmer out of your shit since icefrog thought it'd be ok to remove deafening blast's stun.

luckily for me i'm in the shit tier mmr

Invoker pretty much only comes online really late.

That was true several patches ago, and he still is definitely more of a late game hero, but with the changes to his early leveling, he's gotten tremendous early game impact now. The fact that he can get forged at 8 and still lane comfortably is very significant. He went from being one of the worst laners in the game to being a lane dominator and icefrog nerfed his late game heavily to make up for it, making his refresher build unviable in the process.

Except the shit that is in every game changes every few months. Only like 10 characters are in permanent pub irrelevance status, so you basically need to learn everyone

>refresher build unviable in the process.

I did notice this isn't as effective

I have 5500 hours in this game and I would recommend everyone to stay away from it

Yeah because you can't combo against competent enemies, you'll just blow all your cooldowns while they just use one item to mitigate it all. Refresher will be bad until icefrog gives invoker his stun back.

>also have 5k
>every game feels the same
>never feel happy or sad when playing it
>I just play it

Wonder what my life could have been if I spent those 5k hours studying or practicing a instrument. Hell, after all this time it feels like a waste of time to even stop. Because I have been playing for so god damn long.

Dota is a fucking cancer. Stay away from it

>used to play dota 2
>ruskies ruining games
>stop playing for a while
>get back into the game
>now spics are ruining the games
yeah. i'm not bothering anymore with the game. spics and/or ruskies just make the experience very shitty
i've never been on a 18 game losing streak before

Yeah, then a patch hits that makes Chen/Visage meta and suddenly you're getting assfucked by jungle creeps/familiars.

>DotA has no easy way to improve which makes climbing the ladder challenging and frustrating.
If you focus on last hitting and increase your farm, you'll find yourself winning games just due to gold advantage

You don't play with friends?
I've spent over 1k hours now, but very single match has been with at least one friend.
Yeah I could have spent that time elsewhere, but spending time with friends it a pretty good way to do so

What about LoL and HotS?

HotS is really simple, but fun with friends.
Never got into LoL because runes/masteries bullshit on top of locked heroes.


I tried bros, but the dank nigger emotes remain out of reach for another week.
We lost at draft

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NORMAL SKILL

Go play Supcom FAF if you want a decent RTS. There's still around 50k players.
>It's shit and it will always be shit until they make Invoker the late game powerhouse he used to be
Did you miss last patch? He had a free ravage at lv 25. He still is a powerhouse late game as well.
>Fuck this "everyone scales through the game equally at all points" league of legends mentality.
Plenty of heroes fall off hard, especially compared to hypercarries like dusa and spec.

>since icefrog thought it'd be ok to remove deafening blast's stun.
>Lets give a late game hero with 10 teamfight spells a free ravage with a bigger AOE AND a disarm!
No. That shit was too fucking far and icefraud at least did ONE fucking thing right.

Why does dota seem to do this more than any other game? Is it because people actually try to climb that mountain?

Hate away, I'm working on it but there are gaps that I haven't had the autism to try fix.


This site is unsavable.

Yeah and where you gona go?

If it is perfect, then why does it continuously get patched?

Good, fuck Invoker. He was, and still is, flat out stronger than most other heroes.
>I can't spam all my abilities and get 5 kills anymore
Ya, neither can anyone else.


Because climbing that mountain sounds great, like how all 4ks dream about being a 5k. When you reach 5k, you realize that it isn't actually the fairyland you dreamed of, the grass isn't greener on the other side.

Then you dream about 6k and continue your climb.


When the fuck are they going to add original heroes?

It's so perfect Valve has to fucking re-invent it every year by changing the map layout or heroes all-together because they're either worthless or broken.


That's why there is a huge difference between globals and profesionals that are also globals.

There's plenty of fun dota 2 custom games right now, yet no one discuss it on Sup Forums and most of playerbase just play the same shit (overthrow)

anyone interesed in playing some fun mods like Dota strikers, footmen frenzy, vampirism, etc?

Custom games are for people who are bad at the main game.

multiplayer was a mistake.

If Dota 2 is so perfect why does it require constant balance patches?

The problem is that barely anyone plays not popular custom games. I've played Vampirism, Forest RTS and I want to play something like Battleships and Risk Europe with at least 4 people.

LoL is the harder game.
you must spam more often with twitch reflexs and pretty much any spell is a skillshot so concentration is the key.
invoker's spells (like flash, ignite), runes and masteries takes years to master.

it'd be perfect if everyone that plays in my pubs didnt play in my pubs


thats from reddit
fuck off

Show me, because that shit is mine and I don't go there.

>thought it'd be ok to remove deafening blast's stun.
He also thought it was okay to give him ravage at level 25 as well. One of the two had to go.