What went right?
What went right?
The boss theme
It aped the style and plot of NGE which was very popular at the time since we were all tasteless faggots lapping up any animes that came our way.
I thought it ripped off Berserk, not NGE.
you're thinking of xenogears
I don't know, I never got past that part with the elevator battle.
Oh they both did, just xenogears was way more shameless about it
Everything except the graphics and translation.
How did it ape NGE's plot in any way? Unless you unironically believe anything with ALIENS is a NGE ripoff.
>cool hair
>big sword
>waifus before waifus
>petite Yuffie
>in smash
thanks for posting bro
entertaining localization script
>white haired swordsman who used to be a friend betrays you
>mc has a comically huge sword
I see the influence
now that I think about it, Cecil in his paladin job looks like Griffith, while his dark knight job kinda resembles Femto
I don't remember the exact words but there is this one Berserk summary template where if you change some names, it becomes the plot to FF7.
It also ripped off Akira
>dystopian city with rampant terrorism
>mysterious macguffin sealed away in a hidden capsule
>that scene where Kaneda entered Tetsuo's mind is like when Tifa entered Cloud's mind
That's FF6 you're thinking of, which shared many of the same plot elements as 7. Berserk has nothing in common with FF7 besides animu guy with penis compensation sword.
Tons of characters that come and go at a comfy pace and only a handful of points where the game becomes a slog.
Same deal as FFVI, and pretty much the opposite of FFVIII.
It's hard to explain exactly but when it came out first it was just this new and wonderful phenomena. It's not as if JRPGs didn't exist before FF7 but there was something alluring about it. As a kid, I was mostly into simple action-orientated games at the time, a turn-based combat system in a primarily story-driven game held no interest to me, until I actually got stuck into it.
One thing I never quite got:
Why is all the armor in FF7 armwear? That confused the hell out of me as a kid. I don't really care anymore, especially after FF8 had no armor at all and FF10 did the armguard thing again, but it sticks out as a really out-there choice to me.
And both had their virginity taken by big burly men.
Everything, especially the music and the story. Some of the cinematic cutscenes are still pretty cool.
Giving a serious reply:
>entire Midgar section
>setting in general with that cool mix of modern technology/fantasy
>stepping out of Midgar for the first time and seeing that 3D world map
>music in general was stellar
>prerendered backgrounds that still look great and stylish today
>interesting twist
>all of City of the Ancients
>world felt huge
>fun minigames
>quick gameplay
>Interesting story bits for each of the characters
>One Winged Angel and the final boss in general
At least these are things that really strike me personally about the game. It was just a really fun game to play. Yeah yeah overrated, FF6 is a literal flawless masterpiece, and anyone who likes FF7 is underage blah blah blah.
easier to justify not animating on your character model than suits of armor?