Dragon Ball Thread Super Game Time Fun

Look at this new fusion, this is a thing that exist now, GORUS!

A'ight, discuss DB games and shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Mai.


All right, who thought up this sweet hell.

Future Mai> Shit loli Mai

It seems Gorus was one of those fan-designed fusions, just like Satanman back in V-Jump.

How would you guys feel if this guy suddenly came outta nowhere in Xenoverse 2?


Note a best!

Original Mai > Future Mai >>>>>Loli Mai

>non loli body
its shit

>tfw Dragonball has fallen into literal deviantart OC donut steel tier


this one looks good

This is just giving people a taste of things they had before.

What if fusions and the like are popular with the fans

>who the hell is Note?
>look her up
>she's a human that through wibbly wobbly timey wimey bullshit became a Saiyan

That's kinda retarded.

Man, Ozotto needs some lovin'.

Is this a love child between Janenba and Cell

I was just thinking it'd be funny if he was the addon villain during the cell saga

Thus designs are so souless, generic and terrible they should fire tha Graphic Designer for creating such horrible characters. The only one good BeruusXwhiz

>Great Satanman


I think Ozotto actually predates Janemba


I'm pretty sure they're aware this series has been run into the ground man, let them have fun with it

Is that a female Ginyu, Recoome and Burter??

Fuck you nigger Gohanks is great. And the one in OP was a fan design that got approved for some godforsaken reason.

If it meant stopping me and my men from making this shit up I'd accept some fan designs too

Xenoverse 2 demo test


This is fucking stupid
Why do people fucking LIKE this garbage? Why do you faggots constantly act like this is somehow okay when this shitshow does it but its horrible when other shows do it? Is it because you watched this crummy show when you were a retarded child?

I like fun

Assuming this isn't baiting, what other show does things like this?

fuck off faggot

Yep, an all female Ginyu Force.

I'm not sure if they're gonna be playable or boss characters, but they exist now.

You know some retards like playing with their shit, they find that fun, does it make it acceptable?
No, this is fucking garbage, this is pure goddamn pandering to retarded fans dribble.

Guess this really was bait, but heres a (You) on your way out.

who the fuck cares? It's a 3DS game that for all we know is available to nips only. None of this is going to affect Xenoverse 2.

oh ok so I shouldnt have fun then you sound like such a misery just leave the thread man

Just a reminder that Dragon Ball Fusions is gonna have 334 playable characters.

They wouldn't really make this a japan only thing, would they?

>Buy Xenoverse for 50% the price on G2A a while ago
>Steam just made the game a 75% promotion
Fuck. At least this allows me to buy the DLC for cheaper now.

best kai


>r34 kai of time
wow that was hard


Looks like he came straight out of Dragon Quest.
(Yes, I know Akira worked on that series, I'm saying he looks more DQ than Dragon Ball).

>Threads instantly turn into a repost the same image from last thread/post the same cropped porn with the same caption
>Same XV OCs getting posted
>Same retarded arguments getting thrown back and towards from the last thread
>I wanna fuck! *DB girl/Buugirl/Note/Beerus/Champa*

All we are missing is tripfags and this is a /vg/ tier shitty general all over again! What's with this board and its desire to destroy every fucking thing, we can't have normal DBZ threads again because of you faggots

Dragon Ball Heroes was created specifically to be retarded

Reminder Xenoverse is literally a recycled version of the Dragon Ball Online mmo (Which you can play a private server today) so this "Cell X" might actually make it in by Xenoverse 3.

>find out this is from a fan manga.
>Check out the first chapter.
>The first chapter is literally following the Japanese high school trope, except Goku is enrolled.

I thought Time Breakers was a completely different game. Either way, the art style is fucking atrocious.

"Evil Bardock" was already in DBO too.

I think the only original character in Xenoverse that didn't come from Dragon Ball Online is the Great Kai of Time.

Note is so sexy.

The Kai of Time was mentioned in Online though.

It's not like there's much competition.


They'd be more bearable if we had drawfags or writefags making new content every once in a while.

Your'e right. He's purple.

That I didn't know, but I guess they never came up with the design of her since the game shut down.


So, either you're...
1). Not a fan, and this thread doesn't have anything to offer you.
2). You are a fan, and you're butthurt about the show you just claimed was for retards.

So which is it, broski? Cause either way, you're a shitposter.

Nah look how fucking dead this thread is now the constant faggotry in these threads is driving people away you could make three DBZ threads in one day easy before now it's lucky to reach 200 posts in 12 hours. Stop making these fucking threads until something new comes out

On that note there should be a new trailer this week so WOO

not forcing, just... saiyan.

It happens more often than you think. One of the original GOOD DBZ games was "Legend of the Super Saiya-jin". Never released out of japan. Got a fan patch for the US. But as it stood, was the only DBZ RPG for years. There were also some really kickass TurboGraphics-16 games that went through the whole Dragonball series.

I wouldn't put it past them to keep it Japan/EU localized.

ok so Xenoverse is currently downloading, can I play with jap audio and english subs or am I stuck with the horrible english voices? If yes, there is anyway to swap the audio?

>look up a nude mod for Xenoverse because I want to lose the sports bra and spats on certain outfits like the Mr. Popo outfit
>Find the one on nexus, it doesn't remove the bras from the outfits
>It has weird circle pixel nipples
>steam/verify integrity of game cache
>never mod the game again

Pulled the AGL Xenoverse Trunks in Dokkan. Looks pretty good actually in making the AGL SS God Goku stronger.

You can do Jap audio, it's in the options menu.
Although created characters are a little odd with it, one of my younger sounding English guys is apparently an old man in Japanese.

Yes, you can. The English dub is awful. The subs are pretty cringe but if you have a rudimentary understanding of the language you should get more context.

What links does he have?
The only thing I look for anymore is links with Gogeta.

He's a interesting guy and obviously severely underused.

It would be a big surprise if you ask me

Why hasn't any fan done a Chrono from Chrono Trigger fused with a DBZ character? The devs are probably willing to do it.

I generally liked the dub for the show/movies but xenoverse sounded like the director specifically told the VAs to sound tired and slow

Yes. Heroes has even worse fanfiction (e.g. SSJ4 Broly/Gohan) and is Japan only. They love that kind of stuff.

I think this evil bardock is a bit different.
Mira doesn't seem to be in the game, so I think Mira's heart thing is stored in that crystal as a way of letting him control Bardock's body.

That's retarded, considering Time Breaker Bardock was Mira's idea in the first place, hes a guy that goes around stealing dna with a artificial body, Towa probably rebuilt him already.

Realistically, of enough fans clamor for it, he could be a DLC boss like grape baby. That's the theme for XV2 supposedly. Dimps listening to the fans.

I want to sexually fuck Note and the loli Majin twins.

Oh, you want to SEXUALLY fuck them? Sorry, for a second I thought you meant something different

Yeah the nude mods for the CACs are rather lackluster for the time being. Hopefully that'll change in Xenoverse 2

>Heroes is fanfiction

I'm glad you understand.

how is it not?
its some shitty arcade game where you self insert as some shitty preset character

>how is a official game fanmade?

what-if shit is fanfiction

At least the best girl was properly modded.


>tfw Time Patroller Trunks is probably the happiest he's ever been, while his alternate future self is full of suffering

if we're to be technical, despite the retcons he's still supposed to have experienced everything future trunks experiences
xv2 will probably ignore any conflicts setup by xv1

None of them have the same physique of their male counterparts.

I don't think there are any retcons in Xenoverse. Dragonball GT and the events that would end up becoming Dragonball Super exist at the same time, so at best it could all be explained as alternate timelines.

I genuinely cannot fathom the popularity behind this character
she's boring
her design is bland
and she's a fucking nothing side character with no relevance.

Theres a big difference between GT and Super user.
They can't really change Time Patrol Trunks without Toriyama's approval I mean he fuckin' stopped them from killing Mira and Towa, so they'll just have to deal with it

>Female burter with the males physique

Ohgod why have you put this in my head

When has this stopped anyone.

It's the giggle, man.


Looks like with Gogeta he has Super Saiyan and Prepared for Battle.

Sounds like you just have a shit opinion.

>Look at all the URs and the single LR

Holy balls how far behind is the global version?

A few months