Duke Nuken 3D vs Doom , which one is the best old school shooter?

Duke Nuken 3D vs Doom , which one is the best old school shooter?

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Doom>Blood>Duke Nukem>everything else

Duke is better

Half Life

Blood > Doom > Duke Nukem 3D > Powerslave (PSX) > Shadow Warrior

Those are not Quake

Quake was an aborted RPG that made no sense.


Of course they're not


Doom, Duke came out the same year as Quake which btfo Duke

>liking a bullet sponge game


Duke by a mile. Better in every way.

Doom, it wrote the book on shootan

The American one

But it didn't. It was just the first to have non grid based levels without being resource intensive like Ultima Underworld

I suppose in a more objective sense, Doom, but I have more fond memories with the king so if it's about personal preference I'm sticking with Duke.

Dark Forces

>I suppose in a more objective sense, Doom

Stopped reading there

Duke = Doom > Quake
Those Duke levels as a kid were just super comfy and those post boss FMVs were comedy gold to 10yr old me

Doom has better level design

lol no
Duke had amazing level design but shit enemies
Doom had good level design and good enemies
Blood had great level design and good enemies
Shadow Warior had meh level design and shit enemies

>Duke Nuken 3D vs Quake
Is the proper comparison.

As much as people love to crap on Romero, nobody ever calls out Carmack for being so late with his engines.

better enemy design is what seperates good games from great games

doom has more distinct, importable, and combineable monsters, each one a unique threat, but also usable in large fights in any terrain

duke is just a clusterfuck of enemies that are either easy, or annoying, based on the terrain, and don't really work together visually or in gameplay

douk enemies were great faggot

I miss DOOM v DOUK threads.

don't forget RotT lads

Gameplay wise they weren't

Doom is alright but far from awesome today.

Yes they were. The only shit enemy was the sentry drone.

it's still pretty good, never beat Doom but I beat it yesterday, it was quite nice

It's okay, but by today standard it's horrible.

Doom 2 is really bad control wise too. I'll have to find some way to fix it. Having the mouse control the movements ruin the game.

>watch a TAS of Doom
>goes for 100% kills and secrets
>Sanic speeds and damage boosts all over
>still doesn't clear the par times in most levels



>It's okay, but by today standard it's horrible.
Why? It controls nicely, and there's a certain simplicity to not having to aim precisely at targets while dodging fast that is lost on modern shooters. Level design and enemies are great.

Playing it really made me realize the vast majority of shooters today lack threatening enemies that try to melee you. It's boring just taking pot shots at ranged users, a dashing bulky melee enemy makes things more varied and interesting.

>shooting it left handed when the shells are ejected on the right side

for what purpose

too many fucking switches

so you can see the shells pop up and out instead of down undramatically

Levels are all the same, find the key and open the door.
Controls are simplistic, if you are on the X axis relative to them, you will shoot on the Y axis toward them.
Controls are rough and really fast .
Most levels are about opening a door, removing all the demons and then finding the key to go do that again.

The later levels are labyriths that are hard to relate to on the map.

It's a solid 4/10. Not extremely bad, but still bad.

It's a great historic game that should be played by people who want to learn about the history of video games, but just like Super Mario Bros, it's not a good game now. It's lacking too much.

Some games genres are harder to get into as they get old. Commander Keen is more playable than Doom for a kid in 2016.

yeah DooM really lacks talking to NPCs and maybe some crate pushing puzzles

SW has the best level design for roughly 50% of its levels, expansions included. Shit is straight up god tier. The other half, however, are fucking horrid.

>Duke has... shit enemies
>Blood has... good enemies
No. Blood's enemies are average at best but visual dull. Duke's are about the same but visual far more interesting and memorable.

Not him but Ultima Underworld is far more revolutionary

I could do the same thing you're doing to many modern games

levels are all walk forward, watch cutscene, walk forward

if you get hurt just hide behind cover and wait until your health is back up, 3/10 made for braindead retards

Figuring your way around is part of the game, and people will very quickly pick up the Y axis automatic shooting. Simple doesn't exactly mean worse, if frees you from a very precise accuracy, which is welcome since you'll be strafing a lot, firing in the general direction in this context simply works well to this day.

Look at Doom 2016. It's still Doom, but modern. You kill stuff, collect keys but it's not old and lacking gameplay wise.

For a 10 year old kid today, between Doom and Doom 2016, I would clearly make him play Doom 2016 before.

Look, if you were to release a Doom clone today, exact same recipe as Doom. Do you think people would praise it for it's graphics, controls, gameplay in general? No.

Doom is worth a play, only if you are interested in the history of video games, and even then, I would say to go play Wolfenstein first.

Duke Nukem Atomic Edition is fucking great. Not sure why its not on steam anymore though

maybe it was Gearbox's call

Licensing issues and whatnot due to 3DRealms not knowing how the legal shit works with ips they don't own.

Hexen > Douk > Unreal > Doom > the rest

Gearbox own Duke Nukem and they didnt want competition with Duke Nukem Forever and the rerererelease of Duke 3D.

I mean Megaton Edition

My nigga. Is there a way to play Hexen with modern mouse support ? Kinda like what they did with Duke Nukem ? I kinda want to get it on Steam but im scared ill be put off by shitty controls

Duke Nukem is not even a FPS, why do you guys compare it to a FPS?

If people can enjoy a game despite outdated graphics, Doom still works fine. Besides not being able to look up or down, controls aren't that different from many shooters out there. WSAD, rebind E for interaction, mouse look, and sprint.

Enemy diversity still shits over many shootersof today, where you have shooter guy, bigger shooter guy, and maybe a vehicle.

zDoom. Also works for Heretic, Strife, and Chex Quest.


Outdated graphics and lack of clear graphics is different. Commander Keen is old and outdated but totally playable.

Doom is not. It's hard to get into if you are not born in it and require acrobatic to even feel okay.

i tried to play chocolate doom because someone recommended it for being close to the vanilla experience, but I hated not having widescreen, ended up just playing zDoom with widescreen and none of the added features like jumping

Duke Nukem isn't even a videogame, that's Duke Nukum you posted.

I didn't end up playing Doom until the late 2000s, and I still enjoy(ed) it.

Hexen had native jumping, if you didn't know.

I wasn't born in Doom and enjoyed playing it way after it was released. It isn't rocket science, you strafe when enemies are shooting at you, backpedal when the melee enemies are dashing at you, and press "interact" on buttons.
>require acrobatic
what the fuck does that even mean?

I dont say you cant enjoy it, but it's still a bad game for today's standard. You can enjoy bad games, but they are still not good.

WOW, I suck at taking screenshots.

Oh I meant classic Doom on chocolate and not Hexen, I'm not that user who made the first reply.

It means you have to break everything you know about FPS to be able to play Doom, Wolfenstein or Quake. The control scheme is so different and made for a time where the mouse was still a gimmick.

I don't think it's bad, though.

Except Doom created everything you know about the genre.

You can use WASD+mouse just like any other shooter

Tough question. Duke came out a few years after doom and has some better features like being able to actually fucking look up and down. I couldn't choose between them really. They were both defining games of my childhood.

Then we disagree on this. I also think Super Mario Bros 1 is a bad game, and people also give me crap about that. I stand on my word though.

>bad game for today's standard

many games have gotten worse, with slow as fuck movement, regen health for babies, shit level design, shit AI, poor enemy variety and more

don't get me wrong, there are good shooters today but today's standards don't mean much when the 7694th Call of Duty is still selling by the dozens of millions

Doom. You people are crazy.

Wolfenstein mostly invented the genre.
Quake made it fast.
Goldeneye 64 invented headshots and revolutionized console multiplayer.
Perfect Dark still has the best bots in any game to date.
Halo created the model of the modern FPS
Call of Duty 2 made it better
And here we are for the most part.

Implying doomguy isn't american

He could be anything. Probably American, but his race does not matter. Doom guy main personality trait is that he want to kill demons.

No? The different aiming is something you quickly get used to, same for no jumping, since the level design is built around the lack of it.

The only claim modern games have is better graphics, which is nothing remarkable since the power of hardware today is incomparable to what they had in Doom's time, you can run classic Doom on smartwatches today.


Stop pushing your shit opinion as fact. There's a reason doom is played and has custom levels made for it even today. It shits on the slow boring fps game of today and if you prefer modern fps you're probably a casual


Doom doesn't have a theme song, let alone a theme that could match Douk's.


Personally I like Doom more. Duke's enemies are more annoying

Stop trying to ad hominem my opinions away from the game.

So, your argument is that Doom is popular, but that popular games like CoD or Halo are bad?

Also, Doom is casual as fuck. Wanna see what a Doom player look like?
Everybody played Doom back in the days. It's one of the most casual games out there.

Doom is old. I'm from 89 and I played Doom when I was like 4-5 and I understand that it's old. Old games are pretty much always worse than new games.

not that user but your post is retarded
>Old games are pretty much always worse than new games
Nope, no modern games give the player as much freedom of gameplay choice as Deus Ex did, HR is full of problems in comparison, FreeSpace 2 is still the best space combat game, San Andreas/Vice City are better than GTA IV/V and so many other examples. There are styles of games that aren't even made anymore, such as car combat, or an adventure game similar to Beyond Good & Evil, no more 3D platformers as good as Sands of Time and I could go on.

Doom has best enemies, level design is average, weapons are boring but perfectly balanced.
Duke has great levels, enemies are shit, weapons are ripped from doom + some gimmicky superguns
Blood has great levels, average enemies and the greatest weapons arsenal yet seen in a videogame.
I prefer blood

When are we getting Blood source port?

>Doom has average level design

>Blood has great levels, average enemies and the greatest weapons arsenal yet seen in a videogame
Duke's weapons are better and more creative. Blood's are neat but ultimately just variations of bullet and explosive weapons. The standout being the Voodoo Doll. Meanwhile Duke has shit like the Shrinker, Expander, Freezethrower, and Pipe Bombs which Blood copied for its dynamite.


But Kaiser is working on Blood EX as we speak.

Doom is 23 years old, cod and halo get yearly installments.

A game is not made casual by Who plays it, but by it's lack of depth and potential difficulty. Dark souls for example was popular with all kinds of gamers a While ago and it's not casual at all

doom has great level design its doom 2 that had garbage levels

No. Casual is literally only made by it's ability to be played quickly and without problems.

Dark Souls is not casual because it require you to sit for hours at a time. Meanwhile a game like Binding of Isaac is casual, because you can play a little and go back to work and still have done something meaningful in game.

That's what Casual mean. Doom is casual because anybody can pick it up, play it, beat a level and go to sleep. It's not hard to get into and it's extremely simple mechanic wise.
Everybody was playing Doom in the 90's. Kids played a couple of levels after school. Parents played after dinner. Anybody could play it. That's casual.

We'll agree to disagree then, i found stuff like freezer and shrinkray pretty average to use, just having a different effect on enemy instead of killing them. Alt firemodes alone made Blood weapons More interesting for me

Douk's not even the best build engine game.

Duke > Blood = SW > shit > RR

Call of Duty 4 inventing the EPIC CINEMATIC WAR EXPERIENCE?

A pretty interesting definition, shame i've never seen the Word use like that before

Cinematic experiences were always there since the 80's. You just have to play Dragon's Lair

>switch hunt: the game
Yawn. Heretic is better.