Will it be GOTY?

Will it be GOTY?

Other urls found in this thread:


>all planets only have one climate/biome each
>planets are miles away (note some trailers show short travel to moons, not planets which are much further away)
>can rename any creature/planet, but doing so is completely redudant given the fact there's no reason to stay on a planet and chances of another player seeing said planet is almost 0
>the online "multiplayer" is extremely misleading - players cannot bump into each other in the world; rather, actions they do (like renaming things) will take effect in an asynchronous manner
>the "quests" shown off were literally to gather matetials or defend/attack a faction
>NPCs have no AI whatsoever, only a select few scripted events to trigger the above
>less than 10 actual climates seem to exist in the game, with recolours being their compromise for looking like more
>due to the insanely high number of apparent planets in this game, statistically the chances of you seeing many unique ones is miniscule - rather, you're more likely to see a planet with tall mountains in red, then one with slightly shorter mountains in blue, then in green with a lake. The more permutations in a procedural structure, the less different they are to one-another
>"combat" appears to only be basic gunplay (one of the easiest things to implement to make what would otherwise just be a simulator into a game, since implementing guns just requires basic raycasting)
>optional weapon upgrades that are """crafted""" by dumping random collectibles on it
>trees, creatures, and NPCs shown off so far already have duplicates in promotional material, which is quite an antithesis to all the "there's so many permutations!" point they hammer-in

Just in case some anons aren't already aware.


It will sell very poorly and in six months Sup Forums will blame itself for killing yet another space game in the womb

>planets are miles away (note some trailers show short travel to moons, not planets which are much further away)
Technically everything is "miles away", what estimate are you leaning toward

>can rename any creature/planet, but doing so is completely redudant given the fact there's no reason to stay on a planet and chances of another player seeing said planet is almost 0
Your discoveries stay with you in your portable encyclopedia, and interesting planets might be visited more often as you upload the discoveries of rare resources

>the online "multiplayer" is extremely misleading - players cannot bump into each other in the world; rather, actions they do (like renaming things) will take effect in an asynchronous manner
This is false, for reasons that you already know

>NPCs have no AI whatsoever, only a select few scripted events to trigger the above
How would you define AI and source for your claim of NPCs not having one.

>less than 10 actual climates seem to exist in the game, with recolours being their compromise for looking like more

>due to the insanely high number of apparent planets in this game, statistically the chances of you seeing many unique ones is miniscule
You're not making any sense

>>optional weapon upgrades that are """crafted""" by dumping random collectibles on it
Fake and gay

>trees, creatures, and NPCs shown off so far already have duplicates in promotional material, which is quite an antithesis to all the "there's so many permutations!" point they hammer-in
Somewhat valid as I've seen some planets that looked similar to each other but most people won't look at every trailers and they take the most photonogenics and somewhat average planets for the marketing, as they stated.

Rest of your point is either true or at least not completely wrong, although you omits everything that doesn't serve your autistic pasta. Please answer to the points I raised aboce.

The game doesn't look good but this copypasta is bad and I don't even understand what half of it is trying to convey

>Technically everything is "miles away", what estimate are you leaning toward
The time it takes to travel is too long (around 5 minutes for each planet according to an article on IGN, and that's with fuel for hyperdrive thrust), which is counter-intuitive to the exploration of planets that this game is focused on.

>Your discoveries stay with you in your portable encyclopedia, and interesting planets might be visited more often as you upload the discoveries of rare resourcesI haven't seen any evidence that this exists in the game.

>This is false, for reasons that you already know
Prove it's false. Even the Steam page doesn't list multiplayer as it barely has any actual multiplayer integration.

>How would you define AI and source for your claim of NPCs not having one.
Source is the IGN gameplay vid that shows an NPC. Until more sources arrive to prove otherwise, that is the only basis we have. It's odd they're so secretive about this game when it's this close to release. AI would be anything that mimics (player) intelligence, such as being aware of their surroundings instead of static like objects, or interacting with the environment.

All the gameplay footage, trailers, and screenshots so far point to this to be true.

>You're not making any sense
The higher the number of permutations, the less difference there is between permutations, it's basically a probability situation with dimishing returns.

>Fake and gay
Shown off in gameplay footage.

>they take the most photonogenics and somewhat average planets for the marketing
I don't think they've ever stated that, but either way it's an.unusual move to take for a game that allegedly has huge variety.

Because you're too dumb to understand the limitations of large-scale procedural generation and permutations.

>Your discoveries stay with you in your portable encyclopedia, and interesting planets might be visited more often as you upload the discoveries of rare resourcesI haven't seen any evidence that this exists in the game.
Oops, my reply was after the word "resources"

GOTY already belongs to Overwatch!

>Sup Forums will blame itself
nah, this will end like tortanic ended, everyone and their mothers will be laughing their asses off when someone mention it again

Can we just wait 3 weeks until it actually comes out to rip it apart/call it out as GOAT. Can you retards not hold still for 3 weeks?

there is no multiplayer

I'm not ripping on the game itself, I stil find the concept interesting. I'd be sold by the soundtrack alone assuming it has the same music as it does in its trailers. I'm just shooting down common misconceptions and lies.

If that stands for Gisappointment of the Year!

no shill will wait untill release are you stupid?

No Man's Sky?
No Game Play

wtf I hate No Man's Sky now

>The time it takes to travel is too long
What frame of reference are you using to show off speed?

>I haven't seen any evidence that this exists in the game.
It's in the IGN 18 minutes long video if memories serve right, when he starts showing off the creature part of the HUD, look it up.

>Prove it's false.
Steam page simply mean they don't market it as a multiplayer game. We had this discussion earlier and you have yet to refute this argument

>Source is the IGN gameplay vid that shows an NPC
You haven't answered why they lack AI. Are you seriously so pissy about the game you consider a standard NPC standing in his house or whatever is a proof of having no AI?

> It's odd they're so secretive about this game when it's this close to release
Must be why the released three trailers in two weeks. Oh, and why they announced they were going gold. And why everyone seems so much better informed than you about the game considering you keep getting facts about it wrong.

>All the gameplay footage, trailers, and screenshots so far point to this to be true.
Well let's judge with pic related

>The higher the number of permutations, the less difference there is between permutations
And yet you're assuming the planets most similar to each other will be close to each other.

>Shown off in gameplay footage.
You have a weird-ass definition of "random"

>I don't think they've ever stated that

Amusingly enough, you never provide actual source for your claims, you never post any link or any screenshot.

>GOTY because it has a lot of procedurally generated planets

How far has vidya fallen?

>It's in the IGN 18 minutes long video if memories serve right
Actually nevermind, found a better source

you must be talking about different version, what store sells nms with multiplayer included?


I'm waiting for you at the center of the universe.

>can't even be a space pirate and rob other players blind

No multi was a mistake.

Even the Steam page taks about multiplayer

>Every other player lives in the same galaxy, and you can choose to share your discoveries with them on a map that spans known space. Perhaps you will see the results of their actions as well as your own...

It doesn't make sense to call the game "multiplayer" when the primary way you will be interacting with other people's game is by sharing your discoveries and the actual "meeting up" face-to-face is something that will rarely happens at best. Explain to me how this makes more sense to you to sell the game on its multiplayer component based on thoses infos and why it doesn't make more sense to simply say that it's there but downplay it. Notice the text I quoted only talks about the discovery system and don't mention any classical multiplayer, although the latter sentence can be alluding to that.

Can the 'exploring' and 'discovering' elements push it to be Game of the year? It seems like games that focus primarily on those 2 elements have a very limited fanbase.

I hope the other elements like fighting, random item finding, crafting, trading, etc are polished enough to be a relevant part of the gameplay

>The red beating thing in the middle of it is actually a star
>The entire Atlas is a Dyson Octahedron

>What frame of reference

>when he starts showing off the creature part of the HUD, look it up.
Hm, maybe you're right. Though it doesn't entirely refute my original point regardless.

Forgive me but how does this refute the point made in the pasta?

>We had this discussion earlier
I don't usually respond to replies myself, I certainly have not responded to arguments about the multiplayer as it's a clusterfuck to follow thanks to vague answers across the board.

>You haven't answered why they lack AI.
How is that not evidence of a lack of AI?

>Must be why the released three trailers in two weeks.
Most are making up features of the game without sources from what I've seen. The trailers may be frequent in number but they largely show the same things, we need more gameplay footage but only that IGN one seems to show anything.

>Well let's judge with pic related
Maybe it's just me, but a lot of those look like they belong on the same planet. Perhaps because I'm partially colour-blind and most of their biome variances rely on recolouring.

>And yet you're assuming the planets most similar to each other will be close to each other.
True, very valid point actually. It's the stance I choose to take given the lack of evidence to suggest otherwise, paired wit h what I see as a lack of variety in shown-off planet climates and I stand by this point until proven otherwise.

>You have a weird-ass definition of "random"
How so?

>youtube.com/watch?v=R4zKTNLz0kQ [Open]
They seem to answer very vaguely here

>you never post any link or any screenshot
I know, truth be told I find it's too difficult to find good sources for this game as the devs are oddly quiet and vague about the whole thing.

none in steam description is mentioned that you actually can meet other people, this thing is just for naming, nothing else

>go around exploring randomly generated worlds
>have no objective

I genuinely don't understand the appeal.

They obviously go faster in space than on the planet, you can see their speed on the ship HUD, recent gameplay videos also show how long it'll take to reach a planet with their current speed. True, it's a matter of minutes but they're using fuel.

>How is that not evidence of a lack of AI?
What? Just because there's an NPC in his house? The most common form of NPC in pretty much all form of vidya involving going into buildings?

>Most are making up features of the game without sources from what I've seen
Clearly you are an expert about the game, which is why you're wrong about half the points you try to make

>but a lot of those look like they belong on the same planet
Right, they only have different terrains types, resources, animals and plants, nothing you could notice while being colorblind.

>It's the stance I choose to take given the lack of evidence to suggest otherwise
What? Why would you even think that? By that logic you can claim all the planets we haven't seen are made of dick and that'll be equally as valid.

>How so?
Define "random"

>uth be told I find it's too difficult to find good sources for this game
Must be why I keep posting them while you're still not posting any.

>True, it's a matter of minutes but they're using fuel.
So you're agreeing with me here or what?
Also, without fuel travel takes significantly longer - there's an article on IGN mentioning this.

Look, there's no evidence the game has actual AI for any NPCs, and like I said earlier the pasta was made yo refute common claims. Until there is proof of AI present that'll remain the case. NPCs standing around statically and displaying a text prompt near players is not AI.

>Clearly you are an expert about the game, which is why you're wrong about half the points you try to make
If you can prove my points wrong I'd happily correct the pasta. Granted, a couple are down to opinion.

>Right, they only have different terrains types, resources, animals and plants, nothing you could notice while being colorblind.
Really? As even in that image I see repetition of foliage types, to name but one example. Obviously the shape of the terrain is going to be different between.the screenshots, but otherwise I could easily see many of them being shared by the same planet - for example, at least 6 look like they're from the same grassy plains region.

>What? Why would you even think that? By that logic you can claim all the planets we haven't seen are made of dick and that'll be equally as valid.
Because the point of the pasta was to refute common claims people had made, and encourage people to prove the features they claim it to have.

>Define "random"
'Unrelated to the subject matter'; in this context the items used to craft don't correlate with what you're crafting out of them.

>Must be why I keep posting them while you're still not posting any.
I'm lazy and on mobile; it's a pain to source.