No Man's Sky may never come out

>No Man's Sky went gold recently and it's supposed to finally launch next month. But developer Hello Games might have one more obstacle to overcome before the game can actually go on sale: a Dutch company that owns the patent to the so-called "Superformula" that informed a lot of No Man's Sky's development has objected to its unapproved use in the game.

Do you approve of this development?

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If it gives them time to implement real multiplayer, I'm ok with this.

Multiplayer is not part of their "vision" for the game. Why can't you understand a developer's "vision"?

honestly i don't care
i stopped being hyped after the 3rd delay

I've grown jaded after the third delay, I can't care anymore. I'll buy it when it comes out but until then I'll wait

Who cares
Gameplay looks boring

EXPLORE a vibrant 3D world
CRAFT mines on your planet
SURVIVE the creeping monsters

>No Man's Sky may never come out
>I'll buy it when it comes out

>guy makes math equation for generating landscapes
>hello games uses this heavily
>math equations are not easily copywritten
>math guy says "since they used our equation we will want to work together with them and see what they did"
>math guy is "very impressed and proud of hello games"
>math guy wants to be involved either for money or for credit sake or to make sure his formula does not go to waste.

>i stopped being hyped after the 3rd delay
What third delay? There's only be one. Two if you count the change of year.

It isn't "copywritten" though, it's patented. "Copyright" is just to help retarded mouthbreathers who read Gamespot articles understand since they don't know the difference.

I seriously doubt that they would use a formula made by someone without consulting them first. That would be suicide for a company today based on how copyright claim hungry everyone and their damn dog is. A serious developer would know better.

Smells like bullshit.

>A serious developer would know better.

>16 Numale Games
>serious developers

Well .. the thing is, this specific parametrisation of a superellipse is in the public domain, as it has been published in 2003:

I have to say that I don't know that much about software/algorithm patents, and how restrictive they are, but I'd never think about checking whether something is patented that has been made public already before.

It is bullshit. They haven't even seen the game's code and disputed it anyway. They're just looking for an out-of-court settlement or else the game will be delayed in the impending lawsuit,

>a patented math formula

fucking kikes have to patent and copyright everything

>I'd never think about checking whether something is patented that has been made public already before.
Patents aren't company trade secrets though. They are spelled out in the patent filing so they're all "public"

Well yeah, but I was under the impression that you can not patent something that is ALREADY in the public domain. If I publish some neat algorithm in whatever journal and then turn to the patent office with my documents, I'm sure they would refuse my application saying 'Yo, this shit's already out there..'.

But I said before, I don't know shit about IT/software patents.

They said its not part of the initial base release. Read again.

>patented series of ones and zeroes

This game will be so big, they're not able to finish it
Maybe 200 years from now, a computer will have enough capacity to be able to store No Man's Sky

who even cares about this shin?

>wow planet #2136783467823 has animals with blue nipples instead of green ones

really who gives a shit

>I dont like this game therefor who cares
the real question is why are you in the thread at all

math formulas aren't patentable, actually.

"Gottschalk v Benson held that mathematical formula and mere algorithms for computing numbers cannot be patented, nor can claims that are so broad as to preclude all possible uses of such a formula or algorithm."

You can patent very specific implementations using them, but not the formulas themselves, so they didn't need to consult jack shit. This is how common graphics algorithms like marching cubes can be circumvented using marching tetrahedrons, or Perlin Noise by changing a bit of the algorithm.

So it all comes down to whether Hello Game uses the specific superformula algorithm described in patent EP1177529 (A1) or not. If, like the new yorker article says, he could just type the formula in and get a planet (and it's likely since during a tech demo he was able to just input a sine wave and get a planet too), it doesn't because tha's an indication of a much more generic system.

Sony thought this was a PokemonGO kind of idea

You can't really patent an algorithm, you can however patent a specific application of the algorithm.

And since the dutch company patented the use of the 'superformula' for procedural generation Nu Male's Sky devs are fucked.

Basically the trick is the check is only done when the patent is challenged, in which case it will be invalidated in court.

i'm not very enchanted by this game's procedural universe to be honest.
i think i'll get bored pretty quick, unfortunately, especially without real multiplayer.
even something pretty simple in that regard would make it more interesting to me. the feeling of doing something together, rather than merely doing something before or after other people (what they seem to be going for) would make a pretty nice difference, imo. even without physical interaction between players, but just being able to see other people in real time.

Reading the quotes from the algorithm dude, I get the impression he's not looking to interrupt the release. It looks like he's handling it exactly right. Not concerned

Also no one can patent anything that nature created. This is why scientists are so obsessed with synthesizing medicine that does exactly what plants can already do.

its still shit even if I don't like it, you got to be mentally retarded or autistic to enjoy this 'random' generated shit.

nothing about the 'gameplay' looks interesting, it actually looks totally boring, as boring as Elite Dangerous but with stupid looking aliums in it.

they should change the name from no mans sky to "Nobody can buy"

You just walk

in space

that is assuming they can get an injunction, which they can't because they don't have anything to present in their pleadings.

Where did they say this? Everything I've ever seen about this game has been them diplomatically saying "stop asking about multiplayer, that's not what this game is."

It looks comfy as fuck and I'll probably get it

Someone posted a picture where they said that they lied about multiplayer being in the game but in reality it proves the exact opposite even quoting Sean (i think his name was) that the traditional MMO experience would be cool for the game but that it would be a down the line thing.

You sound fun to be around

From the article:
"If Hello Games used our technology, at some stage we will have to get to the table. We have reached out to them but understand they have been busy. We trust that we will be able to discuss this in a normal way." And " Johan Gielis, the founder of Genicap and the one who discovered the superformula, is extremely proud."
Doesn't sound like they are very upset.

How is that not a comfy game for when you've just come home after a long day at work.

> flyan around in space
> pick whatever solar system
> landan on smallest planet
> walkan around, shootan strange tentacle animals with penises on their heads

Looks very comfy to me.

>How is that not a comfy game for when you've just come home after a long day at work.
THIS. I'm the user here and this is exactly why I want it, something to relax after work.

Nah, their patent is a lot more specific (has to be otherwise it wouldn't be valid), actually describes a WYSIWYG superformula curve graphic editor. There's nothing in there that looks like it could be applied to random planet generation.

Genicap said at the very beginning they weren't looking to delay or stop the games' release.

So of course dumbass games' """""journalists""""" and butthurt shitposters start whining about delays and that the game will never come out because of this.

besides, they couldn't stop the release in europe, where software patents don't exist.

Adding on:

>there was already a patent for the formula registered in the USA
>as of July 20, 2016 they also started patenting and registering the formula in as many other patent registries around the world as they can

This information could be wrong (I'm not a lawyer), but here's information that someone told me:

Patenting of natural laws is not allowed. Mathematical formulas do not rise to the level of natural laws, but there are limits to what kind of formulas count as "inventions". You wouldn't be able to patent "2 x 2 = 4" and then demand money when a plumber or whatever uses a simple formula like that to do basic jobs. But a complicated algorithm such as Google's search engine formula could be patented as an "invention".

Hello Games is not a big company with big legal teams on their payroll. However, it's presumed that Sony would pitch in their lawyers to help them if it came down to a court case. Either way, if Hello Games can prove that the formula is not complex enough to count as an "invention" they could get away with not having to pay for anything.


Copyright is such bullshit
>oh it seems that in your patent you wrote "candle" instead of "light source" too bad, now I can have it by switching a word, ah ah ah ah

Such is the word regarding law, where simple law will be 144 pages long and refer to other laws.

The patent is not on the formula. It's on a specific kind of graphical editor using the formula. If they only used the formula there won't be a problem.


Get the fuck out normie

>everyone is a jobless underage poster on Sup Forums meme

This won't delay the release, and that guy is probably full of shit and just hoping to get a slice of the pie since this game will sell big. At worst, Hello Games has to pay him in a court settlement, but I doubt it.

It was the case some years ago.

>blatant casuals on Sup Forums

To elaborate, if you're a casual you shouldn't be posting here. Nobody gives a fuck about your opinion on this board, especially when you consider that casuals like you faggots are the reason video games are declining in quality/depth rapidly. Lurk moar or get cancer and die

I can understand a developers vision, and if it's shit then I'm going to call it shit.

I can't wait to play this game. Flying around mapping unknown worlds, getting into giant space fights that continue into a planet's atmosphere, bounty hunting like Boba Fett. This thing looks really fun.

I see. This will get interesting then.

What other game allows you to walk around on a planet and then seamlessly launch your ship into space?


They just want their money


Probably some space sim made in 1993 with shit graphics

>wow planet #2136783467823 has animals with blue nipples instead of green ones

Wew, I had me a nice kek from that one ol chap.

>implying they aren't just sitting on their ass since the game went gold
They arent working on it anymore, except perhaps dlc

>elitist: the post
my opinion is worth the same as yours

Their vision is fucking stupid and a betrayal of fans

In what way is making it single player "betraying it's fans"? Fucking retard. If you want pointless multiplayer, go play Elite Dangerous or EVE.

>promise awesome game
>realise you can't fulfil expectations
>"hey guys, our game is totally done and awesome and stuff. too bad we can't release it because reasons. please no hate."
nice try hello games

Because that's literally the only reason most people are buying it?

Seriously, go ask anyone talking about this game in public if they are excited for playing NMS with their friends and they won't even know that there's no MP.

Elite Dangerous if driving around counts
Elite 2 and 3 allowed landing but not walking around
The Mercenary/Damocles series from the 16 bits days
Evochron Mercenary
not a game yet but Outerra/Anteworld

It has never once been shown or advertised as anything other than single player.

You can't walk around the planet in Kerbal last I checked

That is literally all it has been advertised as, not to mention it would only make sense for a modern day spore marketed to wide audiences.

so many liars in this thread

star wars battlefront 3

If the Dutch company knew about it last year why are they only doing anything now that the dev can't probably do anything about it?

>Elite Dangerous if driving around counts
I have Elite Dangerous and it's a nice and fun game, but every single planet you can land on is a barren rock.

will Galaxy in Turmoil ever come out?



Is math a human invention or one of nature?

So what you're saying is you haven't checked since 20th July 2012

That's literally wrong, it hasn't at all.

Star Wars Battlefront Elite Squadron was the same as 3 and had that. It was complete shit.

No, will be shut down by Disney long before then.

What's No Man's Sky?
Sounds like shit


That's kinda the thing about space, so far there's only one planet we've ever heard of that isn't like that.

Why do PCucks talk shit about the game? Is that because they're not getting it?

Except for literally every trailer yet, especially the ones where they specifically scripted AI to do a low flyover in a group over a newly founded planet to make it look like a group of friends.


It is on PC, it's Xboners crying about it

It's a fictional game Sup Forums made up as an excuse to have epic shitpost threads.

This is Sup Forums now?

ED is a train wreck pretending to be a space sim. Real life space being empty is their excuse for not making content.

>tfw still no aliens even though they were the main enemy in previous Elite games

Even worse

>You need to know how to decipher hidden codes and messages in audio files just to get a chance to meet the ayy lmaos and progress their retard story

I've never seen a train wreck slide this far before

This is so true it hurts

I was so excited for this game to the point of preordering it just in time for my birthday... this was back in December

After the 3rd delay, I practically forgotten it

actually alien probes have been popping up left and right, chirping a spectrally encoded starmap, so it's likely we're gonna see thargoids in the next expansion.

They weren't in Elite 2 actually, and in Elite 3 it turned out the real bay guys were humans all along and the aliens were victims IIRC.

>ayy lmaos
>gotta stick with latest lingo!


It's not 2014

Without a reason and reward to pursue such adventures, on top of the fact that it has 0 risk unlike real space exploration, could make someone feel it's boring.

Personally couldn't get into mincraft that much bc of this.