Indie roguelite

>Indie roguelite


Is this a Chole thread?

It's not there...

Is that Tom Hardy over there?

>indie rogulikes could be actually be good and be built on ARPG mechanics
>they're all shallow dog shit with the mechanics ripped straight from BoI but not even done as well as that


>what is Rogue Legacy
They don't have to be bad, OP, you sand nigger.

>implying grind legacy is good

Absolutely disgusting


>Rogue Legacy

Whoa, you weren't kidding, this is almost mid tier NES gameplay and graphics! Any other gems like this?

What a weird nose, also back to

But ARPGs are built on skinner box / pavlovian reflex, just look at Diablo 2.

Not him but some of my favorites are

>Risk of Rain
>Nuclear Throne
>Enter the Gungeon is a'ight
>Darkest Dungeon
>Dungeon of the Endless is cool

and my absolute favorite game of all time: Faster Than Light. (Although people argue if it's roguelite or roguelike a lot so you know)

I don't know of any like Rogue Legacy though. I'm shit at it and will never get past the first boss :DD

>Risk of Rain

After you learn the basics, you spend first fifteen minutes going through the motions

>Nuclear Throne

See Risk of Rain. Also you risk getting oneshotted if you don't play carefully during those first 15 minutes. Not to mention it becomes bullet hell only without pattern. Genious design.

>Enter the Gungeon

Makes Isaac look like it's paced well; one of the worst designed games in existence

>Darkest Dungeon

Designed to waste your time with inane, repetitive simplistic shit that gets worse as you approach the endgame

>Dungeon of the Endless

Didn't play it


Good game concept that also takes too long battle wise. First half hour of each game is literally spent on auto pilot, watching the charge meters.

>RoR is bretty gud
>Enter the Gungeon is dog shit
>Nuclear Throne has good gameplay but doesn't really have any variety or interesting/impactful procedural generation
>Rogue Legacy is grindy garbage
>80% of these games that get made have some kind of terrible money/item banking system that persists between runs

I recommend a noose

Would strongly recommend Vagante. Takes heavy design inspiration from Spelunky and Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup; I'd say that it's by far my favourite indie game. If you have any friends to play it with, you can easily lose dozens, if not hundreds of hours on the multiplayer.

literally who?

I tried Vagante, it is not innovative enough to warrant it's piss poor art design. I mean look at that shit, that fucking engine that plagues so many of these pixelshit games. I'd rather play Towerfall which is also shit.

But Vagante's art is comfy user.

>AAA rouguelike

Its "piss poor art design"? It's downright gorgeous compared to actual roguelikes, which I guess I have to assume you don't play if you care that much about visuals.

You know those games that people say you have to reach a certain threshold of mechanical understanding before you realise how ingenious they are? Vagante falls into that category -- all of its mechanics synergise and align to produce a very difficult, but completely fair experience, without any artificial difficulty or poor balance, and plenty of logical exploitation of existing game systems to provide clever solutions to problems. It's a perfect "git gud" gem, and one that you can play with friends for a fantastic experience.

No, Vagante's art is pixelshit.

Pic related, a Game Boy Advance game, has comfy art.

I'd rather have ASCII than pixelshit, thank you very much.

For fucks sake, it's a co op platformer. You can smack them in the face and the other guy can throw fireballs.

are you also one of those people that compare the artwork of 1 man indie devs to metal slug

I have a problem

I really don't give a fuck about their excuses for lack of talent. Maybe they shouldn't work in a visual medium then.

why would you ever compare the output of a AAA game to a 1 man indie team?

>Posting that shitskin pic

Not him but they're both competing for your time and money. Why wouldn't you compare them?

Anything preventing them from having talent?

why would you compare the finances of the local dog groomer to those of google? they're both making money

>ARPG mechanics

arpg means rpg but with all the expensive and meaningful stuff replaced with grinding right?

To be honest, friend, that's a terrible analogy. An investor would compare the two before deciding which would give him the best return on investment. I'm not arguing that graphics are the end all - be all. In fact they're last on my list. But it really is silly to say you can't compare the two.

the person you're arguing on the behalf of is suggesting games shouldn't be made unless they're visually on the level of AAA first party sprite games, so should a business not exist if it's not going to be on the level of a top dollar company?

Tired of this fucking nig nog trash on Sup Forums. I don't want to see a degenerate little poo in loo when im just looking at the catalog

fuck you, eggnog is delicious

That dress is fucking dumb.

>indie rogulikes
There're major publisher backed up roguelikes and AAA roguelikes?

I'm not arguing as him. I'm arguing against the assertion that you can't compare one man teams to AAA developers. It's akin to when you decide where to go to have lunch. Do you go home and make it yourself or do you go to a restaurant? How much money do you have right now? How long will it take? Either way you will be full afterwards. Just remember not to eat your entire steak in one bite :^)

Mystery Chronicles: One way heroics is out in Japan from Chunsoft

post the other two pictures

Elona is pretty good

>Makes Isaac look like it's paced well; one of the worst designed games in existence

That's actually hot.

In that case, why is Metal sLug even considered good? It's only like 20 minutes long for 1 playthrough. And it's 2D. Where's the 3D graphics? Disgusting.

I'll gladly take The Witcher 3 over it anyday since they have better graphics and longer gameplay.

>Chloe, son, it's time to stop cross-dressing. They know.

Whoa, whoa, whoa friend. Slow down and breathe. Where did anyone ever say that metal slug was good? I'm not saying it isn't either. I'm saying then when you decide what you want to play or spend your money on you are free to make as wide of comparisons as you want. It's all subjective. If you are referencing the last comment that I made it was just a little dig at Edmund (the developer not the DCSS unique).

I liked Crypt of the Necrodancer but thats about it when it comes to indie roguelites. Its one of the few that actually does something innovative with the genre.

Chloe is this generations Haydeen patenttiree.

>why is Metal sLug even considered good?

proof that indieshits are the worst crowd in vidya, worse than sjws who at least don't play games.

Youre kinda grumpy mister

You're kinda faggy

>game is called enter the gungeon
>put in loadsaguns
>70% of them are total shit
>successful run is determined in the first two stages
>every floor enemies health increases
>your damage doesn't increase

>Planet Escape: Tournament

Sad to see her pork up like that.

he tried to warn her about the food...

>mid tier NES gameplay and graphics!
More like a JAVA game, senpai

>sucking cheeks in

this game is very good. not indie though I guess

Game has a difficulty curve from hell, either it gives you a godtier weapon or two, or you fight tooth and nail for a win.

Fucking necrópolis what a bunch if fucking bullshit incomplete piece of menstrual shit I hope the guy who made it goes bankrupt