Filename thread

filename thread













Why does the right one turn me on so much? I think I may have some kind of ridicule/verbal abuse fetish.




is that the fucking animatrix?


why not just kick at that point?

It's apparently really hard to balance without arms




Can you faggots stop posting WEBM.
I'm one my phone and can't see shit.
Post Gifs instead.
Thank you


Fuck off retard


>Phone can't view webms
My phone was free and it can play webms










and to think I was in a good mood today

atomic bomb on these subhuman niggers when`?




I fucking hate other non-European countries.

it looks cruel but this is really a medical treatment for cold fur. The guy is a trained vet and the flame only hurts those that have sinned.


oh man that takes me back

I used to walk around mining sites and pretend they were work slaves, really pissed people off



post jojo filenames


wouldn't hurt to hit somebody that hard with just a stub?

nice one

I don't get it





Its a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure inside joke

sequel when?


why not just kill the dog before you do it? jesus










I don't get most of these






i fucking hate this feeling.

am i doing it right




What is this from?


no, the filename has to be vidya related




>Optic camouflage, huh? I hope that's not your only trick.


Oh wow, fuck me, it hurt me physically to just watch that, poor guy must feel like shit.




looks like usa

Gooper Blooper.webm

No shit i mean what is that exact gif from like is there a video?

download vlc you fucking retarded redditor

It looks like an Ellen Degenerate video.

It says right there it's from CNN

kek i know this all to well