What the fuck was his fucking problem?

He was a pretty decent person in Warcraft 3, why did he randomly turn evil?

Other urls found in this thread:


Merely a setback


metzen's corruption fetish got the hold of him

he was the coolest son of a bitch in warcraft 3, and then we get to play them, skinny fraudelant ballerina shits, unbelievable. My dream of playing based true blood elves will never be true.

Bad writing.

Is this the new WoW thread?

>why did [thing] happen in warcraft
always corruption

I hope it is

>He didn't listen to Garithos

Ekves are scum

They needed recognizable characters to be raid bosses.

He was corrupted by kil'jaeden.

The better question is how did he have so many followers. They weren't all corrupted and Kael was basically working for the destruction of his own race at that point.

TBC has the absolute worst writing in warcraft history.

TBC is full of retarded shortsighted (from a franchise perspective) writing and only gets a pass because of TBC's game play and the fact Sup Forums is full of nostcucks who never played it but pretend they do to earn ecred.

TBC suffers from an overload of trying to advance the plot too quickly and trying to involve too many big names. A big complaint about vanilla wow lore was it was all 'new' and feautered almost no TFT stuff, TBC was a swing too far the other way.

Kazzak opens the dark portal with a magic vase that's never explained or mentioned before or since
Kael defects to the legion the demon's responsible for the destruction of his homeland, The restoration of and revenge for is like his primary character trait.
We kill Illidan because of a false flag attack orchestrated by kael that we know illidan didn't order because Akarma and Miev (a known traitor) asked real nice.

Same reason most of the characters in WoW join the Burning Legion: addicted to power and seduced by the fel, which easily overwhelms normies.

According to the game he wasn't "corrupt" but he saw the Burning Legion as a better path to power which is retarded because they're the ones who destroyed his entire civilization and forced them to go out looking for magic in the first place.

Idk he got addicted to fel energy and wanted to save his people

Fuck do I know

>We kill Illidan because of a false flag attack orchestrated by kael that we know illidan didn't order because Akarma and Miev (a known traitor) asked real nice.
Maiev did nothing wrong, Tyrande killed a shitload of her people busting Illidan out and the first thing he does is shack up with Kil'Jaeden and go out to get a powerful demon artifact to rip the ice caps apart with zero regard for what effect it would have on the rest of the world.

> the fel
Stop that.

>tfw Infinite Timereaver just dropped for me on my alts first TW dungeon

Blizzard needed big names to be their bad guys so they chose kael/vashj/illidan to be bad guys.

Let's start with treason, trying to get your political leader killed and then lying to your religious leader all so you can get your vengeance dick wet is frowned on in most places.

she tried to remove highborne because they're the reason the world got fucked up and demons are up our asses now
she tried to remove furion because he had the chance to get their immortality back and instead of asking his people he just went "nah we're good" and blew it
tyrande is and always has been a huge cunt
nothing wrong

Because TBC lore was fucking garbage

Yes let's add sedition, murder and open rebellion to her list of 'nothing wrong' oh and she's also a fucking cult leader.

Tyrande is a stupid leader, who makes decisions entirely based on her feelings

>maybe we should ally with these newcomers

>let's free illidan
>tyrande wait that's not a good idea
>proceeds to slaughter an entire prison staff just because

TBC was pretty full retard

It's no wonder theyre bringing back Illidan and rewriting half the events of TBC, even Blizzard realized how retarded it was.

However, Elf royalty screwing over their people to beg for demon dick is nothing new, see Queen Azshara, Prince Tortheldrin. Kael'thas just did what was in his people's nature.

Modern Night Elves are a bunch of degenerates who need a real leader to slap their shit back into shape.

So, it's treason then.


Not really, the Scourge destroyed his shit, not the legion itself
Also not every demon is alligned to the legion

don't forget the brilliant follow-up to that whole "freeing the worst criminal in the history of your culture since Azshara"

>let Illidan do basically whatever the fuck he wants, don't give him any ultimatums
>he finds and uses the skull of Gul'dan
>her and her super powerful bf find Illidan and confront him about using a super powerful demonic artifact
>they just banish him instead of even fucking TRYING to subdue and re-imprison him


>Finds the skull of Gul'dan
>Does nothing but kill Tichondrius THE LEADER OF THE DREADLORDS
>Greatest criminal
Miev fags people

Pretty sure he means that the Burning Legion sent the High Elves splintering away from the Night Elves because they wanted to keep their magic.

Oh, you mean the Scourge that was created by the Legion to be the first wave before their assault on Azeroth?

I was referring to Tyrande and Malfurion freeing Illidan in the first place, not whether or not he actually deserves the title.

Every Night Elf considers Illidan a huge threat, that's why he was locked up in the first place. Tyrande and Malfurion decide they need him, and murder innocent prison guards who THEY INSTRUCTED to not let Illidan leave, ever, no matter what. Then when the times comes that they decide that Illidan can't be trusted (using the demon artifact to do a good thing), they just banish him, leading Maiev to go fucking crazy.

Let's just forget the fact that he stopped Felwood from becoming an even worse disaster than it already was and managed to stop the unrelenting tides of demons marching on the Night Elves' doorsteps. Besides, Malfurion probably didn't want to go through the effort of imprisoning him again especially after Illidan just saved their asses.

I still have no fucking clue what Vashj was doing

Something about kidnapping all the water in Zangarmarsh and shes insane and evil so kill her for purples

And Kael goes insane and evil so kill him for purples

And Illidan literally does nothing wrong so become A'dall's bitchboy and kill Illidan for no reason for purples

See this
Kael knows the scourge was created by the legion it's completely out of character for him to join with them. Or I should say its completely out of character for him to join with them with no explanation or build up in anyway beyond blizzard thinking it would be interesting to make a big lore character a raid boss.

>Vashj was attempting to hoard all the clean water for power grabbing purposes to those that would need it since Draenor had become barren otherwise

>Kael allies himself with Kil'jaeden/the Legion to attempt to seize more power and uplift those of his people that stuck by him

>Illidan, as always, was falsely accused and considered the bad guy because the leaders of the Horde and Alliance are idiots


yes, take your place.
hot cum is being served.


lets have an expansion where undead are the big huge world ending threat

and even though we introduced these guys literally made out of light that could vaporize an infinite amount of undead instantly

we need to ignore that they exist for this expansion to work

oh and these undead become super extra powerful if their leader is killed somehow so there always has to be an undead leader

Basically it boils down to the decent writing in Warcraft III and the shit writing they pumped out to fill World of Warcraft with lore. There just had to be more bad guys, fuck characters with previous history and depth, we need more bosses for dungeons.

It's because they wanted him to be a raid boss. Literally Blizzard's way of story telling is "wouldn't it be cool if we got to fight X?" and then they make a bunch of retcons or change shit in order to make it happen, the most common way is by saying they were corrupted. Not like it's new to Warcraft anyhow, they retconned Medivh from a power hungry sorcerer into being the avatar of Sargeras.

Except now Illidan is basically Warcraft's Kerrigan, ie the Chosen One, and even worse then he was in TBC.

Does that nean he turns super saijin?

Illidan and Maeiv need to team up and murder the fuck out of Tyrande and Malfurion for being irredeemable dumbfucks that have caused all of their suffering.

Reminder that Illidan nearly destroyed the Lich King without setting foot on Northred until Malf stopped him because muh planet hurts.

Then the planet gets utterly fucked by Deathwing later on anyway.

Malfurion really is a cunt when you think about. At least Tyrande has the excuse of being emotion, you now she will do stupid things.

But Sylvanas is already Warcraft's Kerrigan.

So how long until Metzen whips up some way for her to get "un-banshee'd"


Nah, she'll probably become a some kind of a goddess and create her personal afterlife for undead, since all of them go to shitty hell right now.

You can say it's bad for those reasons but then why did they feel the need to make Arthas out to be regretful about being a DK -> Lich King

Arthas was in control at all points in WC3, he was perfectly okay with his decisions and then in WotLK they go full backpedal to make him a babby

Why're all WoW-villains saturday morning cartoon tier?


They turned them evil mostly for the purples.

Reminder that Tyrande butchered the watchers and got away with it.


Didn't Maeiv's waifu also die?

Naisha was it? That one huntress.

Yeah but that was Illidans fault.

>highborne because they're the reason the world got fucked up and demons are up our asses now
Not with the new retcon they aren't. Now it's because Sargeras is actually the necessary evil, because Azeroth is a Titan baby that's set to be corrupted by the dark powers of the Void Lords, manifest as the Old Gods.

Not even joking.

Forgot the most important part, Sargeras took it upon himself to kill all life in the universe so that the Void Lords could never influence anything again. Which is why he wants to destroy Azeroth, which is set to become an exceedingly strong (Void Lord afflicted) Titan.

Still not joking.

Actually, yes.

>Blizzard utterly shat on the Scarlet Crusade
There is no justice, only Metzen.

desu senpaitachi, this is extremely retarded but I was calling it from the start, we've got the different lovecraftian monsters and then we have Azeroth = Azathoth, for how stupid it is to have an entire world being a living corpse they had at least half of an idea of doing it from the start.

>see Lor'Themar in Silvermoon all the time
>doesn't do jack shit
>looks a little cool, but that's it
>fast forward a few years later and MoP happens
>Lor'Themar is a fucking badass, makes being a Blood Elf seem cool again for the first time since Warcraft 3
>voiced by Gideon Emery on top of all that
>WoD happens and they just drop him
>Legion on the horizon and for some reason Sylvanas is Warchief in Vol'Jin's absence, not Baine, not Thrall again, not Lor'Themar the coolest Blood Elf, fucking Sylvanas
I hate waifu fags.

Vashj was preparing for the creation of a new well of eternity.

Because more bad and lazy writing. Seriously after BC Blizz went full retard and just started to pump out pure shit.
I doubt a lot of people that even played any of the Warcraft games were still invested after BC. Blizz just said fuck it, we don't have to remain consistent and we can shit on a plate and call it lore.

>tries to hog all the glory of what his allies did to himself
>tries to use said allies as meat shield
>tries to ally himself with THE BANSHEE QUEEN AND A NATHREZIM

I think Garithos is the dumbest character ever in the Warcraft franchise

Why is Blizzard so unnecessarily hard against first time violators?


They aren't harsh enough you mean?

I'd love Warcraft more if they portrayed humans as something more than fucking weaklings

Why is it that in any fantasy game the humans are the least interesting and less powerful race? Garithos appears to be a really great paladin, but once you are done with Sylvanas story, the demon (Can't remember the name) just punches him once and he dies

For real though he is.

that's fake right? did they seriously have "asshole" in Warcraft 3 dialogue?

Nope it's real mang, I was re-watching some of my favorite cutscenes from warcraft iii like a week ago and stumbled across this again and it made me laugh.

hi tumbrl !

Think they also have 'bastard' as well

Well bastard makes total sense to be in a fantasy setting. It's just asshole is a little off beat, but it doesn't matter that much, I never took Garithos that seriously as a character and just assumed the scene was some comedic relief.

Also piss.

I think bastard isn't that big of a deal

I was making fun of current society, specially america, and their issue with cuss words. I'm surprised they added that word though, but I guess back then it wasn't such an issue, or it wasn't really covered by the media "properly".

There's a difference between people using bots for small scale leveling and people using to to grind honor.

Perhaps he lost his mind a little bit? After having Arthas walk across the sea and murder his father, friends and a lot of his race he felt like he needed to be stronger as he wasn't strong enough then? Sets out to make another sunwell as that was the last time he saw his race in all its glory. Continues to seek greater and greater power to overcome his inner demons- eventually leading to him going mad with power in tempest keep and all that.

This is a mix of what I understand to be the plot, and what i think would be cool. BTW sick art OP.

Banshee - This is the place, sisters. We'll rest here, great king.
Arthas - Why here? We've got to find Kel'Thuzad before we--Aarrghh!
The Lich King - You have been deceived! Come to my side at once! Obey!

>Arthas' minions die.

Arthas - What is happening here?

>Arthas is struck by an arrow.

Arthas - Sylvanas!
Sylvanas Windrunner - You walked right into this one, Arthas. It's time to even the scales.
Arthas - Traitor! What have you done to me?
Sylvanas Windrunner - It's a special poisoned arrow I made just for you. The paralysis you're experiencing now is but a fraction of the agony you've caused me.
Arthas - Finish me, then.
Sylvanas Windrunner - A quick death... like the one you gave me? No. You're going to suffer as I did. Thanks to my arrow, you can't even run. Give my regards to hell, you son of a bitch.

>Kel'Thuzad arrives with a group of skeletal magi.

Kel'Thuzad - Back, you mindless ones! You shall not fall today, my king.

>Kel'Thuzad and his magi destroy Sylvanas' banshees.

Sylvanas Windrunner - This isn't over, Arthas! I'll never stop hunting you!

>Kel'Thuzad leads Arthas to the shore.

Kel'Thuzad - The effects of her arrow will wear off in time. All the preparations for your journey to Northrend have been made.
Arthas - You have been a loyal friend, Kel'Thuzad. I don't know what the future holds, or if I'll even return, but I want you to watch over this land. See to it that my legacy endures.
Kel'Thuzad - I shall, King Arthas, I shall.

Quite a lot of swear words in WC3

Hey Blizzard. Wtf are you doing?

-Trying to create gold.

-Why you tryin to create gold?

-So that people will buy it.

-But Blizzard. People will buy poop. Why try to make gold and sell it when you can just make poop and sell it?

>finish reading
>Quite a lot of swear words in WC3
>what? where?
>oh, right

You have to look for them, in my opinion. The writing felt natural.

>we will never get actual spellbreakers

Feels bad man

Wanna know how Kael became evil?

He got cucked. Seriously, he even flipped out when Arthas taunted him in Northrend that he won the Jainabowl and he didn't.

>official blizzard-approved lore
>has arthas worshipping his horse, steals Jaina's virginity on halloween and turned Kael into a cuck

>Why is it that in any fantasy game the humans are the least interesting and less powerful race?
Start playing higher class fantasy.

When it's true.


I heard thrall is losing doomhammer because he cheated in his fight with garrosh

is that true

God the Warhammer Empire is so fucking goddamn boring. I'd rather play the frogs

I find it hilarious when people say that and then turn back to their generic medieval knights and castles.

Advanced Dungeons And Dragons For The Intellivison.

I think he was implying Warhammer.

Mon Frère

>literally the HRE
Wiah, such deep and interesting background
>humans are more powerful than goblins, skavens and mindless zombies
Yeah, truly a strong race.

The player wields it now

No there isn't, if you bot to farm anything from level to honor to gold (and these faggots also use them in raids to do their rotations for them and in pvp for insta kicks and fakes) then you deserve to be permanently banned.

Don't want to play the game on your own? Then you don't deserve to play the game at all.

He meant the other frogs.

>Tfw tauren never gonna be warchief even though they would be the best warchief

Strong as fuck and not fuckin hotheads

but no lets let this dead chick who doesn't even care for the horde as far as im aware be leader