Post upcoming indie games
Post upcoming indie games
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Ghost of a Tale
No Truce With the Furies
Looks like Max Payne the rpg.
Phoenix Point
A game from the guy who made the original XCOM.
I like the looks of this.
Ghost Song
OP didn't say to post vaporware.
if we don't post vaporware, this thread is going to be very short.
Is the dev still working on this? Is there any semblance of a release date yet?
Yes. There was a newspost a few days ago saying "Early Access soon".
I'm excited for some mouse gaurd/redwall'n then.
Ruiner looks good so far, but I think the boss health could use some tweaking unless the player was just that bad.
what's next? mist-ware?
When does it stop?
Syberia 3
Any opinions on the upcoming Torment game?
Hellraid is never coming out. Ever.
Probably shit like Pillars.
why ?
Nice thread.
Dark Flame
Wasn't it shown at E3 2 or 3 years ago and then it dropped off the face of the earth? Doesn't bode well.
It was cancelled but then the developer said "Hey it really isn't cancelled, just sleeping!"
Cosmic star heroine looks like it could be good.
They said they are redoing a lot, which makes me think its going open world RPG to get the Skyrim audience
-Megaton Rainfall
-Rain World
-Starr Mazer
Morphies Law
Looks like a very unique FPS, where ever you shoot your enemies you grow your body depending on that and can go to different parts of the map( i.e. become small and walk into a hole in the wall)
Its a unique balance method too, high skill player have to shoot smaller enemies which is harder, and low skill players got a large target to fire at
yeah reminds me of phantasy star before it became an online game.
There was this indie platformer in development where the protagonist is some cloaked midget swinging a hugeass sword around.
Anyone know what I'm talking about and could remind me of its name?
Wizard of Legend looks pretty neat, the kickstarter just ended recently. There's a demo on their kickstarter page too.
That's actually pretty slick looking. Will keep an eye out.
PowerDrive 2000
I played the demo and I liked it
Aren't there already like five games just like that one? Don't understand the hype around it.
Not technically "upcoming", just came out today or yesterday. I swear I'm the only person who's been playing it though.
>I swear I'm the only person who's been playing it though.
And it's gonna stay that way unless you post the name.
I only know of one other game like it coming out
and what it's about
Its dead?
Who even knows anymore.
Death Road to Canada. It's really similar to Organ Trail, but with more hands-on action and exploration.
>Sup Forums in a zombie apocalypse
Also a heads up, it's actually a phone game ported to PC, and you can feel it in the UI and controls.
Little devil inside
They claim that it isn't, they said something on twitter just a few days ago about it being on target for 2016 release
Seriously all hype for the game is gone for me. Such a shame because I waited since they first announced it
But Lonely Star is a 2d rpg which has such a great vibe. Its like the original zelda and what I thought hyper light drifter was going it be. It has some pretty solid music so far and the weird Arizona-apocalypse-reservation theme going on is so much fun. If you thought Hyper light diffter was disappointing try this game becuae I honestly can't wait for this to come out.
No i'm not a shill I just never had such fun with an alpha demo before and want this shit to come out
Looks like the last update was from 2015...
that looks like a ton of fun
what is that colorful 3d isometric gta shooter type game called again? it's like tokyo 44 or tokyo 77 or something. looked interesting.
rain world
Looked pretty fun but devs are lazy shits that won't make multiplayer at launch.
I want this