>Hillary Clinton hates video games and wants to get them banned or censored in the US.
>Hillary is considering giving more power to the ESRB to mandate "questionable" video game content.
Think twice before you vote in November...
>Hillary Clinton hates video games and wants to get them banned or censored in the US.
>Hillary is considering giving more power to the ESRB to mandate "questionable" video game content.
Think twice before you vote in November...
Other urls found in this thread:
Noone is voting for her its all rigged
if she gets you banned i'll vote for her
I'm voting Trump, but keep political threads in Sup Forums.
You say this but I remember a trump tweet where he outright says video games are a problem.
No one here cares, we don't play video games.
Where the fuck are all these Sup Forums raid fags coming from?
Celery Clanton has my vote video games are trash.
What kind of question is that?
Sup Forums has taken over Sup Forums a long time ago
The fuckers simply never left
This two makes me glad i am not american. Something is definitely wrong with a country when your top presidential candidates are a walking political cartoon.
>the EFF is going to lose it's lawsuit
>whichever candidate gets elected, they intend to censor videogames
what can men do against such reckless hate
Since I don't live in MURRICAH' I'm more worried about who has bigger chances of starting ww3 (that would be Trump).
Then again I don't want another economical crysis and it feels like Hillary would do this kind of shit.
Truly, these are difficult times.
gonna go on a limb and say they came from Sup Forums
Sup Forums doesn't see it as raiding. idealogues dont tend to see their position as a position but rather objective truth and anyone who denies its truth is wrong/the enemy.
In that vein this isnt a raid in their eyes, just speaking about facts that are in some way related to vidya
If you crawled any further up Trumps ass you'd meet Goldielocks Yiannopolous there.
>Trump is an unhinged narcissist who would ruin the country's economy and possibly start a nuclear war
Gee, it's really hard to get my priorities straight here.
partially true, there are people voting for her (mostly 40+ dems) but the system is definitely rigged for her
Hilary is the one that want a war against Putin.
Putin has already threatened war if Hillary is elected.
Sup Forums has infested almost every board, this is common knowledge by now
>implying the president of a superpower like murrica wouldn't affect everyone if he/she fucked up everything
You serious, nigger?
>implying America isn't ignorant enough to actually elect Trump
It's sad, but it's gonna happen.
If you're voting for a candidate based solely on what they think of videogames, you're weak-willed and easy for politicans to manipulate.
If you see what's happening now, WW3 is likely o matter who you pick.Both are very likely to create war:
Trump is an asshole, people get mad at him. War starts. This is unlikely with Asia, but the Middle east would hate it. Putin would be okay.
Hillary is a lying asshole who is actively censoring social media sites when anything mentions her. She's probably going to push for war-oil. Putin would probably roll his eyes and ignore everything unless she moved first.
Nice meme image, mind if I save it?
>Not voting Libertarian after Sanders bitched out
>Not wanting to fight that smug cuck
It's like you're not even American
trump has repeatedly said he wants to stop nation building and was against the iraq war and is against more wars
where does this ww3 meme fucking come from
do people seriously think he built dozens on dozens of companies by being an incompetent retard?
Trump hates games too.
good, ide like to see that fucker get his shit pushed in, wouldnt be that hard even.
Trump is actually buddy with Puttin. Hillary is the one who hates Russia and Russia hates it back.
Just helping you get your facts straight.
America doesn't start world wars. It's ALWAYS European shitters arguing about whose god-appointed monarch is best.
>voting for yellow meme snake party
anyone who thinks there will be outright war against 2 major countries in this day and age without some major provocation is a retard who doesn't understand international economics.
Electing Hillary wont have russia bombing us. To even imply that might be a reality is a hilariously stupid
It is an objective fact that Hillary has said she doesn't like vidya and would like to get it banned.
Same vein, its also an objective fact that Trump has said similar.
Video games.
Yes. For i am a slav. Putin is all we need.
Your current nigger didn't affect anything, nigger.
Trump has no chance of winning the general shill
Sup Forums - Video Games & Politics
>Running mate shares name with man who made a video game about nuclear destroyed America
It's a sign
>do people seriously think he built dozens on dozens of companies by being an incompetent retard?
If he wasn't an incompetent retard he'd stop acting like one.
Yeah, but unlike Trump, Putin isn't fucking retarded. He will not start a war with the world's biggest superpower over who they elect president, but Trump is exactly the kind of delusional, self-obsessed, thin-skinned moron who could actually do something like that.
My nigger is better than yours, nigger.
Half of Sup Forums browses Sup Forums anyways
whats either of them even going to do about it? not like videogames haven't been under fire before.
the majority on all boards on Sup Forums have always been opposed to whoever is the most anti-freedom at the moment and right now that is the regressive left and the people that enable them
Sup Forums is simply a manifestation of that phenomenon combined with a bunch of edgy kids from Sup Forums and stormfags that went there after hearing it was a haven for people with their views, but those people don't really end up on other boards much
i can tell you if the right was pushing the narrative that games need to be banned like they were doing in the 2000s a lot fewer people here would be supporting them, but right now it's just the left that's pushing that shit
We don't have any votes in November here. Half of Sup Forums isn't American. Delete this shit thread.
>If you're voting fora candidate solely because they are Democrat/Republican, you're weak-willed and easy for politicans to manipulate.
Whenever this two party system is finally recognized as being the joke it is, is when this country will get out of the ditch it's in now
>(that would be Trump).
Hi, reddit
B-but muh brexit happen!!!!!
S-so Trump will win!!!!
stop falling victim to confirmation bias
hillary is the incompetent retard, literally factually documented
This. One of the smears against trump is that because he wants good relations with Putin, he is literally Hitler. Hillary is a paragon of freedom for speaking against Russia.
If that's the case, why doesn't half of Sup Forums just go to Sup Forums for their political discussions and leave Sup Forums for fucking VIDEO GAMES?
Trump being close with a terrible terrible man who has done all sorts of awful things shouldnt be a positive endorsement. I know all the "based putin" shit is good for a laugh, but you people cant seriously think he is a good person can you?
>Pornhub releases figures for porn searches in Cleveland during RNC
>Cuckold, black guy bangs white girl, transexuals, MTF, etc
When did she ever express that? I from the uk and I feel sorry for you guys. You always have a shit choice for presidents. They don't do anything they just make your country worse. I mean we aren't much better because we get a lot of immigrants but your infrastructure is like 80 years behind ours. Which is ridiculous considering you guys are the 'leader' of the free world.
She doesn't seem like a better person but she sure als hell looks more mentally stable.
Trump will ban video games to appease the religious right.
he diddnt, every enterprise he actually handles himself are disasters. trump is a joke in the business world.
Its better than not voting at all. Shows that I actually care enough to vote and that I hate both primary candidates.
I still fucking love how they admitted Hillery broke the law but they wont do anything about it. She should even be allowed to run.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums intersect quite regularly. Usually going to one means you go to the others. Vidya tends to intersect like that because how large its become.
>a terrible terrible man who has done all sorts of awful things
Literally every man ever. Moralfaggotry is such a fallacy, holy shit.
These threads do a good job of exposing the redditors here
You're mistaking him for Hilary, he's very moderate.
And Trump is a NSA shill.
Whatever you vote for you can't win.
>Yfw Sup Forumsfags will kill themselves in November
>When did she ever express that?
she didn't
republitards will believe anything they read on Sup Forums
>Hillary Clinton hates video games.
>literally 2nd reply
Who gives a shit, I'm going libertarian anyway.
Didn't the FBI find nothing wrong?
I don't care for memes, it's not about Putin being a good person or not. Why America and Russia has to be antagonists? We can't keep this "cold war" going. It's only wise to say that a president that put America and Russia in good terms is better than one that puts them appart. So much about screaming unity at her campaign.
>"like with a cloth?" -HRC on wiping her servers
>"she's often confused" -Huma Abedin, HRC's longtime aide and friend
>"arf arf arf" -HRC barking like a dog in front of a crowd
>"we came, we saw, he died" -HRC on using her power to get someone killed
so mentally stable
i can go all day
>You always have a shit choice for presidents.
At least we get to pick our leaders.
>built dozens on dozens of companies
Please stop spouting this nonsense. He leaves piles of failed companies in his wake everywhere he goes including several bankruptcies. He didn't "build" anything, he had a rich daddy. He's a fucking scam and you are buying into it hook line and sinker.
Uh oh bye bye video games for Yanky wankys.
> Half of Sup Forums isn't American. Delete this shit thread.
Leaf posters should be perma banned. They've become worse than aussie posters.
aren't they both in favor of TPP?
these people are not our friends
>Anyone that's not right wing is reddit
>Don't want to vote for either of them
>sick of the propaganda garbage from both of them
November can't come sooner holy shit.
I don't fucking care anymore.
That's been confirmed fake.
Neither of them like video games. In fact, both of them think video games are a problem.
Trump is anti-TPP, hilary is pro-TPP
No they flat admitted what she did was illegal. They just aren't pressing charges.
go read a book nigger
stop watching CNN
Yeah because vice presidents never take over the Presidency
sys.Sup Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Frealdonaldtrump%2Fstatus%2F280812064539283457
>Video game violence & glorification must be stopped—it is creating monsters!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 17, 2012
there you have it
Foreign and civil relations haven't been at their worst with Obama with Hillary's help.
Trump will piss some people off by being a hard negotiator but he does not want to go out and actively attack anyone. His stance seems more isolationist, with restructuring relationships with foreign countries so that the US can have some peace and quiet. He even said if Islamic countries start going full war on Europe, he will have to see if any of the affected countries have been working fairly and keeping their promises to the US.
Hillary just wants to be queen of united states and will destroy anybody to get that fictional crown.