Hm, "What is the most boring game in the world?"

Hm, "What is the most boring game in the world?"

Mario Kart DS.

Those "idle" flash games.

Conception 2 was probably the most boring game I've ever played

The game must include a "No"
Without "Main's" we can't go
"Sky" is the last word you will ever need
Now that sounds like a boring game indeed!

Fallout 4

That's a tricky one!


I want a video game that will give me the same mildly uncomfortable fever dream sensation as Don't Hug Me I'm Scared.

Morrowind? Overwatch? Stellaris?


>mindless TURNBASED grind that requires zero thought or motoric skill

The Witcher 3

If only there was a way to learn more about this game.

Dragon age inquisition

Hey buddy, i think you've got the wrong door, the reddit clubs two blocks down

Skyrim. Nuff said






>inb4 it's just Todd Howard again

Can we get something creative this time?

Wow, look!


every indie garbage that tries to be 'deep'
and obviously overwatch

the game of life :(

EVE is the most exciting game I ever played
PvP gives me crazy shakes and adrenaline rushes



tie between Oblivion and Skyrim.



Digital style!








I've always found Elder Scrolls games to be really fucking boring
>braindead combat
>copy pasted dungeons
>copy pasted animations and models
>insta-travel or get raped by some enemy noticing you a mile away through a fucking forest
>steal a spoon, get jailed for life or killed
>B-BUT M-Muh high LOTR fanficiton game
It's always been fucking trash

i agree but elder scrolls is anything but lotr fanfiction and generic fantasy lore

the lore is actually way more interesting than any of the games


>generic medieval fantasy lore

>generic medieval fantasy lore



Holy shit is this real? There seems to be such little information on it unless it flew past my head. Then are the Gods and Daedra Princes part of the dream as well?



the player character definitely has CHIM too though. CHIM is just being aware you aren't real without popping out of existence. that's what happened to the dwemer.

Any batman game (or shadow of mordor).

Desert Bus.

Fuck off underage



I came here to post this.

Beyond eyes. I played it because it looked cute but it was horrible. It's like a walking simulator but you can't even see half the things around you.