
So, is this game already forgotten?

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It's doom, there's not exactly a whole to talk about after the initial blast, it's a very simple game at it's core.

I've never played a doom game before and am still lazily making my way through the single player. It is a great game

The soundtrack is amazing

last time I checked it, there was a guy who tried to make 100000000000000000000 revenants map, but was limited to 64 mobs per map up to 12 per room ingame.

that was gay as fuck.

Not like Just Cause 3.
Or Mirrors Edge.
Or Primal.

It got its talk on Sup Forums, like Wolfenstein, but since tey are actually okay games, theres isnt much to shitpost.
Especially after DOOM sp turned out better than expected.

You couldn't even do that in GZDoom likely.

This took my idea of snap map, bent it over, and just tore that ass up.

yes, because it was just mediocre console trash from day 1, and no mods = instant death.

Fuck no.

Besides Dishonored it was my favorite game to play this year, such a delight desu.

Maybe i should play it again on Nightmare. I was a retard and thought that Nightmare and Ultra Nightmare were locked before beating the game on the lower difficulties, so i played in Ultra-Violence.

this whole video just gets more and more sad as each minute passes
suggest you go to his channel and watch at least the other 100,000 revenants videos for some real skeleton fisting

heheheheh... exposed ballsack

We need a Quake 1 remake. Honest to fuck. And get Trent Reznor on the audio again.

it's good, but how much can we keep talking about a 10 hour long campaign? It's not like snapmap or MP are worth discussing/

>bethesda DOOM by nu iD


We've already got Quake and it's still brilliant and receiving new mods and maps.

Would you really want Bethesda shitting all over Quake as well?

>decent nostalgic singelplayer
>shit multiplayer

The new DOOM was good though.

I really liked the single player, the problem is it needs real mods to live forever like the original two did.

Yes. Now post more cute cacodemons.

If it's been forgotten, how do you remember it?

40 hours in, still haven't touched multiplayer and don't expect to.

Such a fucking sick game. Just you, an arena, and some fucking demons to kill.

It was destined to be dead on arrival the moment they announced no mod support.

The weapons were ass and melee sucks absolute dick

>"Hey, you play that new Doom game?"
>"Yeah, it's fucking rad!"
There isn't much to talk about. Game kicks ass, multiplayer sucks it, and snap map is a disappointment.

Really wish we were getting a single player Quake revival like it and Wolfenstein TNO, but hopefully Champions is good.

How so? It's not like Doom had mod support on launch.

Ultra Violence is the best difficulty though.

I'm trying to think of another FPS made in the last ~ten years with this level of enemy/weapon diversity.

Requesting more cute cacodemon.

Am I the only one thinking that Quake Champions is simply riding on the "soft reboot" train because of DOOM and Wolf:TNO?

I'm not even cautiously optimistic, just cautious.

not to mention it's jumping on this whole moba-fps cancer bandwagon that overwaifu has started.


No, and you would be thinking correctly. It's also riding off of the Overwatch hype train, with all of the talk of it being a "Champion\Hero based shooter."

Obligatory. I personally recommend Samsara, shit's fun as fuck.