Start game

>start game
>friendly npc character hands me guns
>try to shot him in the face
>it works
>he's dead
>reload because I didn't actually thought it would work
>walk around in that first area/chapter/level
>see tv
>flash gordon on
>first episode
>watch to see how long it goes before it loops or something like that
>it just keeps running


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Loved this game. Brutal, unapologetically dark and that fucking dynamic soundtrack. I wish the second game was much closer to the first in tone.

I think it has whole episodes and the street fighter movie?

Who else tentacle'd that bitch who wouldn't pay her rent?

The first one was more like a real adult comic and the second one was more like those kind of adult comics that teenagers buy. Both are good games, but the focus is different in each one.

God damn the hell segment in the first the Darkness was as horrifyingly cool as it was tedious

You get like 3 opportunities to watch To Kill a Mockingbird in it's entirety too. The whole movie plays when you watch it with Jenny and it reruns later on the hobo's TV in the subway station.

>there will never be a PC port
I dont even know how I lost my PS3 copy

I hope they rerelease it for PC, amazing game. Great world building and the combat was brutal

Darkness 2 sucked ass

Anyone know if Darkness 2 has that hub feel to it, where you can free roam the world for a bit?

waith, this game is for ps3?

Never EVER pcucks.

Nope, it was alright though

Can anyone tell me what happens in the last 2 chapters? I had a shitty disc probably and it always crashes during the final chapter.

Nah Darkness 2 is fundementally different from Darkness 1. I'm sure its just levels. For what it was worth I loved both games.

First is such edgelord material but so forgivable in that respect. Its badassery gets a metal corna salute from me.

no, its pretty much an "on the rails" shooter

I saw that it has a mp, but didn't try it.

Is anyone still playing?

Also what do you get for those in game achievements?

it's bad for everyone. you would've been able to replay it in 4k120fps by now

Glad the fags that spent that much on a monitor cant.

That's how 2 ends. It crashes.

>didn't thought

I remember discovering the band The Duskfall through this game. Descent Swedish melodeath.


Its the Sonny Chiba movie called "The Street Fighter"


No monitor supports this so you can't

But there will be a PS3 emulator!




They're both based on the same edgy comic.

Gameplaywise TD2 blows the first one out of the water.

Why would you run the shittiest version? This was made for the 360.

> inferior ps3 multiplats

>They're both based on the same edgy comic.
Yet they both have very different tones.

>you will never watch to kill a mockingbird with your goth qt 3.14 girlfriend who you grew up with in an orphanage

whats the point of living brehs?

this game is literally the only reason I still have my 360, even though I haven't played it in years

Good maymay

not sure about the 360 version, but the ps3 verison fps drops to the shitter as soon as theirs more than 3 enemies on the screen

Darkness was pretty shit on ps3 tho.

>Lost Odyssey
>proper bayo 1

It's literally true though.

>implying anyone will ever be able to emulate the power of Cell

ODST is in the MCC minus firefight

yeah but the port is terrible.

ODST is on xbone
>owning an xbone
Yeah, I know.

Vanquish is better on ps3

Why Vanquish on 360?
Bayonetta is only "marginally" better (the screen tearing is out of this world) compared to PS3 version
Lost Odyssey is mediocre as fuck and even then they fucked up European release with paper sleeves.

>not really into this game, considering dropping it
>suddenly Jenny dies
>suddenly you die
>suddenly WWI

God no, only achievement whores play the mp. and I would know, I'm one of them. Even though the mp was tedious, I had to plat this game, one of my favorites

>tfw stuck with the PS3 version which runs at silky smooth 20fps

I highly doubt we'll get a PC port at the point let alone a current gen console one


>resonance of fate
>halo wars

Literally not
What even are the better PS3 MplatS?
>Lost Odyssey is mediocre as fuck
kill yourself yurop

I watched the whole goddamn movie on the couch near the beginning of the game

The early stuff is one hell of a lot different then the later runs for sure.

But man, the comic run that was going when to game dropped? Fucking A+, Phil Hester knew what he was doing.

>What even are the better PS3 MplatS?
GTA5 is the only one I know of.

This was the most underrated game of the last generation. I wish there was a legit PC port.

>Games that are pretty much no different on PS3

>Literally not
Literally yes. PS3 was its lead development platform as well.

>kill yourself yurop
Why are you so mad that LO is mediocre as fuck? Only actually good part is the short story parts but aside from that it's fucking drag.

You also won't have to see a bullet exit through the face of your qt goth gf.

GTAV and Dark Souls off the top of my head

I can't believe you can sit and watch the entire goddamn movie with her. it's a simple but neat touch.

Why is it that guys who dream of having girlfriends always have such specific and cringey fantasies of it?

>dark souls
I find that pretty hard to believe.

jackie is such a dumb nigger for not seeing that coming

It's the characters from the game user.

>You were everything to me, and all I ever did was kill you.
>I'm so sorry.
>I'm sorry.

it's almost like they're describing stuff from the game that the thread's discussing.

I guess. But they were born from the writer's fantasies of being an edgelord mafioso with a sandal-wearing girlfriend.


How is the sequel compared to the first game

It was the lead platform and they had experience with it from Demon's Souls

>the interrogation scene where shrote dies
so do you

I love when they break up serious moments with shit like that.


It's definitely more linear, but the gameplay is superb. Biggest problem is that it's three hours long

good game but not as good as the 1st one
it definitely wasnt, but it was shorter than the first game

>there was planned story DLC that was canned in favor of more Borderlands
>this after the ending of the fucking Angelus tricking Jackie into freeing it and leaving him trapped in hell

Depressing, yet a foreseeable outcome. Oh well, the second game came right the fuck out of nowhere, always hope for a third, or at least a re-release of the first two.

literally every character ever is born from a writer's fantasies.

are you have a stroke or something user? go look in the mirror and make sure your face isn't drooping.

You're right. I checked my Steam profile and I have 4 hours on record, and that's one playthrough on normal

He breaks out in the comics and murders the fuck out of her

not as good as 1 but still a very fun game.

My fav game need this on xbox one bc. Remake would be amazing along with darkness 3 but in the same style as the first not the 2nd

Loved this game, one of the best atmospheres in a game I have played and details that very few developers nowadays pay attention to. Thanks Starbreeze, one of the best developers from my country easily...

The TV will play the entire Flash Gordon series if you're willing to marathon it. Too bad you can't jump between episodes. And what else was there, I think To Kill a Mockingbird also plays in full? Been a good 10 years since I played it so I don't remember what all you can watch.

it also played the man with the golden arm

also had a bunch of old disney stuff.

>Hate fucking Starbreeze because they focused with Overkill and Payday 2 instead of doing amazing shit again
>But i also know that thanks to Payday2, they aren't in red anymore.
I don't know how i should feel it.

>Play FEAR, The Darkness, Prey, Condemned
>"Ah yeah, check out all this technology! This is next gen!"
>Suddenly all that creativity dries up almost overnight
>Nothing but cover based regen health two weapon FPS come out

What happened to the promise that 07-08 had?

I actually had no idea that they were involved with Overkill, call me ignorant or whatever..

I just want a Darkness 3 with the gameplay improvements from the second but with the mood and atmosphere from the first, heck a remaster for the first on for current gen and PC would be damn good.

Weren't they the reason for Payday 2's micro transactions? Or was that 505?

They all had that same unique look too. What a shame.

I think FEAR was too good for this Earth, as no other FPS was that advanced and good during that time...

Condemned fucked itself over with the inclusion of things there never had to be.

COD pretty much killed the FPS genre but we had some good games from other genres so theres that

No, 505 was the reason of it.
Overkill completely brought full rights of the series, expect for when they will release Payday 3, they (505 games) will have a 33% renevue from the it, with a cap of 40milions.
They were pretty much forced as they had only partial rights for the game.
Starbreeze is in a way a sort of "superior" for Overkill but still act as indipendent company for the most part.

That would be hard, if fucking 2k didn't had the rights of videogame's right of the comic, they would had do it years ago, as there was definitely a market that wanted and keep want it.
Starbreeze brought them but they still act as their own company, Starbreeze was mentioned in a few news of the Overkill but never too deep.

Say thanks to the success of Call of Duty that series has give this kind of thinking: If it doesn't sell milions/billions it's shit.

its simple, FPS died and TPS took over.

>tfw all those games were fantastic
>tfw all those games had shit sequels I'm not holding for Bethesda's Prey 2, but at least the original version looked interesting

>They're both based on the same edgy comic.
And the first game is loosely based on the comic
It's just a shame that the series got an ending that it didn't deserve

this game is such a fucking gem, it only hurt more to know it will never be available on pc.

also don't know about flash but on my europoor version it's an episode of popeye the sailor.

Condemned 2's plot got so stupid by the end it's like it was making fun of itself

>[Sonic screams]

So, since the second game ended with a cliffhanger, should we expecting a third title or 2K is being too jewish and didn't liked how it sold?

Jackie Estacardo is literally me

You can never have sex?