You've been laughing at us for all these years for believing in the dream

You've been laughing at us for all these years for believing in the dream...



Other urls found in this thread:

>It's just sonic generations 2
>not sonic adventure 3

who gives a flying fuck

Please keep faggotry to yourself.
A lot of "us" are happy but still not interested in chris-chanity

Stop making these threads. I'm excited too, but after the major cuckening adventurefags got...they're gonna need some time.

>muh Sonic Adventure 3

You already got it, though.

Why'd they have to bring classic Sonic back? Is modern Sonic just not allowed to have his own games anymore?

Modern sonic is the character the other Sonics revolve around. Boom Sonic looks has a great TV series and looks to be the Advance trilogy remade, Classic is... well, classic 2D gameplay, and Modern Sonic is also going forward with Boost gameplay, plus maybe a few new gameplay styles as well. For example, Lost World's control scheme turned out okay, but the level design deluded it a bit.

In short, all three Sonics are probably gonna stick with the franchise til its end.

>autism the post

Why the hell is the trailer so ridiculously serious? I just want to go fast.

>Sonic Generations AGAIN.
Wow...Sonic is really back...I can't believe it...

>ridiculously serious
It's no more serious than a saturday morning cartoon.

>Why'd they have to bring classic Sonic back?

This is the kind of comment that makes me realize I'm too old for this fanbase.

>Zero replies

I'm proud of you for not taking such obvious bait, Sup Forums


There's legitimate concern that modern Sega has neither the personality nor the creativity to make classic Sonic games without mucking it all up.

But disliking this because of nostalgia for modern sonic is...strange.

Heroes and 06 were the follow-ups to adventure 2.

None of that series were particularly good, you only started to notice with the latter entries.

>boom looks to be the advance trilogy remade.
I'm gonna give you 3 minutes to take those words back, faker.

As a SOnic fan, I am delighted. However, I am still waiting for:

>Jet Set Radio reboot
>Burning Rangers reboot
>Panzer Dragoon reboot
>Skies of Arcadia Reboot
>Any other Sega IP that isn't Sonic, really

>Haha back in MY day Sonic's eyes were black!
>3D? Whazzat? We don't need no third di-men-shun confangling up Sonic!

I don't mind them having Classic Sonic back, I'll even buy Mania. I'm just glad they're letting the fans make the nostalgia-pandering romhacks and letting the A-team work on the real new Sonic game.

That's wrong though lol
Heroes and Battle waere followups to SA2 and Shadow was a followup to both of them.
Sonic 06 was an attempted reboot.
06 has absolutely nothing in common with either Adventure game other than the 3D gameplay and the multiple playable characters.

>06 has absolutely nothing in common with either Adventure game other than the 3D gameplay and the multiple playable characters.

So, everything that really matters in an Adventure game? Not to mention taking place in a more realistic setting with a more serious story and the final boss being some sort of giant creature instead of Eggman?

Face it, 06 is basically an Adventure sequel in everything but name.

I'm not saying classic is bad. I just think it's dumb how they're rehashing the exact same gimmick from Generations.

>No Chao garden
>No treasure hunting
>No shooting gallery
>No good gameplay
>Exactly the same

Hahaha. Alright little 2D nostalgiafag. Time for your pills.

>>No Chao garden
Decent time waster but not worth crying over its' departure

>No treasure hunting
>No shooting gallery
Good riddance. Knuckles' gameplay was tolerable in Adventure 1 but they did nothing to make it better in 2 and only made it worse having to get the emerald shards in a specific order. The shooting gameplay was either too easy or boring in both games and doesn't really need them if that's all they're going to be. Sonic/Shadow gameplay was always the best part of the games anyway.

>>No good gameplay
Bitch, I genuinely like both Adventure games and even I'd strain to call the gameplay for most of them good.

>>Exactly the same
Adventure 1 and 2 weren't exactly the same either fucknugget, I don't see you complaining about the lack of Amy/Big/SA1 Tails gameplay in SA2 or the slight difference between how S

>Decent time waster but nothing worth crying over
You do realize that it is one of the most beloved parts of any sonic game ever, right?

>Didn't like Knuckles or Tails levels because HURR I WASNT GOING FAST
Typical 2D autist

>Thinks claiming to like something he's critisizing gives him some kind of validity

>Don't see you complaining about how there was no Amy/Big/SA1 Tails levels
Because those were all shit.
Sonic, Knuckles, and Gamma stages were the only good stages in SA1.