Lets talk about Star Citizen and why it will be better than Elite Dangerous

Lets talk about Star Citizen and why it will be better than Elite Dangerous.

Also some scans from a german magazine detailing procedural planets and other things just came out today.

Other urls found in this thread:




So this...
is the power...
of 100 million shekels...



> and why it will be better than Elite Dangerous
Let's talk about it when Star Citizen will be actually implemented into playable video game.

Who KWA here

two weeks

I don't read German. What do the scans actually say. There's no point posting German on an English speaking image board you fucking idiot

2.6 will launch Star Marine as separate module just like Arena Commander, this was also played by staff of PC Games and they are saying it's much more polished on the FPS side and feels a lot better than current rudimentary FPS in the PTU. - Interesting side-note: they talked about map->s.

2.7 will bring procedural planets and you will be able to travel the whole stanton system and all planets and moons can be directly approached down to the surface.

They say the new lighting system as part of the procedural planets build looks much more natural.
They say that approaching the planet looks and technically feels better than with Elite Dangerous.
You can land anywhere manually, automatic landing gets you to fixed positions i.e. landing zones.
Microtech and Hurston come in follow-up patches after 2.7
They aim to have Stanton fully playable i.e. with all stations and landing zones (according to CR about 40 locations) by end of 2016
There will be more jobs and missions as well.
Trading will be in by then
Chris describing that missions accepted up in space stations could lead you eventually down to planet surfaces, not clear if this is going to be in with 2.7 but seemingly something SQ42 will benefit from.

Planets and moons are revolving around suns, with naturally simulated day and night cycles.
When flying over the ocean they were noticing that the horizon had a correctly simulated curve.
Trees and Animals seemingly are planned (edit: doesn't seem to be in with 2.7, sorry) - they have them seemingly setup in pre-made templates they call eco-systems - these can be brushed over the planet surface, some magic blends the transitions to make it look naturally and consistent.
Planetary surface and topograhy details are controlled by a dynamical LOD system.
Some pop-up was visible during the planetary approach but they described it as impressive regardless.
They were also impressed with the cloud system, which wasn't just a simple texture layer but seemingly is described what I assume would be volumetric, i.e. they have deepth and height and impact visibility, leading to mountain crests piercing through clouds and valleys being covered.
They are writing that there isn't any artificially restricted view range, visibility is rather a result from the volumetric calculation of the athmosphere.
Parallax-Occlusion maps with dynamic tessellation is used for the surface details.
GTX 980 was used with 100 fps on the planetary surface, so performance seems to be pretty good already, sorry, that was just editor performance - in-game performance was 45fps :)
Some stuff about the subsumption-AI saying NPCs might have hobbies and a virtual mind, allowing them to remember the player or be influenced in his opinions by the player. To avoid performance issues, they seemingly control the update cycles for NPC AI based on player proximitiy i.e. update cycles go to 1hz instead of 60hz if no one is around.


Video of the dev panel from the fan event today


Robert pls go

I love you too user

I"m starting to run out of pictures now


I expected more shit posters


Is it better though? I'm pledged for a frankly embarrassing amount, and I'm worried it's never actually going to come out

An entire solar system is coming with 2.7 with planets that orbit the sun. 40 or so explorable locations to start with including moons.

Also read these posts this is all new info that was just released today about the upcoming patches. Star Marine is coming in 2.6

That game is going to be the disaster that kills videogame crowdfunding for good.

Doubtful Sup Forums said tortanic would fail and elder scrolls online but they both made shit tons of money.

Those can't be any more different from the whole Star Citizen project.
For starters people weren't paying $2000 for virtual spaceships.

>Lets talk about FLOPSCAM #1 and why it will be better than FLOPSCAM #2.

It has 4 times Elite's budget

It cannot fail

All this doom and gloom when the single player portion is coming out at the very end of the year or early next year. The game could suck but like with every project it at least deserves a chance before coming out.

It's going to have 6-8x Elite's budget by the time 1.0 of the mmo is out.

I'm fine with people pouring obscene amounts of cash into this game if it means that it'll get a fun & rich game. It'll have no effect on gameplay anyway since these whales will always keep their big ass ships in their hangar for fear of getting them stolen.

Is that a screenshot of modded KSP?

It's a picture of the procedural planet tech in Star Citizen.

and from the start, they keep saying it's pledges. These ships aren't behind paywalls (LTI bullshit aside) and there's nothing stopping you from buying them with a couple of hours work, or hosting your own server and just cheating to get them.
You can NOT give anything and basically get the EXACT same shit as some retard who pledged 10000 (except tshirts and posters or shit like that) within a month

Oh. It just looks a lot like modded KSP is all.

>the single player portion
But user, it's not a portion, it's standalone, making it almost a seperate game

You buy the MMO, and then you buy the single player

>Sup Forums hates citizen scam
>tout ED as better than SC in every way
>buy it during sales
>the dev went jew by releasing new expansion that you must buy full price post sales
>cant refund because they use ingame launcher that count as gameplay

fuck you Sup Forums and your contrarianism

I"m sorry that happened to you user.

Someone on the RSI forums did a more extensive translation of the Germany Magazine article


I just hope the magazine is right and we're in for less sluggish movements when on-foot.

Right now it feels awfully crappy.

Elite Dangerous isn't even good, though.

It feels really crappy. We should see the new fps stuff they have been working on in either 2.5 or 2.6 when Star Marine hits. I also hope the zero g push and pull system working sooner than later.

Brian Chambers also just said they they will have adjustable head bob.

Okay listen, everyone. It's obvious that SC is vapourware at this point and CR is notorious for being terrible at managing time and resources, which is why any publisher would have canned this project years ago. But that's the thing, the crazy cult fanbase doesn't give a shit and as long as they are happy and continue shoving money into CIG the development will continue. I don't know if this is sustainable at all, but if it is it means that this game could actually deliver. Its probably going to take another 4 years at minimum, but as long as crazy idiots continue funding it there is a chance that it will actually come out.

what is the fucking point of comparing this to E:D when E:D would have been out more than half a decade before SC comes out?
not to mention E:D has most of the features SC has planned for upcoming expansions, and by the time even those are out, SC will still be unfinished.

who /refund/ here

all me ;)

Why do people consider Star Citizen a scam/vaporware because it's taken 4 years of development?

Most big budget games are in development for many years but people don't scream about it then.

Because certain people want it to fail they want something to laugh about see tortanic memes


>You acknowledge and agree that the Game and the pledge items delivered to you may differ in certain aspects from the description of the Game and those pledge items that was available on the Website at the time of your Pledge.
>However, you acknowledge and agree that delivery as of such date is not a firm promise and may be extended by RSI since unforeseen events may extend the development and/or production time. Accordingly, you agree that any unearned portion of your Pledge shall not be refundable until and unless RSI has ceased development and failed to deliver the relevant pledge items and/or the Game to you.

Under the new TOS, any pledge item and indeed any aspect of the entire game can differ from what was described to you when you bought it, any delivery date is now indefinite and at the sole discretion of CIG.

Note the wording of these two clauses: you cannot get a refund unless they completely cease development and don't deliver the game and/or pledge items. And on top of that the game and any pledge item can differ in any aspect to what was described. By my reading of this they possibly could claim they do not have to deliver any individual pledge item at all as long as they still deliver the game and the game they deliver does not even have to be what was promised!

Pretty scammy desu senpai

they aren't hitting any of their milestones and don't appear like they will be doing so in the future
there is next to nothing for backers to do except play unfinished modules with very very barebones mechanics, and thats only if you aren't wandering aimlessly around the hangar just to look at things.

That's not difficult Elite is fucking shit, the devs go out of their way to curtail any attempt at fun and only allow narrow retard friendly activities.

That said you're implying SC is ever fucking coming out.

Because they have gone completely nuts with feature creep. They went off the deep end into the most ambitious game of all time they eclipses FFVII and HL2 by a wide margin, with a brand new team that hasn't ever shipped a AAA game and a lead developer who hasn't been in the industry for almost a decade. That being said, I still believe in them the fanbase is just as insane and irresponsible with their money as CIG is, so I don't see them running out of money any time soon. I don't regret my 30 shekels I spend on this, but I don't expect it to come out within the next 4 to 6 years.

That too. Also DS shills from SA.

Haven't checked on the progress in month, but I was under the impression that they got multicrew and seamless landing working? That alone is impressive as fuck.

Someone in this thread is going to start crying about Derek Smart very soon.

This is complete fud no one on this forum even knows what their internal mile stones are.


Is that short for "Facts U Dislike"?

Fear, uncertainty and doubt

>this forum

Spotted the redditor/paid cig shill.

EVE is still the better game

>better than Elite Dangerous

Wow, such an achievement.

Eve is a shitty spread sheet simulator for autistics

Sup Forums is really thirsty for a new Tortanic.

It's pretty bad that the general on /vg/ is dead, now I've got nowhere to talk about this. And there's no way I'm going on Reddit or the official forums.

Which doesn't change the fact it's better than Elite:NoFunAllowed and Star Vaporware

I'll remake the general once 2.5 hits


EVE does not have spreadsheets nor a spreadsheet feature ingame.

Feels good man

Feels real fucking good

I know, I was stupid. That shit really added up over time.


Is that a fucking paper magazine?

It has too much graphs for your average idiot gamer to comprehend.

Eve is still more of a game then Star Citizen currently or ever will be.

CIG can release all the concept art they want, doesn't change the fact that everything they've (very slowly) released has been ass.

They've been missing milestones and are helmed by a guy who has a long history of missing milestones. They never announce the release date has changed until after the fact. It's normal people would get suspicious.

>it's a vedfurtranny trying to trick Sup Forums into spending money on a fucking scam episode

Eve is a better game than SC now because SC is is a tech demo with an arena mode this will be changing soon though

Daily reminder for OP

all speculation

>this will be changing soon though

Cultists have been pushing this line for years now. Time to put up or shut up.

KWA = degenerates.

Who /fleetless/ here?




>two weeks
He said 2 years ago

>this thread

>Lets talk about Star Citizen and why it will be better than Elite Dangerous.
it already is

elite dangerous is a fucking scam of a game, fuck braben and Frontier

Just like how Mighty No9 was going to be better than the latest Megaman games.

This game is almost certainly never fucking coming out. Don't talk to me about your fucking stupid hangar modules, and other tech demos. Star Citizen, as a complete game, will not see a release before 2020 at the earliest.


It's hard for a game that doesn't exist to be better. ED may suck but SC isn't a thing.

I'm also /fleetless/ for now maby I"ll make a group once 2.7 hits.

That is a cute girl user

Is that the onion knight?

yes see





J-Just t-t-two more weeks, right guys?

>spending public funding to hire actors wanted for your shitshow of a game
Didn't know Doublefine was helping out with Star Citizen.



Women don't look like anything in that picture

This thread seems awfully shilly

Your mom seems awfully shilly towards my dick

>LA county attorney general is now involved
>People getting refunds left and right
>Game looks like ass, even after four years of development
>Funds spent on ipod furniture, sliding doors, espresso machines, and sandi's d-grade acting troupe
>Backers will still defend this

So what exciting reveals are you commandos expecting at Gamescom?

Hopefully Chris being escorted out in handcuffs

I'm not sure why you guys call this a scam, I mean the amount of people they have hired and the number of studios they have cost a lot of money to maintain so it's not like they're just running away with it. Games take years to make yo and the reason why they don't update the actual game itself to often is becaue it's easier to internally test there builds than it is to make a functional, steady version of the game to release to people. Tbh they should'nt have made it EA at all. Development would probably be going a lot smoother


>13k for a non-commercial espresso maker
Why would they buy this?