Lego Sonic

Why is he so upset?

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His fucking crotch is broken.

Is he trying to seduce me

I thought so too, but why does he look mad?

I'm not gay and I'm not a furry, but lego sonic does strange things to me, bros. I want him to bend over for me, and lego people have those four holes in their legs so I'd have plenty of choice in where to stick it. I'm not even meming, I'm seriously sexually attracted to this piece of virtual plastic.

you can't probably represent 'tude in lego form


he's not going fast

>pop off his arms
>put blue ones on

He knows his fans are stuck in the past and can't lego.

but that's wrong muthfucka


he knows his minifigure is gonna be bought in bulk by chris chan


Do you think this has a change of being the best 3D sonic game in recent years?


he was playing PSO online and his VMU got bricked


Is this Chris' wet dream? LEGO + Sonic must get him so excited



Which Sonic game you guys looking forward to?

Isn't Chris's life falling apart right now? Isn't his house getting mortgaged?

Because it's not working.

Ya really shouldn't get hyped over something that has no gameplay yet.



Yeah, and what about Barb? Isn't she drifting into the abyss right now?


what's your favorite Sonic 3 & Knuckles zone

mine's Chemical Plant

When has his life not been falling apart?



Well, its falling apart much more significantly than usual


I'd be angry too if my balls looked like that

