So after playing Pokemon GO a bit and enjoying it, I wondered if there was anything else worth playing on my smartphone

So after playing Pokemon GO a bit and enjoying it, I wondered if there was anything else worth playing on my smartphone.

Anyone here actually play smartphone games?

Are there any decent ones worth investing time into?

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>Are there any decent ones worth investing time into?
fuck no

Toram online.

It's a pretty good mmo, It's simple enough to enjoy on the go and has a party system.

I joined a few parties for the bosses. It's sort of a mix of standard tab based plus the active combat of enemies.

It's nothing amazing, but its a great phone game.

>Anyone here actually play smartphone games?

>Are there any decent ones worth investing time into?
Not really, the only reason to make a game a smartphone exclusive is because it's meant for quick sessions while you're on the train or something.

game boy and snes emulators

9th dawn 2
if you want a challenge, dont play as an archer though, you can fire arrows as fast as you can tap them,

>what is pixel dungeon

Only ones I've had fun with are a bunch of emulators, ported GTA games, ported Max Payne and the Need For Speed games except for NFS No Limits
But then again I haven't really looked

Oh, and Terraria

I'm also looking for some games. Small ones. I don't want some MMO that I'll have to put a lot of time into and burn my battery into oblivion. I want a small game I can open and put down every now and again. No more emulators. I have a Galaxy S7.


Most games made by Easytech.
Inotia series.
Zenonia series.
Galaxy on Fire 2.
Emulated games.

Groove Coaster

Touchscreens are for rhythm games

N64 and ps1 emulators if you aren't a poorfag with a shit phone. nds, gameboy, and snes/nes emulators work pretty well.

Gta san andreas and vice city, but again, they are only good if you arent a poorfag unless you wany to play them at sub 720p low settings

That one oddworld fps is pretty good too

merchant is actually a really great game

I like Downwell.

Sonic 1, 2 and CD
The World Ends With You - Solo Remix

Puzzles and Dragons is good. It gets extremely hard the further you get though.

The Sonic 1, 2 and CD ports are fucking aces

KOTOR is pretty good on mobile too

Desert Golfing
Monument Valley

>Sup Forums used to shit on phone games before Pokemon Go
>Basically Sup Forums never played a phone game before Pokemon Go

>Sup Forums now likes smartphone games

Neo Sup Forums has fully taken over. Time to leave this shit hole for good.

All the mobile games are p2w as fuck and marketed at retards.

bet you don't

Monster strike is neat