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Sequel when?
Imagine if you were human and your dick was between her teeth
Who else killed this bitch on purpose?
Man this game had a likability curve. Felt forced to play it at first and the fucking loved it in the end.
I worked extra hard on keeping her alive just for that moment.
I watched a playthrough of this on stream and I feel like I got the full experience. I cannot justify buying a game which I can experience in full for free on the internet.
>Imagine if you were human
I wanted to, but she ended up surviving on my first playthrough
I was so pissed when based matt died but emily survived
Why does Sup Forums (and most of the gaming community for that matter) hate cinematic games like heavy rain and beyond two souls but likes until dawn?
Cuz it's a big dumb horror movie, it isn't trying to be some intellectual masterpiece. It's just fun.
personally I hate cinematic experiences because they either ruin gameplay or aren't good enough to be cinematic experiences.
David Cage's games have terrible writing and obnxious QTEs so I can't appreciate it as a cinematic experience.
Then you have games like Uncharted where the cinematic bullshit interferes with the gameplay and takes active control away from the player.
Until Dawn isn't trying to be a hybrid like a bunch of AAA action games so it's in the ballpark of Heavy Rain and the like, however the story is good enough and the QTEs reasonable enough that it actually works.
But this is one of the few games where your choices actually matter. Your playthrough could easily be a totally different experience.
Reminder that Emily was the one who got everyone rescued.
Apparently the studio wants to go multiplat and Until Dawn is owned by Sony so don't hold your breath
Because it was shamelessly just a homage to horror movies that I grew up watching. It was tense when it needed to be and just the right level of camp.
I wouldn't buy a PS4 for it, but it was alright.
I liked Chris best. Real human bean and hero.
sequel where he becomes a monster hunter when.
because it's actually interesting and not fucking stupid. i still think the game could have been improved if they had gone for more resident evil-esque gameplay style, but it's still a very good game where your choices actually matter.
because Until Dawn is written by people who actually have talent.
There is nothing wrong with moviegaems, it's just that a lot of them are bad movies.
I thought the game was terrible, but hilarious to play especially with friends. Honestly can't believe there are people in this thread defending it for any reason other than Hayden's ass.
Worst character, but would fuck and even though Ashely is best girl Emily VA is FINE !
so where the fuck did matt disappear to for a good portion of the game? did the devs just forget about him?
Until dawn didn't try to be muh deep thriller, its a fun "choice" game with good graphics
They just assumed everyone would get him killed.
Post the butt webms
matt wasnt even that bad, was he heavily disliked?
there's literally an option to just shoot her in the fucking face, how could you possibly have let her live when you wanted her to die?
You just had to do specific things to make sure he didn't die.
>Black guy is the first one that can die
I got a near perfect playthrough the first time, and even though I really enjoyed the game I feel that sort of ruined it a bit for me because I now know exactly what I have to do to get the perfect ending every time. My only choice is to intentially fuck things up with my choices, but doing that sort of takes away from the tension of the game.
Sequel? The story has pretty much ended.
I didn't bother because I didn't think mike would actually do it
I figured the gun would jam or something prevents him from doing it
>if he doesn't die, he only appear at the very end for a very brief moment
surprised to hear that, he survived on my playthrough
>Hannah's sister
because the most graphically impressive game where you can walk around as a qt in a towel
cause it's good
Cinematic games are kind of stupid, as a genre, and the problem with the rest of them is that they try really hard to be art and thus disappear so far up their own assholes that they turn inside out.
Until Dawn doesn't do this and basically just plays like a horror movie where, when you shout "OH SHIT NIGGA DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR" the character actually doesn't open it. It was made with the objective of creating a fun game and thus avoids disappearing up its own asshole.
Heavy Rain was written by an idiot who thought he was making high art, Until Dawn is a self-aware homage to teen horror movies
I honestly wouldn't be against more movie games as long as they are fun like this one, but sadly you need Sony's money to make a high budget game like this with proper actors and shit
People like Rami Malek and Stormaire gave such great performances, it wouldn't have been the same with your regular vidya voice actors
Visually the game was actually very impressive, Im not just talking about graphics but the scene designs and camera setups were pretty great, made me hanker for a new Resident Evil done like this.
she gets naked a lot in Shameless
you can get it for like $10 used
Matt lives if you really, really hate Emily, basically.
In order to have him survive the bit where the firetower collapses you have to either:
A: be a huge dick to Emily for the entire game as him. Disagree with her, argue with her, insult her, at every possible opportunity, and then find the flare gun.
B: When the tower collapses and Emily is hanging off of it, don't even try to help her. Just leave.
Otherwise he dies. Matt cannot survive if he isn't being a dick to Emily.
i don't know how more people wouldn't have kept him alive then, emily is insufferable
What? For me it was I had to be Emily's bitch and she gave me the flare gun.
nope he shoots her right in the face
there's even a totem of it happening you can find beforehand
Playing Until Dawn and then watching Mr. Robot was pretty funny because late in the seasons there were lines that almost seemed like they were pulled directly from Until Dawn.
Man, if Until Dawn was a true horror game with these graphics and setting in the vein of RE or Silent Hill, it would be my game of the generation.
I like the part where that guy turns into Nathan Drake's little brother after finding Alex from Silent Hill Homecoming's army jacket.
I liked all three of those.
>tfw I actually bought into the Beyond: Two Souls hype
>bought it full price on release
It was so mediocre that the only redeeming thing about it was that we played together with a friend (me controlling the girl and he's the spirit)
It was as linear as it gets, even Heavy Rain had actual choice that mattered.
Until Dawn was okay, but not exactly worth the full price I'd say
You aren't playing as Matt when you find the flaregun. You're playing Emily. You have to have Emily give him the flaregun. But since you aren't playing as him, you don't get to decide what he does with it.
If you were a dick to Emily then he just pockets it. If you were Emily's bitch then he fires it as a signal, and doesn't have it later to defend himself with.
I didn't know this. He survive in my playthrough as well. I jumped off the tower because it felt like if I even tried to reach for her the shit would have just collapsed. I figured I'd reach her from a safe spot first.
best girl coming though
>tfw I did everything right on my first play through and got the flare gun
>Matt falls into the mine and starts getting pulled
>mfw brain fart and forget how to move the cursor for a second too long
>Matt ded
I felt so shitty because Matt was my favorite by far and I got him killed because I'm retarded. Worst feel and almost made me stop playing
Hayden was so hot in this.
Heres something for you user, dont touch the controller for ANY scene unless its mandatory to move to the next stage, the game goes from start to finish without a single consequence of any sort, failing prompts does nothing and actually opens alternate scenes that sometimes skip whole segments of the game yet still result in the same dialogue just under different circumstances
>suppose to run through the woods to escape cops
>dont run
>cops actually arrest you and put you in a van
>skip the whole chase scene and part where you have to hold up outside a cinema against all the cops
>aiden just flips the van and frees you
>she says the exact same dialogue to the wounded officer
>that military part of the game
>zoom through checkpoint, you were suppose to drive slowly through
>chase scene
>fail every prompt
>crash the truck in a violent explosion
>suddenly snaps to scene with Jodie and niglet a few blocks down the street like nothing happened
Game overs are a failure of the game designer.
that's not ashley user
but sam is a close second
Bitchy half Asian whores are just so hot Jesus Christ
Best scene in the game.
>liking emily
>Imagine if you were human
>tfw aliens reached out to humans on Sup Forums
This game had some really awkward jump scares that the characters didn't react do. BOO SCARECROW MAN IN THE BINOCULARS Mike doesn't say anything though BOO GHOST Chris kind of shrugs it off and goes 'jeez'
Best ass: Blonde girl
Pro tip: You cant prove otherwise
those are for you, not the characters
Right, which is why they're so awkward especially in the first instance since Mike is looking through a scope and it pops up. He just kind of backs out and looks confused, then if you inspect it again he claims he doesn't see anything. It doesn't match up and made me confused as hell rather than startled.
Okay nobody asked.
>I watched a playthrough
But If you just jump without saving Emily Matt won't even be in any danger flare gun or not.
Just pops in to help Jessica.
Ah, I recall a dev talked about that, it was the character had taken their sights off the scope when the spoops came into view, it was more for the players than the characters in the scene. The one that noone seems to mention is the ghost one, where its just a ghost screams in that one girls face, she gets scared of course but what the fuck was that about, a special effect from prank king? How the fuck did he do that?
just a prank
Can't say 100% if it was intentional, but it tells you the character's personalities. Mike is literally Nathan Drake/Ash action movie star and is very brave. So he doesn't really react to it. Chris isn't as brave but is still pretty strong willed so he gets a bit spooked by it. Not enough to freak out but enough to make him jump.
And the scarecrow wearing the mask of your biggest fear popping up, but you could just put that one up to Josh being Josh. I feel like it's their way of lazily trying to make the pacing work, since there's long stretches of walking and attempting to build atmosphere they needed some way of giving you pay off to keep you on your toes. Unfortunately it was more head scratching and "BOO! haha just kidding got ya nothing's happening to anyone :(" than spooking. Still has fun horror movie characters though
The only difference is whether or not one of the 7 people are dead or not.
Too many inconsequential jumpscares. If the jumpscares led to any danger, I'd be okay with them, but most of them are just there to fuck with the player and do nothing else.
Because it didn't try too hard.
It had a good premise and stuck with it. There was no jarring "gameplay" that distracted from the "cinematic" feel.
daily reminder that you can't spike the Mike
The second the choice popped up I fucking put a bullet in her. Didnt want to take chances.
Still more than can be said of every Telltale game
Two words
Self Awareness
>Still no butt webms
What's the point
OMG! I hated that bitch! Everytime I failed her QTE's just so she would go.
>can end up watching her crush getting beheaded in front of her without doing anything
It almost felt satisfactory when she got rekt
You're correct. The other difference between this and a TT game is that the writing is usually better. Until Dawn is probably on par with S2 of TWD, take that as you will. I liked parts of UD but overall I thought the wendigos were pretty fucking lame and I honestly would've rather just had the entire game be a prank.