How do I get into the Patreon scam scene?

How do I get into the Patreon scam scene?

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Step 1: Be female

>people spend their hard earned money to hear a fat, greasy zealot talk about how white christian dudebros are the source of all evil in the world
What a time to be alive

>Receives hispter welfare via patreon
>Also donates hipster welfare to people like Sterling and Wu

>the jew who took the Breeding Season money and ran already has $4693 monthly on his new scam Patreon

Are furfags the most retarded people on the entire planet?

Did he lose some weight or is he just wearing a very big jacket in his profile picture

But patreon is good for the porn-artists that actually do shit.
Not like Onagi and The Pit. Both fucking moany shitheads who release like 2 pictures a month (paywalled behind the patreon).

Then you have animopron who releases long animation sets completely made by himself to everyone outside of patreon and he rakes in 14 fucking grand a month.

i wonder if shwig is a bad enough dude to shwig his own project

But then you also have people who release previews of their porn where patreon logo is fuckhuge and hides everything

>3000 a month
Still 3000 too much but honestly nothing to call home about.

It does help seperate the good artists from the bad though. The ones who go patreon either tend to mire and laze about, or they continue working at full-pace or even faster. No inbetween.

Who actually donates to these fucks who just talk as if their opinion is worth paying for? I only fund real creators who make degenerate porn I enjoy like

Wish there was a for regular porn

Anyone else using keymailer?

1. Be a mediocre weeaboo artist who puts more time into shiny colors than composition or anatomy.

2. Draw porn.

you better gimmie dat shark card porky

give me a fucking break, retards give 5k a month to fucking SHINDOL of all artists and he even has a fucking job as a fucking hentai manga artist in fucking japan


How do you access this place.
For a friend.

There's a lot of artists on Patreon who have a decent paid job, especially from the japanese art community. A shame, really. Still ShindoL is not as greedy looking as Born-to-die.

Fuck artists who become patreon exclusive.

>literally wu
>creating games

They'll die eventually because of minimal exposure and people just leak their shit everywhere anyway. Same with pay-sites like Deucesworld n shit like that. No-one wants to pay for intermittent content, thus releasing everything and basically using patreon as a behind the scenes/get a say in the next picture I do is the best way for making a long-term fanbase that'll shower you in dough.

Or just be a furry. Because jesus christ those guys seem to have more money than the federal reserve.

It's always the shitty ones it seems.

What's worse is some JAPANESE artists who USED to draw porn for free on pixiv now censor their shit with the patreon logo and expect people to pay.

> and people just leak their shit everywhere anyway.
There's that one slavic furry artist who embeds unique tracking code to all art he distributes via patreon so if you leak his art he will dox you and shit

>slavic furry artist
I only know one slavic furry artist popular enough to get away with it, surprisingly. Wolfy-nail?

That comment resonates.
Artists (or even sfm artists) cannot rely on patreon for bloody food.
Same with youtubers and such.
Much safer to keep even a part-time or min-wage job whilst doing your entertainment in your spare time.

Which ones have done that?
Just to avoid them.
I swear kloah and piero better remain pure

It wasn't Wolfy IIRC, but it was some extremely paranoid guy who lashes out at anyone if they say bad word about him.

>There are people who are seriously defending this
Even on e621 people are instantly downvoting pics like this

>so if you leak his art he will dox you and shit
>i have no idea how the internet or computers work: the post

>Artist draws and publishes publicly
>Picks up on the Patreon train
>Slowly transfers more and more to Patreon and removing any and all images she can from accounts and boorus
>There's calling out on her tracing stuff and her only response is that taking photos doesn't take effort
>Now there are tons of people who haven't gotten stuff they commissioned and they're asking about it without replies

The downfall truly is great.

Japs should fuck off and stick to japanese shit like comiket

>make videos on Jewtube/Twitch, make drawings on Tumblr for about 2 years
>suck a lot of metaphorical dick
>set up a Patreon

Proceed to rake in at least $3000 a month.

>embeds unique tracking code to all art

Did you just fly in from Stupid Town.

Well, first, you have to have some kind of talent people will pay you for.

So you're already out of luck.

I'd like to mention that the artist who made that image constantly complains that he and his Patreon are not popular enough, while he shits on other artists doing better in that regard.

>>There's calling out on her tracing stuff and her only response is that taking photos doesn't take effort
>>Now there are tons of people who haven't gotten stuff they commissioned and they're asking about it without replies
The one in the link or are you talking about someone else?

>already does commissions
>slaps on a Patreon paygate on top of it

Jewing was a mistake.

Pattycake, the uhh "porn star", uses that same shit because she wants all her images and videos and everything to be paid content only.

>The one in the link or are you talking about someone else?
Someone else.

What talent does moviebob have? Is not going to your grandma's funeral to play SMB3 a talent?

>you'll never be a shitty artist running a patreon that doesn't take off

You sound jealous as fuck.

>Someone else.
Please tell me who it is, senpai! I need some artist drama stories!

I think YouTube celeb Patreon campaigns are what really show that capitalism has failed.

Serious question:

Do you have to tax that money? Is it considered income or what? How does this work?

>tfw no rich oil sheik who pays your bills

Jealous of what? 3k a month? He could win the fucking lottery and I wouldn't be jealous of his white guilt Mario loving fat ass

You really should be declaring it as income. Getting caught eventually will be much more expensive than paying taxes

I'm sure it's taxed.

What I wonder is what the age range for patrons is. Do they release that information? I have a feeling it's basically children using mommy's credit card to pay twenty-somethings for doing their hobby and nothing else.

furry porn

Yeah, its a taxable income. You need to do all the taxes yourself too iirc.

Sometimes I really wonder how many patreon people actually did that. Like if a mass audit was to be performed, how many would be arrested for tax evasion?

Now pay my Patreon so that I can tell you assholes for being concerned about a movie studio's shitty behaviour towards everyone but those who support them while I ignore all this and the glaring flaws of their movie!

>Go to the link
>2 patrons
>All that previous work
>Trying to mimic sakimi's artsyle and rewards
>See this


Thank you, fampai!

I hope anyone finally gets onto Nitrotitan's tracing.

Yes, it's taxable. There are fields in your tax form for everything, including money gained from illegal activities.

Confirmed for jealous as fuuuuuuuck.

He doesn't realize that you have to refine your skill until it looks...well, good enough for people to pay for.

You might vomit if you see his dA page.

i really hope one of these big patreons realizes that you still need to file and pay taxes on it and gets his ass reemed by the IRS

>Sometimes I really wonder how many patreon people actually did that. Like if a mass audit was to be performed, how many would be arrested for tax evasion?
Probably everyone who isn't an actual artist in the comic, game, animation and design industry. All of those mediocre shitheads are delusional to a point where they think they deserve all the money.

Patreonshits are basically AAA publishers. aying for uncensored art is their DLC.

>>Trying to mimic sakimi's artsyle and rewards
Don't do this. They look good t first but have serious issues in every field of their work. There's a reason Sakimichan is a EX Bioware artist. Learn from books by actual professional artists and rom life, then get your own style.

That's some awful looking art

>Dude if you paid me, I will tell you step by step how I drew this great piece!

Everyone's trying to mimic Sakimi's artwork cause she's making more than a most doctors are and many CEOs from Patreon alone. She's in the rich bracket of people so others feel "if I'm like her, I can make her kind of money!"

>3000 a month for putting out literal garbage
Why are people so fucking stupid holy shit. He deserves at most a couple hundred for his shit quality.

I like how he got to the left leg and just gave up

What is worse?

Patreon artists
Camwhores without a business network behind them or

>make Youtube videos
>amass a loyal fanbase over several years

When your fanbase is mindlessly obedient to you, no matter how shitty you/your beliefs are, then start milking them for all they're worth

>DUDE, pay me dude!

This art is a good example of style over substance. The structure is all over the place. It's really... generic at best and not really good.

True. I could see that. People love to snag momentum on someone's coat tails.

No one from Sup Forums has the brainpower or patience or knowhow to rip people off via patreon/kickstarter.

If you have to ask how to do it, you can't do it.

Please leave 14 year old.

Jesus, you really hate this guy huh

gravity rush 2 WHEN

Shadman 2.0?

>tfw I make 300€ a month working for one of germany's biggest tech companies as a student wage slave while talentless SJW hacks earn as much as my dad

How long can this go on? I would love to make a vidja jew tube channel, but I'm not a native speaker and I hate the sound of my voice.

The problem is that, she's probably the only artist that makes that much money in 1-2 weeks. It's just a rare thing, emulating her style won't even get you half the money she's making.

To be honest, more people are trying to be clones of kr0nz. I've seen several already.

I see that he's a fan of shadbase

Wait, donations are taxed? Lmao.

Did you just admit to being a pedophile? Jealous and a pervert, no wonder you're lusting over patreon accounts.

Say what you will about shadman but his art style is usually pretty anatomically accurate and looks good (albeit you probably won't enjoy it unless you share his tastes for women), this shit is just objectively ugly

become an SJW

>He hasn't heard the news
Europe gets it first.

At least shad can draw stuff that isn't an airbrushed unfinished mess.

prolly the same way you do with sadpanda, though I haven't found any extension

Remember movieblob is in America. 3k a month isn't all that much there. Also he was making 4k earlier. So yeah, patreon funbux never last.

>4 months
Hey that's sooner than I thought

3k is plenty depending on where you live, and it's 3k for not doing much of anything. Basically free money.

Yfw Jessica nigri is making $21 000 a month on Patreon

would they report you to the police if you taxed money from illegal activities? and would filling that out be counted as evidence to convict or investigate? i mean that would be kinda logical but they have to at least give a little bit of motivation to do that...

Unless you're living in the shitty city 3k is a very good amount. I spend around 1-1.2k a month and live very very well. If I spent 3k a month I'd have to start ordering out every meal and buying random shit to get to that point.

I wish I was a cute gurl

>fat stack