Why your silver chest refuses to give you an upgrade

The total sum of your weapon/armor value cannot exceed your current character level inside of PotD. This means that if your weapon/armor value is 30, then you will not receive a bonus from silver chests until you reach level 31 within PotD.

There is still a failure rate even when your PotD character level exceeds your weapon/armor value. This failure rate increases as the gap between the two values decreases. So if your weapon/armor value is 30, and you open a silver chest at level 31, your odds of getting a bonus are very low.

With this in mind, the best way to start getting bonuses on your weapon, after you inevitably have to reset your progress data, is to full clear every floor of PotD. You get all the joy of killing very trivial monsters with the full knowledge that any silver chests you come across are useless.

Let's say you're at 29/30 on your PotD weapon/armor value. Every silver chest you find prior to hitting level 60 is guaranteed to not give you a bonus. Upon hitting level 60, the gap between your character level and your weapon/armor value is very small, and so the failure rate on the upgrade is very high.

So if you're nearing the end of your PotD weapon run, you'll end up running through ~45 floors where a bonus to your weapon/armor is impossible. Upon reaching a point where you can receive a bonus, you'll be fighting against the RNG of a silver chest showing up on a late 40s dungeon floor, and then against the RNG of the failure rate on that silver chest. Effectively, for the chance at a few floors worth of opportunity to receive a bonus at the end of the content, you must always replay the content from the beginning at floor 1. Don't think about racing through the floors as quickly as possible either; if you don't have a character level higher than your weapon/armor value, you will not get a bonus from silver chests. All of this instead of being able to replay the last 40-50 set of floors, where you would be just battling RNG.

Thanks YoshiP

you mean to tell me a new feature they added was grindy and overall poorly implemented? that's never happened before

Why would you want your armor/weapon to be above 30? That the amount you need to take it out of the dungeon. You get it to 30 the reset it to get another weapon, you're not supposed to go above 30

Sum total of the weapon/armor combined.

So if you have a +18 wep and a +12 armor, you wont see an upgrade unless you're over level 31.

So, Diadem 2.0?

>that's never happened before

Never. SE has such a great track record with these new features

Everythig of the diadem map seems unlocked for me and I still don't have the achievement. Is there some super secret spot I need to discover?

Grind's not even that bad you whiny retards, can take a few PoTD runs but it's a free 235 ilvl weapon, you could just run Niddhog EX if you're not brain dead retarded and get an equal power item, unless you want the shiny but in that case suck it up and grind your cosmetic, wouldn't be fun if everyone got it easy.

i wouldn't even care about the grind if it wasn't for the fact that potd is so brain dead easy

i was cautiously optimistic and hoping for something rogue like ish but i don't think the shitty combat system allows for anything fun that doesn't involve ridiculous amounts of disco mechanics being thrown at you

Seriously, is this the easiest semi-current weapon ever? Not counting shit like dungeon drops, this seems like a much less intensive grind than the Lore weapon was and there's nothing even approaching the difficulty of an EX Primal in this.

But it easy.

Too easy.

You sure? Maybe it's a bug or you missed some part, like the center.

It will really depend if later floors will be any harder. This release was a proof of concept more than anything.

They have a nice groundwork. Much better than Diadem or LoV.

>My friend got +27/+27 in 2 runs
>I cleared it 3 times and still stuck at +23/+25

Oh well, only doing it for the mount and minions anyway. Already got all NidEx weapons.

>implying its even possible for me to run niddhog ex

Which dead server is this?


You don't know dead until you've been on Jenova.

meant to reply to

Can Extreme Primals be beaten through Duty Finder, or is it guaranteed that a random group will fail?

On Japanese data center? Around 70% success rate, 95% on older one.

Provided you pull your own weight and didn't get any random jackass hoping for a carry.

Yes, but it's like lottery.

First time Bismarck Ex through DF was a shitshow for me.

What's the trick to grind floor 49?

The shit way : wipe yourself and your party at last boss by getting hit with AoE 4 or 5 times or something I heard it instantly wipe your team

Not so shit way : After you beat the boss DC and wait 5 min so it auto kick you.

If you know its dead, why not move to another server?

Oh so you don't have to leave before the boss? that's good to know.

There's supposed to be an update sometimet that guarantees an upgrade when you beat it

DC? Can you just log off?

I want to move, I just don't know which server
I'd also have to say goodbye to my FC

That's dumb.

Move to Gilgamesh like everyone else and be done with it.

Oh, and don't say goodbye. Just leave. Walk out. Take what you can from their storage and leave.

Force close the game.

>literally copypasting forum posts

I read that thread last night. Shame on you OP.

just make your own PF, have you tried doing that?

why don't you try joining a FC that actually does midcore content

>Visiting the Lodestone


gilgamesh is the worst server ever

leviathan is much better

Gilgamesh has people on it. More people = more opportunities to do things.


Lazy dum MMO scum.

DCing doesnt work. Tried 3 times today after clearing final boss. Just resets your progress to what you were at going into 41-50

more people also means more opportunities for retard players. everyone and their mother is transferring to gilgamesh to get carried and it's often the people with toxic attitudes and can't play the game for shit either.

Gilgamesh right now is the cesspool of the Aether datacenter, next to Balmung.

Leviathan is like the third biggest server on NA and is mostly absent of ERP degenerates or elitist transferees.

The more perfectly streamlined and homogenized you demand your content to be, the more shit it will be.

More people means you can try to make your own static to do things and shift through the shit players to find the decent ones.

the good players already have static cliques on gilgamesh, otherwise they wasted their time transferring.

Are you seriously defending grinding?.

And the same is true of Leviathan, so fuck off we're full. Go to, I don't know, Cactuar or something like the prick you are.

>And the same is true of Leviathan
not true

You play a game based around it, you aren't? All I'm hearing ITT is "MUH FREE SHIT THAT EVERYONE ELSE HAS".

Afraid so, I get queues constantly. Seriously, don't come here.

how the fuck do you get a clique on a server you haven't even played on

You dont.

There's actual work involved, and then there's five fucking levels of RNG just to get a single upgrade out of 60.

>RNG level one:
Is there a Silver Chest on this floor?
>RNG level two:
Is it a mimic?
>RNG level three:
Is it going to explode?
>RNG level four:
Is it going to be an upgrade to my weapon or my armor?
>RNG level five:
Is it going to give me the upgrade or will it just decide to fail because of what is laid out in the OP?

It's fucking horrible and you can tell that SE realized how fucked it is because they pledged to change it just days after release.

Don't fall for the top server/Gilgamesh meme.

Just find a decent mid pop server and go there with friends.

>He thought they would just hand casuals 235 weapons without massive grind

Honestly I'm not happy about it either but did you really expect any different? Even still you can get the weapon in a few days of just playing casually anyway so I dont really see the problem. If they had you able to replay any set of floors you want they would just make the upgrade chance even lower so it would average out to the same amount of time or even longer if you're unlucky.

I'm having fun with PotD though. I'll probably grind out a weapon or two and then wait on the new floors to come out.

Perfectly summed up. "Hey, at least that Yo-Kai Watch event looks fun!"

So this works? You can force close the game after last boss and it doesnt save progress? I'll have to mention that to group so I dont get tards who intentionally die to last boss or try to wipe us on floor 49 because they got no upgrades.

Isn't that the point though? Thats what you want to be back on the 40th floor without having to screw over your groupmates.

No because you dont keep any upgrades you earned.

The intent is to re-do 41-50 and hope you get the upgrades you need. Of course, this is only useful if you're realistically close enough to hit 30/30 in that 10 floor span.

Oh wait. We're talking about 2 different things. I wasn't asking for a way to farm 40-50 (and keep the upgrades) i just wanted a way to not have progress be saved if I had a bad run and not have to leave my groupmates high and dry.

I just want to know if you can kill the final boss and then dc or something so you can go back to floor 40.

>Kill Boss
>DC (force close game, don't exit normally)
>wait 10 minutes, not just 5.
>log back in
>You're back in Quarrymill

Also, make sure you do the force close while still in the boss room.

how do I get a level in HW quickly
I'm lvl 58 and need 59 to keep doing the msq



Daily Levelling Roulette is a guaranteed lvl usually.

daily roulettes
if you're out of those, do the vault dungeon. takes about 2-3 runs to level up

>level 60
>only a 26 arm
>floor 45
>Still fails


I just had two runs back to back where there wasn't a single silver chest in the 41-50 floors

>still playing FFXIV
What do you people do, holy shit, I was full 240 months ago bored out of my mind, Nidhogg was a day 1 farm, Midas is about to be a year old and they seriously released more 235 shit?

Call me when they stop being completely fucking retarded with gearing/item level/secondary stats.

>wahh why doesn't the game cater to poopsocker raiders like me?

>poopsocker raiders
>if you're not a literal retard, you're a poopsocking raider
Enjoy more braindead content I guess.

savage gear is locked behind lockouts, you have to raid for weeks to get it.

so you are a poopsocker to keep doing the same shit over and over to get gear that doesn't matter because you hate the game.

Say you have a value of 28/29 and are on floors 41-50.

Couldn't you just back out right before floor 50 if you got bad rng? That way you can retry from floor 41 and hope for better rng. Would you rather have a 30 minute penalty or start back from floor 1.

>you're a poopsocker to play in savage for 4 hours a week!
I quit months ago as I said, but whatever makes you feel better.
Gotta get those 400 DPS Dragoons and 0 DPS healers through content somehow.

I just don't understand how you can get to level 60 and still be bad.
>mfw nidhogg on launch day

Post your lodestone character page.

No. I'll post my gear if you want, but I'm not giving you my characters name.

I don't even play on your meme servers, so it's not like posting your char name is going to do anything.

despite the memes, is it a good time to resub? dropped my around late October/November

>meme servers
I don't play on /vg/ servers.

>1 to 50
>and now I learn its locked behind your level
Fuck this rng shit.

Eventually you'll be like me


I need to be level 54 before I get a CHANCE at my next upgrade. And the gear is synced for me until floor 43. So I go through 42 levels knowing there's nothing for me, but I can't just bum rush it because you need to be max level to increase your chance at it not failing. All so I can try and earn as many of the 7 upgrades I still need before I have to redo all 50 floors again.

Why isn't there an Etrian Oddyssey MMO?

>Midas is about to be a year old

But it came out in February

Free login like tomorrow or the day after. Play that and decide.

since the day you logged in there has been 0 changes to the game and 1 total instance added, which does nothing.

>expect neat dungeon crawler
>receive awful rng cancer
I don't know why I keep having expectation

>achievements for each individual padjali weapon
>will probably happen again when their item levels are updated


They'll make it easier to get weapons to 30/30 eventually.

>tfw no boat/airship zones ever

Swimming when

>tfw 1.X had a comfy as fuck boatride but it got scrapped as a casualty because the game was overall terrible
We lost fun stats on gear from 1.X too, feels real bad man.

1.X also had airship zones but they didn't get put to use

whens the free login coming back

the 25th




>playing mmo for anything but ERP

Nigga this ain't last decade

>Oh no I don't get everything I want handed out to me with little effort shit game
You younguns don't even know how it used to be.

But this game does hand you fucking everything with little to no effort.