Where did western devs go so wrong?

Where did western devs go so wrong?

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I guess you could say that really slaps me on the knee.


When gaming devs embraced feminism.

I guess I forgot that Nether Realms represented the entirety of western game developers.

So many ugly and manfaced women

Were you trying to prove OP wrong?

Shhh, no one tell him, I don't think he knows he's gay yet.

>Where did western devs go so wrong?

They didn't OP,I actually fell safe and at ease I can play a empowering female character little girls can look up too.

I'm sorry, is this better?

Fuck! I knew she was ugly, but its like her hat dropped off and she is about to take off on a broom.

so you are going to keep making this stupid thread


That's a shop, doofus.


Why do their faces matter?

You're just going to pound them in as you play the game.

Yeah it doesn't matter,you tell em user! Its all about the concept not visuals ;)

That's not what a trap is. Like, this isn't even reverse trap.

I don't get anything out of ruining something that was already ugly.

You mean where did NRS go wrong?

MK9 and Injustice they didn't look good

MKX the girls tended to vary but still looked mu CH better than previous attempts (Compare Sonya to MK9 and MKvsDC) and the men looked sexy af


I mean how do you go from bad to better to Dear God their faces are melting?

How many Injustice threads are we going to have about this stupid fucking subject?


They have been raised into believing good looking women are wrong.

>Social movement
>In video games

>So tell me, I understand you were very involved with the movement in equality for women. I admire that and want to hear more about it. We're you fighting for fair wages, to promote women in engineering fields by praising other women who made great achievements in science and mechanics?
>>I pushed for women to not have big tits in video games

Except that making them look like man-faced gorillas isn't treating them well.

>neither have good bodies


>shooped cocks

can someone tell me who the woman wearing the green see-through blouse in the bottom left corner is?

also, a name for the lady with the large red hair in the upper right corner would be greatly appreciated

>tfw am mtf trans and want more big-boobed "bimbos" in games because they make me feel empowered

Stop oppressing me nu-males

they sure represent western fighting game developers

You're a faggot cross dresser who uses chemicals to take your cosplay to a new level, not a female. Kys.

Get fucked Japan.

>attractive women are the exact same thing as racist caricatures.
kek, these left wing nu-males and their false equivalences


They look like when a 60 year old woman gets plastic surgery to smooth it out but doesn't get the face lifted to have the natural rounding of a female face.

Granted I've seen guys with more female faces than your average girl, but overall even body building woman often do not end up with man face and muscle without some kind of enhancement.

The fuck.

But not every western dev does this shit, they do tend to lean hard on the MILF button often even on the good looking ones though. And a lot seem to end up with plastic hair syndrome.

Deep down artists must know what's aesthetic. But some sense of modern "enlightened" shame stops them from experimenting with and employing designs that emulate what they feel inside represent peak feminine beauty.

I honestly believe this.

Don't you think you're contradicting your stance by acting this way?

I never understand how someone can fuck that. I would rather fuck a whore in Valen than this disgusting creature

As gross as Magilla Gorilla Hernandez looks her jawline is still rounded compared to the manjaws in OP's pic.

Hello Iri Ishikki

this is considered beautiful in western countries

>holding the stick
>in her right hand
>left hand just there

What a cunt.

are you cute? if you aren't, just fucking leave, if you are post pics

off yourself before 10 years from now