
>Laura is boring and generic!
>Electricity gimmick belongs to Blanka!
>We want Sean!

After Release
>omg Laura is amazing!
>funnest character to play as!
>fuck that stupid weeb Sean, beat him up Laura!

When did you realize Laura is the breakout character of SF V?

>funnest character to play as!
Literally no one has said that

Yay another shit thread where op generalizes the opinions of few and says they're the opinions of all
Literally half of Sup Forums threads

It's as if Sup Forums isn't one person.
Try harder with the ebin baits, m8.

I bought SFV after watching some "how to play Laura" videos and decided she looked incredibly fun. I've played mostly Laura and loved it. The rest of the cast is fun too but I find her playstyle to be perfect. Her elbow strike being a ranged two hit grapple is amazing, command grab is fun, her combos and links are short but satisfying, and all of that is on top of a great movement option and very easy to use anti-air. It's a blast.

The only fun character to play is Vega

SFV is boring

I've heard it in a lot of places. She is indeed pretty fun to play as. Characters like her that combine lots of tricky mix-ups and throws are always fun (but rarely top tier). She's kind of like Blue Mary.

OP never actually said those were the opinions of Sup Forums.

Where does Laura rank in storyline power? It seems like SF V pushes her as being rather strong. She is able to hang with Ryu at least.

Laura is actually underrated compared to the other girls in the game for several reasons which may or may not mainly involve sex appeal.

>tfw thought Infitration would main Laura when he kept hentai-airing people on the beta

Let's hope he mains Juri.
Before anyone say "Infiltration plays every character!", by maining I mean playing other characters like he plays Nash.

He would have but sometimes you got to get that W. Such as in the finals of Evo. Laura would not have cut it.

Also Laura is the kind of character that can be very powerful in short sets, but is rather taxing on your mind for playing in long sets. She requires a lot of keeping track of what you're doing and creating set-ups. In 3 or 4 matches you can be very creative and take the opponent off guard, but as the set goes on it's easy to start to fall into a pattern and get punished.

I still don't want her. Necro would have been a better choice.

>Nobody plays Laura
>Nobody plays Bison
>Nobody plays Zangief
>Nobody plays Fang
>Top tier competition is just Nash, Ryu, Chun, Mika

Where them buffs and nerfs at

>A weeb

Laura is literally a dirty BR that I fucking hate.


I want to make Sean an uncle!

After CapCup. But Comboshilltonoend said the team is pretty happy with the game's balance.
Even I am kinda happy. The only characters deserving nerfs for me are the top tier
- Ryu doing a bit less damage and having a slower sweep. Maybe giving invincibility only to his EX shoryu. His jab is a good anti air and he can parry. He has no reason to burn meter, so everytime he touches you, you eat a CA on top of his absurd damage
- Chun not being as godlike as it is and some people are complaining about her VT being two bars
- I think Ken is way too safe after an air tatsu, and he does too much damage
- Nash's dash should have it's animation tweaked, and maybe decrease his pushback. All his shit are unsafe on paper, but he is never at a punishable range

Mika would be hard to balance without changing her too much, she would need some buffs if she gets nerfed. Outside of that, only mid-low needs buffs.

>a slower sweep. Maybe giving invincibility only to his EX shoryu.


Still disappointed in that voice. Would it have killed them to give her a brazilian accent?

Her hair is still fuck terrible

They voiced her before deciding the design. "BOOM! That's how you start a fight and finish it quickly!" doesn't sound as retarded with pic related in mind,

Her jap voice is pretty hot
Still wish her english wasn't shit tier

Forgot pic,


She's nothing.

Ryu is on a whole other level compared to most of the other characters and is slowly reaching the level where Sagat is in that he'd fuck up most people but lose to the flatout bullshit


You can buy that costume for 6 bux in game