It's Mike/James/Bootsy/the fat one play a simple arcade game and struggle to say anything interesting for 15 minutes...

>it's Mike/James/Bootsy/the fat one play a simple arcade game and struggle to say anything interesting for 15 minutes episode

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Says the one who actually watches that crap.

mike and bootsy episodes are usually great. I want more bootsy beats episodes

>Complaining about not enough talking in gameplays

Are you fucking for real? Why don't you go watch those e-celeb podcasts then?

What do you want them to say about Breakout? What could a person really say, that everyone doesn't already know about?

Why are they so fucking boring

James should fire them all and turn the channel into a movie channel
Fuck videogames, none of these people know jackshit about them

That's my point. Why even make a video about it if you have nothing interesting to say. It's not fun to watch either.

I'd watch another Boosty Beats series. That was about the only good one on the channel.

Bootsy is ok you can tell he has genuine love for arcade style games

Why make a video about fucking Breakout

Bootsy needs more face time. He is the best now honestly. Mike is OK but he has had a bigger ego because of the whole cock thing spreading everywhere.
James should do waaaay more movie reviews as Nerd is a bit dated, and revitalize Board James or another similar series

Anyone notice how Mike's hair goes from like it is in OP's pic to super short then back again in the next video? I'd say he just sat on it for months/years before uploading but everything else in it (like James) still looks modern. WTF is going on with Mike's hair?

Mike has severe insecurity issues.

I like watching Mike stream. he's a bit on the autistic side,but the fact that he actually plays games is a pretty big plus over most youtube celebs.

Anyone remember Mike stream a few weeks ago where he was drunk as shit and almost passed out on camera

Why do they call him Motherfucker Mike?

because he has the intellect of an 8th grade adhd bastard step child.

He first started making videos back in 2007, when that was considered a cool thing to be called on the 'net.

>its mike states the obvious when bootsy makes a breakout pun

What about Ryan? He's like Mike's second in command now.

Because he fucks your mother.

A lot of let's players will record one six our session on a weekend and break it up into 7+ videos to upload later.

Ryan is a fat sperg that is as normie as you can get while still being a "gamer". He plays nothing but flavor of the month shit and overhyped garbage. He knows jack shit.

Did anyone record it? Or did he upload it?

Bootsy is chill man who has some vidya skills, but not only there is nothing to look at (he dresses like homeless 80% of the time) but also nothing to hear (he has no sense of humor). Meanwhile, Mike is cracking autistic and cringey jokes, and if there is no James to keep him in check, he steal all the thunder or downright ruins the video. And if there are all three of them, James and Mike refrain from talking to not distract Bootsy beating harder moments and silence gets awkward.
Mike shoul be out. James and Bootsy would make best duo.

Of course he didnt upload it, I only caught the end of it, the chat was something else.

It's weird Bootsy is never seen without a hat. He must be bald as fuck.

Suprisingly, he's not.

>Mike literally says he can't stand breakout clones on PC because somehow he thinks mouse controls are worse than a fucking atari paddle

atari paddles are good though

Mike has a natural adversity to anything modern
He is the real AVGN

Well, he will be if he doesn't drop the hat.

Me too. It's taking so long thought, I'm not sure it's gonna happen. Did people not enjoy his battletoads episodes?

fuck off retard

mouse has precision movement, keep on paddling with your shitty controller

Some people like to watch it because they don't have friends in real life, so it works as a friend simulator. If you don't like it, why do you even watch it?

if you are already so used to an atari controller that you control it better than a mouse like in Mike's case then there is literally nothing wrong

you must be a literal retard

if mouse is 1:1 with your hand movement its ultimately better controller than a fucking atari paddle stick

not really


James doesn't know what an XBone is?

He does but he's a movie fan

>James never knew about Bryan Cranston
>so it's most likely he has never watched or even heard of Malcolm in the middle

Bootsy looked interesting at first but now is pretty boring desu famalia