Why does Four ALWAYS suck?

Why does Four ALWAYS suck?

>Castlevania 4

At least you tried.

Are you shitting me? They do.

MH4u is casualized garbage after freedom and 3. They took out quero and they made it super anime with the mounting crap

MGs4 is NOTORIOUSLY the worst MGS with a terrible ending to a great series and way too much fucking movie cutscenes for anyone to give a shit

Super is a terrible direction for classicvania because it gives players the ability to continue from saves as opposed to letting them learn and grow from their mistakes, something modern vanias adopted and completely ruined the point of the game

Not always OP

Yes always Resi 4 is the reason RE5 and 6 are call of duty light.

>Final Fantasy
>metal gear solid 4

I notice you're not actually criticizing RE4.

They're still fun to play though. Prove me wrong.


>people actually give a shit about the MGS story

>mgs 4 the worst
>mgs 5 tpp exists
Dag yo

>God of War PS4
>what is God of War Ascension

>Shantaeposter trying to criticize anything when 2/3rds the series is shit and the one good game is just alright

I'm glad I can disregard such shit opinions.


Unfinished, sure. The amount we did have (basically just chapter 1) Was crazy good.

>Liking P4

I'm glad I can disregard such shit taste.


You forgot the worst offender

FFIV is literally the only SNES FF worth playing


Not all the time

Ff4 is glorious
The rest i agree though.
Except sly cooper, all sly cooper were garbage except the first.

smash 4, fusion, sf4 and cv4 don't suck.

You're thinking VI

IV is the bland boring one with the "LUKE I AM YOUR BROTHER" tier plot

MM4 is arguably the best NES Mega Man game.
Fuck off, MM2/MM3 plebs.


MGS5 was trash. It had large open world full of absolutely nothing where time is spent traveling from one location to another while looking at the exact same scenery to do repetitive missions over and over again. It also was missing some gameplay features that were present in 4. 4 is miles better than 5.
Persona 3 had Tartarus, which automatically makes it worse than 4.

4U being "easier" than Freedom is a result of 4 not having complete trash hitboxes.

4 is undoubtedly harder than 3.

>Dislking the actual game for the sake of trash written characters and high school drama

nah, I'm pretty sure VI is the one that shits the bed halfway through

Persona 4 is the fifth game

>Thinking anything here except for Halo Sonic Mega Man and DMC 4 sucks
>God of war isn't even out yet
>Being this Plebian
Though truth be told i wouldn't know about apollo justice, All the other IV's here are good

>combat system completely vanilla and uninteresting
>muh crystals™ plot
>cheap, forced altruistic suicides to force you to like the characters
>pretty much all of them resurrect at some point though, so it's all meaningless
>le "the real villain is in another castle" meme
It begins alright, but turns to shit about 1/3 in.
The only thing I can say in its defence is that turning to shit about 1/3 in is more of a rule than an exception when it comes to FF.

>Implying persona 2 counts as 2 games


Sm4sh is the most soulless entry in the series yet.
Almost everything in the game is uninspired. Most of the stages, songs, and trophies are all ripped straight out of other games or previous entries in the series. The only worthwhile new mode is just a series of progressively harder random scenarios against CPUs. The rest of the game modes are either retarded or shittier versions of what we've seen before.

The only thing Sm4sh did right is some of the characters getting so much love and care, like Little Mac, Mega Man, Pac-Man, and Ryu. Even with that, a lot of characters still have barely anything to do with their respective series.

If it doesn't, why are there two games?

nah m8

>God of war isn't even out yet

So? Last of us style narritive and raising a kid to hunt a deer does NOT belong in a game that prided itself on nothing but fast paced action and bloody gorey fun back in 2004.

GoW is an action game, not a cinematic experience. Even the PSP titles understood that.

Well generations is fucking garbage with this metric.

Part 1 and 2 dipshit.

MGS4's ending was fantastic and you're a fucking idiot. Its not "Notoriously" bad, you just think it is and want to use shitters on Sup Forums to justify your stupid ass opinion.

Get some god damned taste, half of these games are fantastic.

You're gonna watch it and you're gonna like it.

End your existence.

MGS4 was complete garbage and I bought a PS3 just for that game. I've never been more let down in my entire life.

it's still miles ahead of both V and VI and any FF that came before it

>MH4U casualized

what? It's harder than 3 and FU

And yet they're treated separately

are you telling me brawl doesn't suck?

>Sonic 4

That game doesn't exist anymore

>I specifically purchased a console for one game
>pic related

Eh, I'd give this thread a 7/10

>trash written characters and high school drama
No need to be so hard on P3 user.

it's not meant to go past 3

>CoD (yes, it was good, deal with it)
>Metroid (again, deal)
>Castlevania (nope, not bad)
Uh, no.

>not buying a PS3 from Walmart, renting MGS4, then returning the PS3 to get your money back
never underestimate the poorfag special

P4 also has Tartarus. It changes the backdrops and music slightly more frequently, but it's the exact same thing.

The second half is better than the first half. You're finally off the rails and free to approach your objectives in a fashion of your choosing.

Your evidence doesn't support your thesis.

Total failure. Buh bye

but none of those games are even bad

the second half is plotless, unfocused, boring garbage with a character fetchquest
the final dungeon has yet another split up
on top of that the ending sucks
quite possibly the most overrated FF online


>SCV4 is bad

Ratchet: Deadlocked is good.

Animu source?

>sonic 4 ep1
what happened to this??

>P4 also has Tartarus. It changes the backdrops and music slightly more frequently, but it's the exact same thing.
It's also a third of the length and character development happens in them. Also bosses every 3-5 floors rather than every 10 or so to break up the monotony. The dungeon system in P3 and P4 is garbage, so P4 wins out by having less of it and trying to make it less painful. If P5 has zero procedural generation it will automatically have the best dungeons of the three.

>Implying god of war was ever good
>Implying cinematics don't belong in a series that was one of the biggest perpetrators of QTEs in the mid to late 2000 gaming scene

>people falling for the bait.
Only sonic 4 is bad

Have you not seen the gameplay of the dungeons in P5? It looks like a giant fucking leap forward. For context, P3 and P4 were each developed in 2 years. P5 has been in development for 6 years. P5 is going to make all of the previous Persona games look like trash.

I have, and it's exciting, but I remember an interview from I think a year ago where they said it would still have randomized dungeons, and that the properly designed stuff was just for special moments. I haven't watched the recent gameplay blowout so I don't know if anything has changed.

Why does the third game never come out?

Two down, two to go. At this point, MML has a bigger chance of coming out than HL3.

>MH4u is casualized
You what. Endgame monsters completely trivialize anything in Freedom and 3U, despite things like pseudo-lock on and mounting. Also Freedom's source of difficulty is abysmal hitboxes, biggest offender being Trihex.

Absolutely not, especially V which remains good the whole way through and has the best combat system in the whole series. Bonus for the GBA extra dungeons actually being really good and not horrible garbage like in 4 and 6's bonus dungeons.

Sm4sh completely destroys Brawl in gameplay, which is what matters the most.

MGS4 is nowhere near as bad as PW or MGSV though

Why is there no Halo 4 on that list? Am I the only one who sees it as the trash it is?

I disagree.

I got your 4 right here.

>completely destroys
It's a faster Brawl.

>>God of War isn't even out yet
So, yes. This is a bulletproof defense. We haven't seen nearly enough of God of War 4 to even say if it's decent or not. You can say it's NOT God of War, and I'd probably agree with you, but you can't say it's shit because no one has fucking played it yet.

>It's bad because of... well, I can't think of anything. But the NEXT ones were bad!

Sup Forums truly is full of underage tards

lol so many good games in that image.

>Metroid Fusion
>DMC 4
>Smash 4 (inb4 muh melee)
>MonHun 4

Also MGS4 is at least more of an MGS game than V ever was.

I mean it makes perfect sense.

Put it this way

>go to Starbucks
>order burger
>fuckin great burger, want another
>still good but you're getting full
>waiter brings you a third burger
>choke it down to not be mean
>waiter brings you a fourth
>it makes you feel sick to your stomach and you leave

It's pretty self explanatory really

meh, would've liked it more if the main cast and villain weren't so one note and if most enemy formations didn't give just one measly ABP
I'd rather play FFT if I want an FF with a job system
to be fair, I've only played the SNES version of the game so I don't know if they improved it

>>Castlevania 4
dont know about monster hunter but those two definitely do indeed suck

>dont know about monster hunter
*by this I mean I dont know anything at all about the MH series and don't care for them, rather than 'dont know if it sucks or not'. As far as I can tell OP's list is pretty damn accurate.

Yep, this is the best in the series.

>I am this blind


What the actual fuck am I reading?

>heavy focus on sction and cinematic QTEs with over the top takedowns, less focus on survival horror and puzzle solving
>thinking this is good

Neo-Sup Forums everyone

Use Subway next time, or else your bait will go unnoticed

keep crying bitch nigga

Whatever, it deserves a bigger spot. The media convinced me that trash had a "story" and any improvements on gameplay whatsoever. Must have been shills.

>BoF 4
>DMC 4

Super Castlevania IV was the best one though, except for the PS1 one
DMC 4 is also the best DMC game, until dante shows up

Heard you was talkin shit

LOH4 is pretty good too. And so is Dawn of Ys, though regrettably neither other Ys 4.

my nigga

Heard you was both ilitterate and blind