Dark Souls after Anor Londo

>Dark Souls after Anor Londo

Why does her disgusted face turn me on so much?

would it have been better if they made every other area optional, cut the filler bosses, added more weapons and items in their place, and rolled credits after beating O&S


She sees your dick

> Dark Souls 2

I thought Tomb of the Giants was pretty fun.

>Dark Souls 3 after Anor Londo

>Bloodborne after Father Gascoigne

i liked the dukes archives and new londo

>Souls Series

New Londo, TotG, and Duke's are all good and you're a 2nd half meme influenced faggot if you think otherwise

Duke's Archives is alright and New Londo Ruins is largely inoffensive once you figure out the gimmick. Fuck the rest of it, though.

>good area
>shit tier bosses

Why is this allowed?

Demon Ruins is just that awful. It overrides your brain with how rushed and unfinished it is. Bed of Chaos doesn't help at all either.

>shit tier

Me too. I wish to understand.

Yea, they are. Cool concept, bad fight.

The Souls series is one of the worst things to ever happened to the entire videogame industry

>>Dark Souls after Anor Londo

When did this meme start? Yes seeing that city for the first time is one of the pinnacles of the game, but the quality stays good throughout.

>the quality stays good
>lost izalith

The Archive is good.
Crystal Cave is shit.
Seath is a joke of a boss.

New Londo ruins is decent
4 Kings is either incredibly disappointing if you find the fight too late or annoying if you get there too early.

Tomb of Giants is decent
Nito is a joke of a boss.

Demon Ruins are awful
Lost Izalith is even worse.
Bed of Chaos is the worst boss in the entire series.

>anor londo
When will this meme die

>dark souls 2

>There will NEVER be a season 3 of To Aru Majutsu no Index

> There will never be a season 3 of To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (Spinoff)

Kill me now OP

kill urself you fucking dork

>Dork souls at all

Index is shit m8

Undertale is objectively a better game than dark souls.

>kill urself you fucking dork
Dont rush,I'm working on it

>Dark Souls 2

Nito wasn't that easy for me ;(

Have you tried Undertale? Its the best game ever made.

you didn't google the cheese strats like there pussies

>he had trouble with nito


I would say after Sen's Fortress. I don't know why the colective opinion is that Dark Souls gets worse after Anor Londo.

Anor Londo is where the disconnected world starts. You kill the Iron guy, then a light appears for whatever reason and then some flying dudes take you to Anor Londo and leave you in a place with 0 sense, like what? Why are this stairs here? I get they want you to leave in a high place to see Anor Londo, but lol.

After that, in easy words...Anor Londo is just a long ass 2km corridor with dumb arquers at one point and then a place with 3-4 floors and some tiny rooms connected at the sides.

That's it. Anor Londo is shit, I think people tend to say that the game gets worse after Anor Londo because the meme bosses are there.

On the original place of the stairs Gwyn Trump BUILD THE WALL to keep the humans away. but then there was the prophecy shit, so they hired taxi demon's to take whoever kill the golem.

>That's it. Anor Londo is shit, I think people tend to say that the game gets worse after Anor Londo because the meme bosses are there.

it's one of the best areas of the game and have the best bosses outside DLC too.

>one area is shit
Everything else is still great, and you get to access the DLC after beating Anor Londo, which is one of the best parts of the game.

Das is the easiest Souls game

DS 3 is the easiest by a good margin.

Nameless King and Dancer is harder than any boss in Das including its DLC.

Nameless king was hard but there is harder bosses
Dancer is a meme it's not hard all

Dancer is easy. Use a shield. Dodge when shit gets hairy. Stay away from the obvious AoE. Nameless king is legit, though.

Dancer is not harder than Manus,

I liked New londo, Tomb of Giants and Dukes Archives

>Use a shield
>Especially after a post Bloodborne Souls

i'm a dark souls noob and i am about to play dark souls 3 for the first time ever... i haven't played any of the other games or games similar to it at all. any tips?

Play the first one first faggot

>use a shield
>dancer harder than manus or kalameet
kalameet and manus hit harder and probably have more HP. DaS3's iFrames are really generous

>starting to play by the third game of the series


>kalameet and manus
Using havels greatshield trivializes them


Literally only his black magic beams are a problem, kamaleet is just a hard ass boss that took me forever to beat.

using havel greatshield makes everything easy why would you use this shit?

>Dancer is easy. Use a shield.

>playing 3 first
This isn't final fantasy, just play DS1 faggot.

>Literally only his black magic beams are a problem
And even that can be solved by using the silver pendant

Manus is one of the easier bosses. At least my great scythe pyromancer destroyed him right away. Artorias on the other hand is pretty hard.

Chill off him

No one plays for souls for the story so it's irrelevant

The areas were literally harder than the boss that's how much of a joke it it was

All that proves was that the bosses were jokes.

kek look at this guy

>All of Dark Souls 3 except for the Cathedral, Undead Settlement, Irithyll, and Tower of Latria 2.0

Only reason to play Dark Souls before Dark Souls 3 is to see what happened to the old areas and old npcs.

Dark Souls has a cool story and das3 has such an insane amount of references to the first game it's moronic to play it first. It's moronic to play sequels to most game series anyway.

Well this was a good thing in Demon's Souls, if many areas with easy bosses had hard bosses it would be bullshit, because the areas are super hard in DeS and there's only one archstone per boss.
I remember giving a sigh of relief when i reached the leechmonger for example, like ''thank god i made it to the boss now i only have to kill this easy slug''

>Duke's Archives

>saved the screenshot I posted today

It's a nice picture, and I love Gwyndolin so I saved it.
fuck what they did to him in DaS3, in my headcanon none of the sequels happened

can someone help me with knight artorias

>a good area

>No one plays for souls for the story
A lot of people do it though, the people who don't are mostly tryhards that play it because it's "the hardest game evah".

in my head canon they didn't happened too, miyazaki didn't wanted sequels.

>Dark Souls

Reminder that sif, while can be done before O&S, is intended for after and is one of the best bosses in the game.

>playing dark souls for the story is important

Stop fucking acting like this game couldn't be played as a standalone and still be enjoyed. The lore and all that shit is there for people who give a shit to find out otherwise other fags can just play it normally.

post your build

Funny, that's the same face I made after your mom gave birth to you

>everything before Lothric Castle

If you haven't seen the Dark Souls intro video at the very least I doubt you would be able to tell what the fuck is going on in DaS3.

Darkmoon bow
Darkmoon talisman
Paladin set
Ring of favor and protection
Ring of the suns first born
Wrath of the gods
Lighting spear
Great lighting spear
Great heal
Great magic barrier


Go at him without a shield and practice your dodges. Try to stay away from him, but not too far away.
He has two big ass dangerous moves if you aren't close, the fuck you I'm running straight towards you with a sword and the leap of mighty fuckey. First one you dodge when you see him move forward, second one when he's in the air and he's starting to move. Once you get the timing he's easy to dodge. The tumbles are easy as shit to dodge.

Once he backs down twice follow him and pummel his ass cause he's charging like a fag.

Don't take estus unless you are sure that you can take them without him hitting you. Attack him only when you are sure than you can. Calm down because he's taking a while to go down.


40 vit
40 end
40 dex

While I'll agree most of the stuff after Anor Londo is fine, Lost Izalith sure as hell isn't.

>but the quality stays good throughout

Dark Souls is one of my favorite games of all time, but there's no denying the quality goes down after Anor Londo. The only good area is the Duke's Archives, and it doesn't really have any branching paths

You know AotA is technically past-Anor Londo, right?


Well let's see:
>Kek 2 boars.
>Le ebin squidhead mob.
>invisible walkway meme is a chore, not engaging

>Lava meme zone is a chore, not engaging. Problem solving gameplay can only be fun in the first playthrough.
>Mediocre enemies.
>Shit boss.

New Londo
>pic related after the upper spoopy ghost part
>bossfight is a chore

>Everything respawns and you're forced to run through the level as a gauntlet. Unfun.
>Boss is pisseasy.

Tomb of Giants
>Exciting once, fucking annoying subsequent times.

Izalith was the only bad part of the game honestly.

God it's a real shame that everything feels so rushed post Anor Londo. All those areas had really cool ideas behind them, big lava lake, rotating staircases and invisible walkways, complete darkness, and they of course featured the most iconic bosses because you've been waiting the whole game to meet these people. And then all the areas are just really short or empty, and the bosses are just kinda eh.

Oh well, DaS still has the best early game of all the Souls titles.

Undead burg is the best area of all time in history of video games.

We want to impress women any way we can, even if its through our own low social rank. Plus the idea of still banging a woman, after she displays such displeasure, is a clear sign of dominance.

I wonder how the design process went when the devs were designing Lost Izalith.


I'm no pro at this shit, but my guess is the opposite: they're just subs.

Might have true behind the dominance thing too, though.


It was probably something along the lines of

>shit, we're running out of time and/or cash

Gwyns fight was superb if you went in not parrying I think the kiln itself should have been an expanded area.

Dark Souls III is the best Souls game.