
W-What's gonna happen to Gearbox?
Are they gonna make it?

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I hope not

Praise Kek and let them burn.

What did Randy mean by this?

Borderlands 3 is already underway, they'll be fine.

"I've made a huge mistake."

PSN is having another "flash sale" but the only game on it is battleborn

Holy fuck

Was Randy's response here appropriate?
Is Randy a hypocrite?
Would Anthony approve of his former boss's language?

I dunno, it will take a while for them to make back the losses that Battleborn created for them. Even if Borderlands 3 is a huge success the profits will just be making up for Battleborns fuck up.

>Overwatch is a 7/10
7 out of ten
literally nothing out of 10
really makes you think, huh

$400 worth of cosmetic DLC like the last games would at least put them in the black again

>put them in the black again

I think you mean "put them in the African American again"


he forgot to add badass

Literally every retailer has this game "on sale"


Haze all over again.

No, what he's implying in this picture is that he doesn't like the term "buzzwords". He goes further by saying the twitter user's "buzzwords" were not picked by the to be buzzwords, but were used to try and tell you about themselves.

He also implies that people are nuanced and complex, and that the twitter user chose those descriptors not lay on buzzwords, but to try and accurately paint themselves to others.

In this way, he is saying that his posts are not maketing buzzwords, but his attempt to try and describe the nuance and complexity that he considers Battleborn to have.


It's still full price on Steam.

Battleborn just feels like a Chinese second hand Overwatch. Even the title feels like one of those 5$ bin game.

Man, I feel like buying and playing battleborn now.
I've always wanted to be different and special.

Gameplay-wise, it's more comparable to SMNC than Overwatch,

Steam prices don't update with the market, just take a look at the call of duty games, blops2 is still 60 bucks

>1,817 players


>tfw you will never be Anthony Burch

Yeah, and it only needed to drop to $15 in a Humble Bundle to do that

Lmao never expect an objective response on anything involving social justice from Sup Forums


"it better than overwatch please buy my game"

Memes aside, is the game worth it at this price?

the game could be free and it would still not be worth it

Gearbox is garbage

They will be forced to make Borderlands sequels until the end of time to recoup the losses.

How will they make another Borderlands sequel without stealing money from Sega?

>Number of purchases:
Average purchase:
Average Windows:
Average Mac:
Average Linux:

The answer is no

Nah, even with friends it just better to play overwatch with full price.

I know you're not being serious, but the publisher will invest a shitload of money hoping to recapture BL2's sales numbers.

That's probably more than Overwatch desu.

>bought Battleborn and NBA2K for $15
>give $5 to charity
>sell the spare Pre-Sequel key on a dodgy grey market site for like $7

worked out pretty nice

>That's probably more than Overwatch desu.


Wow, haven't seen that pic before. Pretty embarrassing
I can't think of another game that was expected to be big, but became the biggest bomb ever.

>He thinks Overwatch is dead


no-one expected battleborn to be "big" outside of gearbox/2k, they fucked the marketing from day 1

>all that visible empty space

They committed 'suicide via Overwatch' by releasing it around the same time.

Thats almost as much as sf5. Ded gaem

I think the game would have bombed regardless. Confusing marketing and not understanding DOTAs are niche time-sucks that largely appeal to kids/3rd worlders rather than being mainstream.

I think they struck gold with BL but don't understand what they did right.

>if i wish hard enough, it will come true!
you must be 18 or over to post on this site
literal children please gtfo

>when your target audience is mocking you on twitter instead of buying the game

I hope you are right Borderlands are so much better than Battleborn will ever be.

That wasn't suicide. It was murder since gearbox set their release date first and blizzard just matched them later on with overwatch beta. Blizzard has a history of timing their releases near rival's release dates.

Why do you think Blizzard won't release concurrent player numbers? It's because it flopped.

honestly dont know what they were thinking trying to go toe to toe with Blizzard? did the minor success of Borderlands really get to their head that much?

They decided to make their games for people who whine about games, but don't actually play them.

They got what they deserved.

Hopefully no.

>Batlteborn release day was literally the same day Overwatch's OPEN BETA began, so most people actually got to try Overwatch for free instead of shelling out 60 bux for another MOBA clone.

They did this to themselves.

Like Elite Dangerous and X-Rebirth.

>MFW I will never be Anthony Burch.

> Play Battleborn
> Look for casual match
> Takes 20-30 minutes

> Play Overwatch
> Look for Quick Play match
> Takes under 10 seconds

But does Overwarch have EPIC BATTLEBORN heroes? ;^) Just look how much more BADASS the Battleborn characters are.

I got Battleborn on Humble Bundle, gave all the money to Charity and Humble.

I can't believe someone, nay someones, signed off on this game. It really seems like Gearbox only know how to write one style of game now.

Also fuck whoever decided it needed a constant connection to Steam, and fuck whoever made the animated scenes unskipable.

>SF5, the latest entry in the biggest fighting game franchise ever, has around the same number of viewers of a shitty team FPS that no one wants to play and is already sold in a bundle.

Hopefully they at least live long enough to make borderlands 3 good

Shadow Warrior 2 is going to be a better Borderlands

>ever good again
not in this lifetime

Oh, user, did you learn nothing from TOR? There's way too much money sunk into this boat for it to just sink.

No, it wont'die. It will degenerate slowly and surely, the devs doing their best to save their child, until marketing and investors step in and say "fuck your game; Evolve went free to play and they're making money hand over fist. Make the game a F2P model or we'll fire you all and hire a scab studio to do it for you".

Then it'll go on subscription and MT life support as a small studio is spawned to maintain it. Maybe some of the original will be on it, likely not; we'll just get stuck with whatever we have now, plus fluffy added content to spur on skin sales while the game lives in stunted suspension until somebody decides whether or not it's got enough of a following to make a pay to play expansion.

It's like I just instinctively seek out these games to love... maybe I like being hurt and shit on. How knows.

>They go FTP after all DLC
>Make more money than Valve
>In game store
>Fucking profit
Trust me, OP. Randy and Mikey know what they're doing.

If it was 20$-30$, then yeah, sure. But at 50$!? Hell naw. They're gonna go FTP soon anyways, so.... Yeah.

That's some bad fucking character design on the left except for bird guy.

They did Anthony Burche. That was it.

He's tolerable-looking instead of glaringly ugly.

If only Battleborn in-game model looked as good as this...


Is there even an e-sport of it yet?

They better hang in there long enough for me to get my brother in arms sequel

No. Overwatch instead has character designs that don't make you want to gouge your eyes out with a spoon.

According to tracking sites the PC Overwatch is steady and sometimes increasing (prob due to people still buying it) but the console base is dropping, especially PS4

PS4 overwatch might be dead by the end of the year if they don't get much-needed patch fix and balance

There was some kind of attempt:

Overwatch is also easy to play. It's why plenty of people here enjoy it over Battleborn.

>yfw Gearbox will go bankrupt within your lifetime

Someone explain this

>Gearbox goes bankrupt
>2K starts selling off their IP to make some money back
>Blizzard buys Benedict

Oh god.
He's cute.

Battleborn is: A clusterfuck
Battleborn is: BADASS

See that purple thing. It's being zapped by a lazer and implodes. What you are seeing is the ripple effects of it imploding.

Why are all the running animations so shit?

Well, Gearbox was always a up and down company if you look on their portfolio...

>Bethesda buys Borderlands
>Borderlands 3 developed by id

Blunderborn suffers greatly from heroes that are just way too fucking overdesigned. Additionally there is so much fucking noise and unnecessary feedback everywhere and the models/silhouettes are utterly fucked.

Just compare Montana to Marquis in-game. Montana is absolutely fucking gigantic compared to pretty much every other character. His comically tiny head isn't just an intentional design choice, it is absolutely required because he is such an easy fucking target. Marquis on the other hand has the silhouette of a fucking toothpick at anything past medium range and can easily zone you out with his slow and his owls while he snipes you down.

And the designs themselves don't really lend themselves to the characters or understanding. ISIC is an easy example. Before I played the game I assumed he was some play on a "undead robot" type of thing; first glance we have a robot with a holographic interior skull and gaudy gold engravings at random on the exterior of an otherwise sleek frame. Instead, he is just an AI in a mech and lore-wise all AI in Blunderborn are all crazy in some form. His voice and personality on the otherhand is impersonal, faux-friendly psychopath that enjoys killing people while always maintaining that fake-friendly voice/demeanor.

And ISIC is a tank, while Montana is a disruptor/initiator despite his massive size. Sure Montana can take some hits, but he lacks any real sustain.

>Just look how much more BADASS the Battleborn characters are.

They're BAD + ASS characters, alright.

How are people not giving Gearbox shit over having a black dude with a tiny, cone-shaped head?



I honestly thought this was a troll image. Wow. Released 2 months ago and it's already on fucking humble bundle. Complete with a skin pack and "platinum currency". Ridiculous.

I mean the money still goes to charity right? They're literally giving it away for free now?

It will never stop amusing me just how hard this crashed. Fuck your shitty halfbaked online-only shooters, and fuck your "platinum currency".

I just realized how fucking silly Ghalt's shotgun looks.

Not just that its a double-barrel revolver-shotgun, but the absolutely fucking massive wooden furniture.

Gearbox needs to unfuck the proportions on everything.

Real talk, if you've ever had that feeling where you played a game and it was fun, and you played for like a week and there was nothing really *wrong* with it but your interest just kind of fizzled out... and then after two weeks you never touched it again... you should boot that game up right now and play it again because Battleborn just really sucks

Just look at this image. Its like they designed the game to be complete eye cancer.

>minus memes
>minus boring downtime
>plus a healthy dose of fast


I've been playing the game since I got it from the humble bundle and I find the co-op missions alright.
The one with the giant robot boss who convinced himself that he's a Spider King and purposely makes himself vulnerable to insecticide despite being a robot was funny to me.

Dude looks like a black Graves.

Battleborn designs look like something out of a shitty CGI kids' cartoon. The kind that networks shit themselves over for a week and promptly forget about.