Overwatch character ideas

Someone suggested a separate thread for it, so yeah. Blizzard rewards you for your score in ranked play, and lets you come up with the idea for a next character.

>Short, general summary
>Personality/interactivity towards other characters
>General appearance
>Intended role/playstyle
>Possible skins?

Sup Forums creativity is always fun.

Other urls found in this thread:



>from brazil
>melee attack
>aoe lightning attack that stuns enemies
>not winston

Reposting here

>Italian mafia guy
>Like a gangster, likely to harass overwatch characters (old overwatch villain maybe?) possibly a talon ally
>pic related
>offense hero
> Tommy gun with great damage but high recoil and spread
>italian cook? caesar skin?

Gonna dump mine bee arr bee

[anti-human omnic bounty hunter]

Omnic character that looks like pic related, but without a suit.

Villain: anti-human, bounty hunter who was later hired by talon to be a sort of commander.

CLASS: Attack

Not sure what is weapons would be, but he sort of dabbles in between a close range and middle-range character. Has lots of body modifications that give him hidden weapons all over his body, similar to Iron Man.

Main weapon is a gun similar to 76's, but doesn't fire as fast. Alternatively, he has very strong physical moves, like an electrically charged punch (aside from his melee, which is just a regular punch) as his shift. His E will be a grenade that shicks people and stuns them for 3 seconds. Has the same splash damage as a Junkrat grenade.

[Dr. Lacoix (don't have a hero name for him yet) Tank Hero]

He's the dead husband of widowmaker, revived by Mercy into a sort of ghost like mist, similar to Johann Kraus from Hellboy. (he's all misty cuz he was revived using an early/primitive version of mercy's revive ult). He possess a robotic body he made for himself after being revived to help him with experiments and what not, (he was a scientist, not just a good overwatchh agent, after all) and if you can't already tell by the legs, he's good at jumping. He is somewhat mentally unstable, (being killed by yout wife, then being revived into a ghostly mist man will do that to ya) and will yell mean shit and stuff about hating Widowmaker from time to time. (He secretly wants to save her though).

Not quite sure what his attacks will be yet, but this is what I have so far:

CLASS: Tank. (He's a little taller than Zarya, so about 7-8 feet tall).

RIGHT-CLICK: uses telekinetic, force like power to pull rocks out of the ground to throw at people.
L-SHIFT: Jump, similar to Winston's, but using his telekinetic he can grab ahold of the walls of buildings (or whatever incline he jumps toward) and push himself off of it to do a chain of up to 5 jumps, with about a second of time to run on the wall (similar to lucio) or stay attached to the wall to quickly find another. Cool down: 8 seconds

ULTIMATE: "Hostile Takeover." His mist-like ghostly body leaves his robotic body to find and seep into enemy weapons and buildings (sentries, teleporters, etc). Causes 10 second failure of buildings you've caught, and temporary weapons malfunctions to nonbuilder players (effects like jamming a weapon). The mist can go through walls, but leave his robotic body vulnerable, like Junkrat.

Like I said, not entirely sure what the rest of his attacks will be, but I know for sure that his playstyle will be similar to Winston's, in that he's meant to jump in and distract the enemy team.

[Rasmus Lasko. Overwatch Attack Class Hero Idea]

Attack class character. Looks like pic related (I know that's hanzo, but hear me out).

Is a greek guy who used to be an overwatch agent and scientist. After the dissolving of overwatch, he became a college professor, (a literal Greek Mathematician).

Is dressed super dapper and has a totebag where he keeps his "books." All his weapons are disguised as other objects, Like books that transform into guns, pens that transform into little darts, etc. basically, James Bond as a college professor.

And finally some blind nigga who looks like pic related, but without a sword (or maybe not. Could use an energy broad sword or something). Obviously I haven't ironed out the details like the others, but I'll do that later.

>Omnic inspired by Nikola Tesla after learning of him
>stoic yet curious robotic personality
>face like pic related, more streamlined body compared to most omnics
>defense hero
>primary weapon is a lightning bolt generated from his hand that can be charged up by holding LMB
>either the ability to construct tesla coil-like defense towers that shock nearby opponents, or the ability to construct barriers on chokepoints of about 500 health apiece
>Arc Attack: creates a massive stationary ball of electricity that zaps nearby opponents for massive damage, larger radius than tesla coils


Better idea:
Just have Nikola Tesla be a hero


I gotta agree with
SMNC has Leonardo da Vinci, so why not Tesla in OW?

Maybe because he's dead? Rather, have Tesla's personality and some memories put in a robotic body.


>implying you can rationally justify why Tesla would be alive in the OW universe using rationality that exists in the OW universe

Second best thing is an omnic with its AI modeled after Tesla

>Maybe because he's dead?
So is da Vinci. Pulling a bit of DNA from an article that once belonged to Tesla and cloning a new one sounds so unreasonable?

As far as we know the OW universe doesn't have that technology. Otherwise they could have just done that with literally anybody who died in the Omnic Crisis.

Well, considering clones don't grow with thoughts preinstalled, no.

Uninstall Wizard

>the utlimate savior, protecting people from casual baby Overwatch game.

This nigga.

A strong female but no boobs cause we don't have those big of boobs in real life. Needs to be ugly too, but shes actually beautiful


>We have nanomachines that can make a person immortal, but given enough money, we couldn't clone a dead dude to make a new kid and raise it to be the spitting image of said dead dude, but in the modern era

>Just have Nikola Tesla be a hero

holy shit, it's like Infinity but without minis

>Dog will have body armor
>Dog will collect scrap to build orbiters (like in SHUMPs)
>orbiters will circle Dog and help him fire
>Defense hero probably

does he have the power to smell things really well and then point it out to his team

Looks like a Battleborn character.

I said it before, that fucking hat is literally a hazard that would get you killed more than be of any use, cut the hair, Hippie.
And then that gun is 3 ways of fucked.
>Big toxic thrower is also the fuel tank for the small one
>Nowhere to holster the little one, probably "on the other side of the big one" if you pull out the big gun
>That front half of the strings holding it up is liable to catch on basically anything and get you killed
>has to basically pick up the big one and turn it forward to fit through a damn doorway


But the real question is, can he talk?


>Ex-military recon trooper. Young, idealistic and wanting to help
>Irish or Scottish nationality, which ever works better for the hell of it
>Laid back nature, romantic banter with the est Overwaiu Mercy
>Militia-based appearance: light armor, street clothes,
>Support via adding in coordination abilities: Smokescreens, localized sonar, etc. to counter camping and help probe defenses
>Heavy artillery strike across portions of the map.
>Skins could include simple camos, ghille suits, a hunter orange suit for safety

Yes, he is a scientist like Winston. Doctor Waufastein

Yes yes, however: it's a video game in a fictional world.

>Aussie chick in the vein of Junkrat and Roadhog, wears trash
>Has two weapons, a mortar and a slug shooter (probably worse than torbjorns)
>M2 on the mortar adjusts the trajectory of the shot
>E launches a smoke round from her equipped weapon that obscures infrasight
>Shift lets you abandon the mortar midfire to instantly mobilize, have to return to where you left it to reclaim it.

Not sure what the ult would be for an artillery character, don't want to just make it a bigger shell for the mortar.

oh boy, it's another Mei. Great concept.

>localized sonar

We have this already and it's on Hanzo

When will the "it's another mei" meme end? His character has nothing to do with mei.

His ultimate is The Knot

There's something about the design that makes me hate the character but I can't put my finger on it.

A mechanic residing in Junkertown. He lost his right arm in the Omnic Crisis but quickly replaced it with a prosthetic arm and an attached chainsaw which he used to protect his shop.

Australia, Same as Junkrat/Roadhog

Friendly towards Junkrat/Roadhog, is basically their engineer. Will immediately attack any Omnic. Calls Reaper smalltime.

Bald with his work eyewear on his head. Jumpsuit with the arms torn off and heavy boots/gloves.

Left Click: Swing of the Chainsaw.
Right Click: Block. Reduces incoming damage by 50%.
Left Shift: Sprint. Can Sprint into Left Click for a longer range Swing (In a half circle in front of him) or E for a sprint with his block effect and the E's effect at the end
E: Knocks up all enemies directly in front of him with the chainsaw and stuns them until they hit the ground
Q: Spins himself and the chainsaw rapidly, will hit for massive damage but needs to be controlled

Recolors, Hockey Mask, Black, White and Red

He lives in a Mad World

He kind of occupies the exact same niche, only instead of freezing people with his zone control he poisons them. I can't help but think if this was made after Ana's regen-cancel was added he might have more unique design. Like maybe he specializes entirely in hardcountering healers with purple venom.

>Hence the reason it could be tweaked. I never really touch Hanzo. Smoke screens or White Phosporous could be an option. Block lines of sight or deliver AOE to flush out campers

He doesn't poo in the loo

Maybe. Idk, though. I'm the poster of that pic and I just got it off of tumblr so ask whoever made it

>A French Canadian hero.

>Name is Saboteur

>Sets mines and other traps throughout the map
>Main mode of attack is ambush and punching the shit out of enemies
>His ultimate is to take other hero's unique abilities and weapons
>His ultimate can allow him to play tank, healer, or dps
>Concept based off of the dark archon from StarCraft
>Has to perform many assassination before he can pull this off though
>His man design is to balance teams if too many people are playing similar characters
>Armor he wears looks like a cross of the nanosuit from Crysis and the Red hood.

His character may not, but his kit does. His ult is an AoE stationary drop that enemies can't stand in, his normal attack is a short range spray like weapon, and he has a long range harassing ability

The point of these shitty threads is to make something unique that doesn't yet exist in the game, taking another kit and slightly modifying it doesn't create something unique.

Just fucking take Genji and slightly modify some shit and change how he delivers his damage and WOW he's a new amazing Hero! Instead of ninja stars he thows neeldes that slow you! And instead of dashing he can zoom behind you! and for his ult he pulls out a ninja knife that does extra damage to people who have needles in them1! WOW

Posted this on a duplicate thread before I found this one.

A support builder that creates structures that heal, debuff, damage, or provide another utility. The structures can be destroyed but have a set health unlike symmetra turrets. You could make them totems and give them a tribal theme or something
OR the buildings could appear as props to enemies,. Such as crates, plants, tables, or something around that size. Their effects would have to be minimized and the enemies have to spot the prop that doesnt belong. For example, a crate would appear out of place in the corner or a koth point. Teammates can see them as support structures.

It would also be cool to see some kind of damage involving fire or poison like widow's mine on a hero that deals slow but residual damage, prob be a defense hero.

what would you think of a support hero who slightly reduces their team members ability cooldowns, but doesn't do much damage herself?
it obviously wouldn't stack if you had multiple on the same team, or maybe it'd be a buff you apply to players in an area of effect


>Has the exact same ult
>Performs the exact same role by zoning people away from close encounters and off points

Comon dude, why the fuck can't you come up with an ability that isn't in the game already? The game doesn't have a ton of unique shit in it as is and you're trying to rehash shit already

That sounds pretty cool, but it'd be tough to balance, it would def have to be an AOE effect that makes the allied abilities cool down a __% faster. They could have an ability with long cooldown that instantly cools down allied abilities, and an ult that denies enemies use of abilities for a few seconds or gives allies very little or no cooldown.

So I imagine this character could be similar to TF2's engie, in that they have a dispencer and whatnot?


>Bounty hunters

I could see this guy working in Overwatch, actually. I could also see the delicious tears from a mile away.

See all you had to was keep scrolling

a tank who has to aim

The first two look like the ones in the ana history vid on blizzard's youtube channel

Just give me a melee tank who is like Kamen Rider. I wanna see a small armored dude do stupid slow, flashy kicks from half way across the map.

Scrapyard engineer. Its main weapon is a quickly cobbled together pistol, reloading it is tossing the pistol forward and building a new one, the thrown pistol blows up.

All their powers but their ult have no cooldown but they use "scrap" to activate, scrap is slowly generated over time or by collecting those random little items that roll around in maps (basketballs, another hero weapon, etc)

A few kit ideas

>Scrap magnet: Pulls scrap items toward it and also bullets, it can be used as a small defensive tool but it has low health to avoid being annoying

>Scrap mortar (my pick for an ult):The hero fires all their scrap at once as a mortar round, the size and damage of it based on their scrap count

he looks like he came straight out of a dr seuss book

I have 1300 hours on tf2 and that dispenser comparison just occurred to me. Instead of one big dispenser it'd be a few small ones that could be bunched up in one spot for a sizeable heal, or spread out to allow stray teammates a reliable spot to fall back on if they ger seperated or healthpacks and another heal source is unavailable. Of course putting all the structures in one spot lets them be destroyed easier, and enemies could camp by it to catch weak teammates looking for heals. At this point it starts to resemble symmetra.

His silhouette and colors are way too wild to fit in with the rest of the OW cast. The aesthetic is there but the basic character design isn't.

This sounds great, being able to put multiple sentries arouns the map would be a good way to string just having a dispencer into a whole character.

What? He looks fine to me?

>A cyborg-like cop.

>Has an arm cannon

>His main attack it's shooting a bullet that must charge for at least 1 second and can be charged for more damage.

>Throws a net in front of him, that doesn't deal damage put traps the nemey, like junkrat, but more time and recieving damage sets them free after 0.5 second.

>His E is a melee attack with more range that deals extra damage with an cone AOE.

>His ult, called Overdrive, boosts the next ability or attack:

>He can charge for an ultra shot that deals more damage, is bigger and pierces through enemies.

>Throws a powered net that has more range and deals some damage

>His E does more damage and has more range.

Since blizzard loves fishermen and OP hooks

>Extreme angler hero who uses his fishing rod to latch onto enemies and reel them in
>Funny bayou dude that you can barely understand
>he tries to talk to the cast, but the only one who can understand his jibber jabber is Junkrat
>obviously loaded with tackle and other such supplies on his vest
>Dunno what role he'd be able to fulfill but hooking people into chasms or healers away from their party would be fun
>A fish line grappling hook similar to Widowmaker, but he can chain them like Lucio, also a net with a windup that can stun players for a second or two.
>For his ult he pulls a giant Shai-hulud esque worm from his tackle box that functions like Hanzo's dragons but circles around and area for a fixed amount of time
>Scuba suit skin

Do your own fucking job, Blizzard

I want a Mayan/Aztec/Meso-American character/omnic that uses a futuristic version of those Stone-Obsidion clubs.

It would be cool if they had a like all melee move set that basically was wild combos and leaping attacks and smashes. Probably with an Ult. that has him foes nuts and basically goes ass-rapist on the enemy team.

Or maybe play that soccer precursor as the Ult that sort of has that ball act in the same vain as Junkrats ult but non-explosive and bounces on enemies

>Short, general summary
New New Yorker
>Personality/interactivity towards other characters
Loves Clampin' and swears fealty to the Donbot
>General appearance
Yellow with Clamps
>Intended role/playstyle
LMB/LT left clamp. RMB/RT right clamp. - Clamps have a slight minigame where you have to use each clamp one after the other but can use them as fast as you want but always have to rotate. Slight knockback.
E - double clamp leaving your clamps shut but also grabbing anyone in range and carrying them with you up to one person per clamp, Robots are strong and can lift a lot of stuff.
Shift - Clamp into the ground gaining increased armor and being unable to move, can only use left or right clamp whichever is off CD, can't be used while clamps are on CD from double clamp.
The Clampening, your whole body turns into a giant clamp and you clamp in a 180 degree angle around you and about 15m out. You deal 20 damage a sec to those clamped. Enemies unclamped can attack you to break clamp.
>Possible skins?
Rusty Clamps
Wooden Clamps

He'd have all armor since he'd be a melee unit but he'd move as fast as tracer. Maybe 250 hp if that's too much nerf to 200.


>Short, general summary
A hacker whose ultimate is stealing other's abilities, just like Rubik from Dota. He has invisible robotic arms, but only the hands are visible, because he wears gloves.

Free and Socialist Republic of Omsk (which isn't even in Omsk, it's an abandoned TechLab somewhere in the Ural Mountain with him as the sole inhabitant)

>Personality/interactivity towards other characters
Typical cyka blyat Russian you met online. Tries his best to piss everyone off. Will usher opinions that may not be his, but he knows others will become offended. He also doesn't like military types. Zarya in particular, because him being half robot. This conflict can degenerate into a representation of the fight between feminism and geek culture, if Blizzard allows a shit writer to write them.

>General appearance
Lean, pale, wire frame spectacles, Hawaii shirt and Bermuda shorts

>Intended role/playstyle

Hack fuckeries, like making enemy weapons malfunction for a short second, or pinning down enemies for a short time or something like that.

Ability steal

CyberPunker, Tracksuit Gop, CSGO Anarchist

better idea for his ult
>has a giant piece of bait that he throws or can attach to his rod
>can throw into rods or lay traps
>once bait is set it can "detonate" and apply to enemies
>giant fish swamp monster comes running once atleast one person has been affected by the bait
>bait can rub off on enemy team members to track them down, or will automatically attack on sight
>has high health and takes quite a bit to kill, but will eventually drown because it's a water based animal running around on land.

Game needs a Berserker

>Class: Tank

>Name: Naufragio

>Country: Spain

HP: 225
Armor: 75
Shield: 50

>Passive: Melee attacks heal equivalent damage dealt

- Fires duckfoot pistol
- 3 shot clip with same reload time as S76 gun
- Fire 5 shots, 1 down the sights, 2 at 20 degrees from the sights, and 2 at 40 degrees from the sight
-50 damage per bullet with very little falloff
-Fire rate the same

>M2 (Harvest)
- Revs up engine for Melee. Every rev grants a follow up melee, capping at 4
- Revving lasts 1 second, and can be done in between shots from Luckshot without interrupting rate of fire
- Revving will restore 10 health to shields if any is missing, but does not change the damage time for shields regenerating
- Revs quickly decay over time the more you have
- Abilities will automatically use all revs currently stored

>E (Frenzy Spin)
- quickly twirls with dual Falchion swords dealing 15 melee damage per half second to anyone within 8 meters of him
- moves at x1.3 normal movement speed during
- Speed increases by +0.1 for every Rev the user currently has
- takes 15% reduced damage during
- while airborne or jumping can move freely in any direction
- 3 second duration, 10 second cooldown

>Shift (En Garde)
- Jumps upwards in an arch at x2.5 normal height while holding up a flag with one arm and swinging down with 1 of his swords until landing. Jump height and speed increases +.3 for every rev the user has
- deals 25 damage hit with sword or small shockwave when landing, +5 damage for every rev the user has
- upon landing, places flag that reduces damage by 15% to all allies within 5.5 meters of flag with line of sight to it
- allies in the radius of it will have 25 extra "Boost" health flucutate up and down every second similar to Lucio's Sound barrier
- 5.5 second duration, 13 second cooldown

>Ultimate: (Armada Charge)
- Grants user infinite max Revs for 12 seconds and halved cooldown on abilities.
- En Garde lacks flag in this state

we need a shota to wield doomfist's gauntlet

>Black ops stealth close range commando/assassin
>Terse and maybe a little hostile probably, she's a government killer basically, not a happy go lucky friend maker
>Basically just Overwatch future-setting tacticool military gear, more lightweight oriented for scouting and black for stealth probably
>Attack/stealth, she's supposed to harass the enemy team from behind the line, or push objectives behind them. Her main weapon is a supressed submachine gun that is really only useful/accurate at close range. Alt fire lets you blind fire around corners or over cover.
>Shift lets her grab ledges if she can jump to them, or free-run over obstacles up to waist-high. Not as good as wall climbing but some added mobility, and if need be she can hang from a ledge for a time and even shoot while hanging from it. Could lead to some shenanigans in areas where it's a level edge or a fall to the death and she jumps over but hangs on to the edge to avoid being seen or looking like she fell off and died.
>E is an active camouflage which lets her have sort of chameleon-like invisibility as long as she hugs a wall or surface, if she moves she becomes visible if you're close by. If she is nowhere near a wall and no enemies are nearby (able to see her) she takes on the appearance of some common inanimate object in the level of roughly similar size, like a trash can or something. Basically wait in ambush.
>Ult is a door breaching charge. Takes a little bit to set up and is placed on a wall or surface. If there is a room or area on the other side of the wall and the gap between isn't too large (the game lets you know) then it explodes through, creating a passage for people to travel through, as well as doing a large amount of damage from the blast to anyone on the other side. The passage is permanently open, though she can only have one active at a time, if she ults again, the previous passage collapses. Anyone (allies even) inside when one collapses, die.

Correction, need shotas for Tracer.

Ult could be a special shell she fires, that you the player can guide as it travels through the air.

Damn, second is a total qt

>the spy
>150 hp
>uses a revolver with a knife as melee. Does double damage from behind
>dashing rouge who plays both overwatch and talon alike
>likes mercy & Reinhart and dislikes reaper & tracer
>a man in a blue suit with a blue ski mask
>ability 1 is turn invisible for 10 seconds except when hit by bullets or touching players
>20 second cooldown
>ability 2 is change model into a random enemy character to enemies
>dissappears when attacking or damage it taken
>10 second cool down
Ult: throw a sapped that will slide on the ground and stay for 30 seconds
>if it touches an enemy they take 125 damage over 10 seconds and can't use abilities or ult

I unironically think a character built around sapping buildings would be GOAT

Astronaut in an EVA suit
>when on the ground moves a little slower than normal, animation shows him walking as if he were on the moon
>can jump a little higher than normal
>can hover like pharah but can do so indefinitely, however he can't hover as high in the air (hovers at walking speed maybe slightly faster)
>can move over bottomless pits, can hide under the edge of the map
>primary weapon is a single shot rifle (damage on par with ana, scope?)
>secondary weapon is a rangefinder that marks individual enemies and gives sight of them to your team (no damage, play a sound for enemies when marked?, only for like 5-8s)
>L-shift spawns a decoy at your current location (fades away after taking damage or 10-12s)
>E gives allies the ability to mark enemies upon attacking them albeit for less time than the Astronaut can (2-4s)
>Ult is space laser (big damage, AoE roughly the size of a payload cart, big windup)
I wanted a character who could provide the situational information that Widowmaker's ult does without having to play Widowmaker

A mimic hero that would specialize in copying the abilities of enemies and using them. They would be shrouded in mystery, and their face would not be shown. Has 175 Health.

His weapon would be a small knife, at first. This is his default attacking option. It does 50 damage per hit, and is fairly reliable, but it's close-range only.

Right-click would allow him to copy the weapon of whoever he targets and use it himself. The copied weapon would have double the normal ammo, but once the ammo is used up, he loses the copy and returns to using his knife. He can then copy another weapon whenever he wants.

First ability would allow him to copy the first ability of whoever he targets, and have it replace this ability until he is killed. For example, using this ability while targeting Winston would give him Winston's Jump Pack ability.

Second ability would function similarly, but with the character's second ability (or E ability). So, for example, targeting Tracer and using it would grant him the ability to use Recall.

His ult would be copying another character's ult. Once again, you'd have to be targeting the hero you want to copy, then use the ult. This would then change the ult into the ult of the target, ready to be used.

Due to how he works, he'd be the most versatile (potentially) character in the game, being able to have any combination of abilities at his disposal. The downside would be his low health combined with a somewhat large hitbox for a character of his health.

I like it except for all his abilities being about copying, I feel like you could cut one of it and have him switch it for something that would get him out of trouble so that he doesn't seem like a total pushover.

>more poo in loos.

I would kill for a speedy melee character

another idea

>Italian Opera singer
>villain, hates lucio's music
>classical fat opera singer a la pavarotti
>AoE where he performs a song to puti his enemies to sleep: i imagine the part 1:05 of this song

And his name will be BEИ

i'd like fortissimo as name

i had an idea for a Tank class, builder, sniper.
He fills all three roles, he just doesnt fill them well.

>name: Scrapper
>Omnic junker
>he was one of the omnics that was present in the explosion in Australia. He rebuilt his body with left over scrap metal, and now wanders the outback killing junkers. Allegedly that 'thing' that junkrat found belongs to him.
>Tank class. Large, top heavy body. 100 health 500 armor.
>Weapon is a rail gun. It is slow to fire but has the same range as a sniper rifle and can headshot. Does not have a scope however.
>Alt fire is an electric discharge that can fizzle incoming projectiles at the cost having to reload.
>Shift ability is a buildable shield. It projects a smaller version of reinhardt's shield that is totally immobile. It stays on the map until you set up a new one or it is destroyed.
>E ability is 'targeting orb' it throws out an orb that attaches to an enemy. it simply lets your team see that one enemy through walls.
>Ultimate is the EMP burst. it creates a large electric explosion. It does not do much damage, but any enemy caught in the burst has their weapons malfunction, meaning they cant shoot for a brief moment. Alternatively, it causes all of its victims abilities to go into cooldown and therefore not be able to be used.

The idea is that he could fill multiple defensive roles, and fight at long range. His gun would be shit tier up close, and his ultimate was less than stellar.
His real utility would be those permanent defensive barriers and his ability to deal huge damage at range.

I'll kill Wucio!

>Short, general summary
A compact, mobile warbot, that can transform between a mobile ball form, and a combat form which is armed with two plasma guns, that don't need to be reloaded, but instead heat up with each shot, and can overheat. The heat of each individual gun is measured in it's own heat gauge, and when the gauge reaches 100% the gun overheats. The gauge depletes over time when the weapons are not fired. 200 hp, 150 of it being health, 50

Experimental combat drone.

>Personality/interactivity towards other characters
Hostile, sees overwatch agents as threats to be eliminated. "Target Terminated" style mentality.

>General appearance
Sorta like picture related, the upper plates housing the plasma guns.

>Intended role/playstyle
Ambush/hit and run assassin, that can dish out lot of firepower but has very limited staying power in any given fight.

Left click fires the left gun, right click the right gun.
Shift transforms the drone between the two modes and has a very short cooldown. In the ball mode, the drone can move very fast, and climb up walls, like Junkrat's riptire, while in the combat form, it is much slower, but can fire, and has very little reticle bloom due to it being on a stable platform.
E vents the heat from the heat gauges, which pushes enemies back, and does some amount of damage, which depends on the level the gauges were at when the E was pressed. Significant cooldown.

When ult is activated, the drone projects the heat of the plasma guns into a defensive shield.
The ability creates a small aura around the robot that damages enemies, while the heat of the heat gauges is transferred into the shields of the drone, for maximum 200 additional health (100 per maxed heat gauge) for total of 400 HP. During the duration of the ult, firing your weapons regenerates your shields, and they wont overheat. When the ult ends similar effect as the E ability happens.

>Possible skins?

>moon man
>likes mercy, torb, Reinhardt, 76, mccree, tracer, widow
>hates zariya, lucio, winston, mei, hanzo, genji, reaper, symmetra, d.va, phara, ana
>primary is an ak
>throws gas cans that damage enemies and heal allies
>alt fire switches between his ak and sniper rifle
>ult is triple k mafia: zyklon ben hands him a second ak and some mags. MM can now shoot contusionly or Alt fire has him fire both for double damage

Oh great, another mei

Sup Forums pls stay

>pulls out a second tommy gun with unlimited ammo and low recoil for his ult

maybe when he yells something like "you'll never take me alive"