Weird things that you miss from the past,i'll start

Weird things that you miss from the past,i'll start

>vector graphics

Other urls found in this thread:

>manuals instead of tutorials
>cold-war feels
>highly abstract game mechanics


Love that graphical style

Fucking xbox 360 graphics. They were retro in a good way, not to mention the good games.


I'd rather have loading screens and actually complete games come out instead of this dlc bullshit and put game in and install shit on consoles immediately and still have loading screens.

>Inb4 console fag

Nowadays I just pick my phone up while loading anyway.


Isn't there rule 34 of that character?





I agree. Also Polygon graphics.

In a shameful fap thread or something, someone said they do to the bunny but I forgot what it was from.

I've hated those since I was a kid. They're horrendous.

is that disney stunt island?

comic tone graphics

Player interaction


Please tell me you're talking about this, this game was cool as fuck. Also one of the devs fixed it to work on modern OS's and made it a free download on his website.

You mean, all graphics? Polygons never went anywhere.

Beautiful mid 90s 3d esthetics. The color schemes, and environments created around low poly requirements.

I mean flat shaded, untextured polys.

user, you can not believe my boner right now.


I like the ps1 stablade much more

game with similar graphics



Oh yeay! I remember playing that at some kind of festival and dreaming of owning a computer better than my atari 800xl.
3d graphics were measured in seconds per frame on that thing:

did i say sprites already?
pixel backgrounds too


yea great game
i still have it too, box, manual and all

i remember you could fly various props like a dishwasher in one of the modes

charming and helpful tutorial mascots


Conversely, really unintrusive but useful tutorial stuff without just being a fucking manual dump in the options menu.

Color pallets.
