Is Winston ever viable anymore?

Is Winston ever viable anymore?

Sweeping Symmetras sentries that everybody seems to ignore except you.


I thank the gods every match i don't have a monkey against.

Only if you know how to play the field and ambush accordingly. I see way too many Winston players try to take the enemy too early from the front and get slaughtered. The best thing to do is to wait until your teammates make contact to engage and ambush from their flank or, better yet, from behind. Zap them until you begin to draw attention. AS SOON as they turn around and fire at you, drop your bubble and launch out of danger, preferably at a safe high-point. Hopefully, your teammates will have taken advantage of the distraction and damage nullifying openings created by the bubble shield to do some real damage. Rinse and repeat, getting healthpacks, visiting your local Mercy/chilling with Lucio/ hitting the bong with Zen/drinking robitussin w/ Ana in between until the point you get your Ult where you can add punting heads out of points and isolating squishies/tanks to your list of gorilla things to do.

The rape ape is divine when there are snipers or there are no tanks on the enemy team. The pimp chimp is best at gorilla warfare by jumping in then going bananas and slamfucking their mercy or widowmaker with your monkey cock before jumping back out.

Yes, Winston is still a good skirmisher and has better chase abilities than his bubble can even partially absorb some ults.

This. Winston's auto aimed cone attack makes him better for chasing fleeing supports . is better at a stand up fight, her slow movement when shooting hampers her when she's up against small fast moving enemies like Lucio, mercy, or Tracer

Winston has one job and one job only: killing Genjis. Unfortunately if said Genji has an orb of harmony or Lucio somewhere nearby, you're fucked on that count.

Winson destroys in fights agaisnt people who aren't winson and Double Winson destroys anything. tfw can't anymore.

Sweep tracers and genjis out of your front line
Jump into the back and bully snipers
Delet Symmetra

Also add giving shelter to your hobo-robo bastion to that list. We appreciate it.

you pick winston if enemy team has no: Reaper or Roadhog. most likely good dmg and free kills will come to you in that case.

I just buttfucked a comp match at rank 65 when the enemy had the following: Zen, Mcree, Tracer, Genji, Lucio, Dva, Symmetra on defense for whatever reason. I could basicly 4v1 them and then pop out as soon as I got discorded.

Yeah. You just need to play him correctly.
Hard to believe but a character that you don't have to aim with takes skill.

Why is he so heavily used on King of the Hill then?

He will always be viable as long there are squishys

>No more double Winston in comp

It hurts. Giving people a double dose of monkey dick on KotH was too much fun.

I'm fucking glad
>Sudden death Hollywood
>Get Defense think this should go well
>All of a sudden 4 fucking monkeys fall from the sky and Frogmen come in with super sonic speed and healing beats
>lost the point and game before we even knew what happened

Agreed, winston is there to solve genji, widow, or tracer if they ever become a problem. He doesnt even have to kill them, just bully them enough so they have to retreat at low health, essentially rendering them useless or a range where they cant deal much damage in tracer and genji's case

Fighting on koth is usually very close range and teams are grouped up. It allows winston's gun to have more people to shoot at once. His barrier also covers a good chunk of the point and his teammates should be grouped up anyway. He can also leap across the point to harass the back of the enemy team. Primal rage clears people off of the obj in overtime and can knock them off a cliff on almost every map. Same reason lucio is mandatory on koth. He works well when his teammates are grouped up amd can knock enemies back. He can get out quickly like winston and wallride to contest. His ult also works well when his team is grouped up .

Worst tank