The Ballad of Gay Tony

Why didn't you play the best gta yet?

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Gay Tony was good desu.

All three stories were exceptional, but TLatD was the least impressive.

I never really cared too much about the story but this seems to be a frequented opinion. What made the story good?

All three stories were smoothly interwoven, each biting critiques on one aspect of American culture or another in their own rights, and all had great character development. But I don't really care for bikers or that aesthetic, so I don't like The Lost and the Damned as much as the other two.

That's not Vice City


GTAIV is really one of the few games that have dlc done right.

but i did

Gta4 is sooo much better than 5 at least driving was improved and I liked heists but fuck man it's so empty compared to 4.

>mfw if Rockstar makes Gta4 backwards compatible.

Yes I'm a console fag and proud.

add souls games and dishonored to that list

Rockstar please don't.

I did. I even got the gold medal in every mission.

I thought it was actually about a gay protagonist and that put me off, tbqh.

The end was bad.
Rest of it was good


>game is called gay tony
>you meet tony
>he's gay
>somehow still think that the ex marine protagonist who fucks women every night at some club is gay
how user

>TBoGT was the least popular one because people thought you'd have to play as a gay character

Best loading theme too -

he clearly never played it


am I the only one that would love to watch her fuck another woman?

ah I forgot about the pause music. they captured that hedonistic party vibe pretty well

Good thing Spartacus exists.