Is SFV a good game?

I want to get into fighting games and was wondering where I should start. Is there a large competitive scene for SFV or did it stick with SFIV?

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Yes, SFV has the most players even if you get it on PC, you'll never have trouble getting a match. Barely anyone stuck with 4.

If you really want to learn fighting games, SFV is probably the best game to jump into now.

It's a pretty simple game to learn but it still has plenty of technical issues that may or may not bother you

It's not going to be easy or fun at first. Check if you have a local scene or if you're willing to play online a lot.

SFV has the largest competitive scene of any fighter. Also fairly easy on beginners.

its good but you better like fighting ryu and ken

>Is there a large competitive scene for SFV or did it stick with SFIV?

Give it it until 2017 to see if capcom actually balances the game OP. It's pretty fucking broken as is.

It's too simply. Play Third Strike instead. Or just wait for KOF 14

this isn't true, i still play sf4 quite often and get matches every 20-30 seconds.

Mess around with third strike (or another old game) on fightcade

Its already tremendously well balanced. There are a couple characters who shine above the rest but I think all the characters are completely viable, especially for the level of play most people are at.

SFV is by far the best game to get into fighting games with. it has the largest following, the most resources for new players, and a big enough playerbase that you'll get matched with people only a little better than you.

>Give it it until 2017 to see if capcom actually balances the game OP.

There's only a couple characters that slightly tip into low or high tier otherwise aside from USFIV its the most balanced fighter out there.

Are any competetive players going to use Urien?

>Third Strike
It's better he starts with a simple fighting game than a fucking broken one.

Also OP, if you want to get into fighting games, the best thing to do is stay the fuck away from Sup Forums because nobody on this board has any idea how to play them.

Daigo expressed interest and Tokido was a Urien monster in 3s.

SFV will teach him fundamentals more than SFV. He's going to learn so bad fucking habits from SFV especially if he plays online.

Is Juri good for a beginner??

>SFV will teach him fundamentals
Agreed. Also I suggest this same thing to everyone that wants to play fighting games - find a friend on the same level as you and learn alongside them. The competition will push you both to improve. I agree completely that playing online is a pretty bad way to learn a fighting game, it's way better to find a local scene to play with.

Third Strike will teach him fundamentals is what I originally meant. I had a brain fart.


Play Ryu until you understand the game properly

Absolutely not. Try Ryu for a while in my opinion

I disagree. The parry system in 3S really changes how to footsie game works on a fundamental level. It could well teach good habits in the long run, but I would argue that parries could warp your view on the neutral game as a new player.

>but I think all the characters are completely viable

2. RZR|Fuudo (R. Mika)
3. yukadon (Nash)
4. HM|GO1-3151 (Chun-Li)
5. LI Joe (Nash)
5. MOV (Chun-Li)
7. HM|Eita (Ken)
7. AW|Nemo (Vega)

9. Kenneth Pope (Necalli)
9. GGP|Kazunoko (Cammy)
9. GamerBee (Necalli)
9. RZR|Xian (F.A.N.G)
13. Tokido (Ryu)
13. ESR|Wugo Oil King (Rashid)
13. EG|JWong (Karin)
13. YP|Filipinoman (Chun-Li)

Look at all that character """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""diversity""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""!

user, you have show me SFV in a new light. Thank you man. I've been giving SFV a lot more shit then it really deserves.

Play super turbo then I guess. Just learn how to dp before you drop $60+dlc on a game in a new genre, is all I'm saying

Bullshit. Half my matches online are Nash and Laura.

why are you memeing the poor v kids

>Posting 1 top 8
>Ignoring all previous tournaments
>Most of which had around 7 different characters in the top 8

Yes and no. I believe that it might mechanically be the best in the series, but it shits the bed all over the place. It is friendly to people that have never played a Street Fighter EVER and it's still competitive enough for people that have played EVERY Street Fighter EVER. I'd suggest it if you have people you can play locally. Online the last I tried it was awful. It takes eons to get a match, and when you do it pits you against people that are 'higher level' than you. That part pisses me off. I don't know how many times that I was beating the hell out of guys in silver while I was bronze, only to have them fucking disconnect so they can keep their ratio. Capcom tried some sort of baby time out mode, but it didn't really change much. I had the game on PS4 and on PC, but I haven't had the desire to pick it back up, and I've been a die hard player since Street Fighter II on SNES. I'm going to give this game another shot, but I get the feeling I'm going to be let down.
It isn't a bad place to start. There are tons of fighters out there to try. Try 'em all if you can.

stay the fuck away from /vg/ as well. Or this entire site in general. Best way to learn is watching tutorials/high level play on youtube and applying them to your gameplay.

>no bison

>11 different characters in 16 placings

How the fuck is that not diverse you fucknuckle?

Yeah bro you tell him SFV is absolutely balanced #esports #ourjive

EVO is THE top eight, second to capcom cup.

you just listed 16 names and theres 11 different characters there. When does a game become """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""diverse"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" to you?

>Whole roster minus 1 makes top 8
>Most of them average at 6-10
>A couple exceed those numbers and a couple fall short
>Those are the characters that people acknowledge to be high and low tier
>The ones that exceed are the ones played by the best players in the world
>1 of the characters that falls short is only 2 days old by the time that graph was made

You sure aren't proving your point.


That means literally nothing.

Character diversity is a codeword for Cammy White genocide

>having low tier characters that can't make top 8
remember when capcom said it wouldn't happen? nice '''''''''''balanced'''''''''''''' game

Literally no one good plays Rashid.

sfv is my first fighting game. I think its really great. I have 200 hours in it so far, I've switched mains a couple times but I'm still a baddie so I figure its good to try and get a handle on as many characters as I can. I'd recommend it if you're dedicated to getting your ass smashed until you get better, because thats all you'll be doing. The single player content is lacking but that doesn't matter to me, the matches come quickly and lag isn't horrible. I hover around silver/super silver.

>13. ESR|Wugo Oil King (Rashid)

this user is right

Oil King was a borderline literal who until EVO.

>Alex Valle
>Oil King
How many good Zangief mains can you name? Alex mains? Fang mains? Guile mains?

wait for Super Street Fighter V like a non-retarded person.

Nah he did well in Taiwan and another event in Asia iirc, I remember him because his name is funny.

I think it's bad that the community pretty much predicted a Nash would win Evo.

I'll take characters we won't see in Capcom Cup for 500.


>Alex Valle
>Oil King

These players are all literally shitty except for Oil King. None of them make top 8 no matter what character they play anymore.

>How many good Zangief mains can you name? Alex mains? Fang mains? Guile mains?
I only know there's about 3 good Gief mains and one is "trying" to drop him, 2 Fang mains, and one Guile main and it's not 'DU

No one predicted eita, li joe or even go1 to make top 8, your opinion is irrelevant the point is that there are a lot of Rashid mains traveling to tournaments and Rashid has yet to get a single top 8 finish in a cpt event, let alone win one.
Of course they would think about dropping Zangief, SFV is shit when it comes to balance and not up to "esports" standard at all. The fact they randomly balance the game once ever year doesn't help, capcom is retarded.

>USFIV balanced
Ok, and 3rd strike is the most balanced fighter of all time

A lot of Japanese players still play Ultra because Capcom caved to Sony and didn't make an arcade release of SFV. What you need to understand if you want to get into the genre is, bar povertylording it up on fightcade with roms, you're going to put in some money in for a game to get your foot in the door and you may end up not liking that game. SFV's a fine game to get into the genre with, there will be lots of people playing it. Look up [OP's hometown or state] + FGC on facebook to see if you have a local scene.

I love Street Fighter V. I played a lot of fighting games but the transparency of it all and how everything really worked didn't click with me until I played Street Fighter V. But holy hell, do I think the DLC situation is out of hand.

There is way too much DLC for way too much money. I get that they didn't want to force people to rebuy the game, but without the season pass, it would be unbearable.

I know coming out with new iterations every year or so can also put people off, but if you buy the base game of SFV now, there is a menu dedicated to fucking tons of intrusive DLC bullshit that is completely transparent.

People predicted infiltration would win evo. If he was on rashid people would have been saying rashid would win.

I like this meme.

>eita or GO1

Both were very within the realm of reality to make top 8 based on their performance throughout the year. NONE of those Rashid players would be even close to a believable statement.

>your opinion is irrelevant the point is that there are a lot of Rashid mains traveling to tournaments and Rashid has yet to get a single top 8 finish in a cpt event

It's not irrelevant because I'm saying those players are literal top 64 at best. Eita and GO1 are easily Top 8 contenders and high expectancy of top 16.

Your comparison makes no sense.

USFIV has a few Deejays and Hondas but it also has the largest roster of balanced characters with 5-5 MU's.

What a disappointment. It's getting boring having all these tournaments won by Infiltration.

He's a funny guy, but I want to see some dramatic underdog victory shit.

something something evil ryu
something something elena, healing
3rd strike was better etc etc

>What a disappointment. It's getting boring having all these tournaments won by Infiltration.

He deserved EVO, but now people need to dethrone him otherwise we'll end up with a SonicFox scenario.

Valle playing Lashido right now.

Working his ass to beat a flow chart Ken. Lashido is shito.

Nah go1 was considered good but not evo top8 good and no one talked about eita, let alone li joe. The point is that strong Rashid players are going to tournaments and can't even get top 8 finishes, same applies to Gief, Guile and other characters but Rashid is the biggest offender.

rashid is garbage tier and sleep fighter v is not balanced

God, yeah I can't imagine what it'd be like to be an MK fan and have the same fucking furry win every single fucking tournament for the past 3-4 years

Eita has made top 8 in every single major he's attended this year 2 of them being Premieres 1 being EVO.

GO1 has made top 8 in 5 majors he's attended 2 of them premieres 1 of them EVO. He's also made 9th in 2 other premieres.

What in fucks name are you even talking about?

Also I didn't list Li Joe in my comment for a reason.

can't be helped, Nash gameplan is flawless if played perfect, he is OP.

he will be detroned, when Capcom nerf Nash after capcup

He's dropping Nash for Juri in 3 days.

>this revisionism
Show me where people talked about go1 and eita being top 8 material at evo? Eita only won that thaigher uppercut event where a fucking random french laura got second place.

And li joe wasn't expected either, same for yukadon and MOV which is exactly my point.

>Show me where people talked about

I'm talking about results you fucknuckle, who gives a fuck about who says what it's about how well someone performs.

>And li joe wasn't expected either

No shit I agree with that point.

>yukadon and MOV which is exactly my point.

Yukadon is the Nash that people went to to train for Infiltration, this has been known about and he's been watched a lot. He just hasn't attended events.


But even then what you posted is, only 1 character missing out on top 8 at just pro tour events

>Sup Forums post evo: yeah bro I totally expected go1 and eita to make top 8
LMAO no one said "yes Yukadon, Li joe, MOV, Eita and Go1 are the one to look out for" no one ever said that, people expected Momochi, Tokido, Xian, Gamerbee, Nemo, Infiltration and some Americans like Jwong (lol) to make top 8.

>Still dodging the point

Expectations and talk isn't actual results.

Have fun user, you're a dumbass.


Winning or making top 8 at irrelevant events full of whos doesn't make evo top 8 material, you're dodging the point: those players weren't expected to make top 8.

Not really
Game lacks variety and there's no real reason to pick anyone but Ryu since he's essentially perfect in every way against every character. If you like playing Ryu than you're fine, but otherwise don't bother
Also getting out of bronze/silver is near impossible and won't even prepare you for Gold and so on, you're better of waiting for the superior fighting game, Tekken 7

>Final Round
>Literal who's

Pack it up user, you're making a fool of yourself.

Previous top eights were dominated by Ryu or Nash stupid
And wednesday night tourney doesn't count since its all Mika
There is 0 diversity in the game and there is absolutely 0 reason to not play Ryu/Nash over anyone else. Especially with how OP both of them are

This post is shitter talk 101.

fuck off play whatever you want the world doesnt need more ryu

It's even funnier because a majority of SFV pro players hate SFV and only play it because jewcom forced it too

I want to see NuckleDu take it at some point. One of my favorites to watch. Extremely aggressive.

>phenom (who?) won dreamhack
>saunic (who?) a random french laura came second at thaigher uppercut
>arturo sanchez (lmfao) came third at that tokyo button masher event
Yeah winning one random event makes you evo top 8 material, you're right you already knew that eita, yukadon, mov, li joe and go1 would make top 8 at evo because they randomly won an event and made some top 8s.

>gets BTFO
>f-fucking scrub
Even the smash niggers aren't this stupid

>Previous top eights were dominated by Ryu or Nash stupid
nope Nash is only 5th (even the 3 at evo won't bump him up cause 2 chuns) most played and ryu 6th

Nash has more top 3s but Ryu then drops

And winnings nash has 2 (now 3) while Ryu only has 1

No. You should try getting into Melee instead.

You don't even know why you're arguing anymore do you?

Don't deflect from the fact that no one expected eita, yukadon, mov, li joe and go1 to make top 8 at evo. Doesn't mean they don't have the capacity since they obviously did but they weren't expected.

SFV is a pretty big investment since it's like 60 bucks

Thanks for answering my question in a round about way.

Thanks for deflecting from a very simple fact user"i totally predicted eita, yukadon, mov, li joe and go1 to make top 8 bro"yderp.

Only retarded Americans and irrelevant Euros didn't expect Yukadon to make top 8. All of the Japanese commentators has Yukadon as a top 8 because he's the best Nash in Japan, the one that Tokido trained with in order to beat Infiltration.

Yukadon is literally considered one of the best players in Japan right now and that makes him better than all of the US.

Why do you blame non-japanese speakers to not know about this? Did they expect Daigo (lol) to do anything?

>SFV is shit when it comes to balance and not up to "esports" standard at all
It's sad how an e-sports focused game is less balanced than melee, a 15 year old "party game" with no balance patches.

Why are you retards so hostile? Did your mom not give you your allowance or something?