>Must kill a friend-turned-enemy for the greater good
Must kill a friend-turned-enemy for the greater good
>Spare friend
>Friend kills you immediately
>The final boss was in charge of you killing your friend
Fucking Terry, Bo, and Nern man... ;(
>character who you thought was your enemy sacrifices himself to save your life
>your best friend's only goal in the game was to become strong
>while going for this goal he sees his mother and his girlfriend die and he couldn't do anything about it
>goes crazy and opens up a portal to the underworld
>confront him in a one on one duel
>once you defeat him he gives you one of the bracelets you both got from his girlfriend at the beginning of the game that signified your friendship
>he dies and now all of the MC's friends and family from the beginning of the game are dead
>character that is your enemy saves your ass during the final battle
>he fights along side you to defeat him
>adopt a kid off the streets and train him
>abandon him when shit goes south
>goes on to raise an army on his own with the skills you taught him
>you have to kill him to save a girl
>his last words are thanking you for everything
damnit Brad
>Must kill a friend-turned-enemy because they're a little bitch that can't make up their mind
Always fun to murder a filthy neutral.
>used to be bad with friend
>turn good
>have to go after your old friends who are still bad
>Having issues with killing friends
what game is that
>cried twice during this movie
why can't smith accept more roles this good?
>Friend turned Enemy kills herself because she doesn't wan't to stain your hands with her blood
>having friends with issues
what hentai?
That's 7 pounds right?
what games
Why can't we have more
>realize by the end of the game you've truly become the villain
That's what I was hoping mgs5 was going to be.
Pursuit of Happyness
>must try to kill a friend-turned enemy only for them to turn friend again but then be killed by the real enemy
>that feel when pursuit of happiness motivated me to become successful
I would have been stuck in a low end job browsing the internet forever if I didn't come onto this movie. made me rethink my life and now I own my own company.
>your best friend you've known since childhood rises to the top and becomes a king
>he lives a long lonely life wondering if you're still alive
Are-Are you Bob from Bob's Memes?
Lisa is a gem
i wouldn't even spare them, just make it quick so there is no dilemma. If it was a gun, a few shots in the temple or the forehead, if it was melee just off the head.
Unless it's a revenge, then i'll have the choice of ripping its spine out and use his body as a weapon for the rest of the play through.
>The two seperate parties you've been playing as the whole game have to face off in the final boss fight
Bomber man?
>friend was actually your enemy who killed some guy and assumed his identity
>having friends