Where were you when Marie was canonically confirmed as the best girl?

Where were you when Marie was canonically confirmed as the best girl?

Calliefags BTFO

Praying that she would win



>popularity AND wins


>Popularity and wins

Thanks reddit


Who did you vote for, Sup Forums?

Is this the America dub?

win AND popularity
Pretty rare.

Does this mean Sup Forums will now suddenly claim they like Callie more since apparently Marie is now the popular girl?

wow, so no more night stages, eh

yep, didn't get the full dialogue though


>wanted Marie to win, but don't own a Wii U
Thanks, Sup Forums.

Well yeah, since I voted and fought for hee

Sup Forums has always been full of filthy Callie fags.

It was pretty lame for a final sendoff. Compared to the bant in prior ones.

dunno about you senpai but I've always been in the camp callie :^)

It's awful

Marie straight up looks like she has downs in that image.
People have shit taste.

So did they say anything at the end of Splatfest?

>Marie: Gosh, Team Marie takes it down! I knew we'd do it!
>Callie: I'm never gonna hear the end of this, am I?
>Marie: Great effort, my little Marie fans!
>Callie: Don't worry Team Callie! I still love you all!
>Callie: Anyway, don't forget to grab your prizes as usual!
>Marie: That's it from us, Squid Sisters out!

Just remember this was the day that Sup Forums DIDN'T let you down

only hipsters vote/play for marie anyway

Wait, no final goobye?


That's not what it said in America

Being told that Callie loves me is reward enough

Fuck America

I'm guessing that's EU?

All of the regions were calculated together.

>yfw it's not the last splatfest
>they jus want to call callie vs marie "the final showdown"

>You will never be a little Marie fan

I'm sorry for you, user.

>Just over a year
>Nintendo closes support for their game

>it's ok when nintendo does it

>Calliefags on suicide watch

this is good.

No, I meant the dialogue.

I wonder what it was like per region

The game still exists m8

Watching desperate Calliefags shitposting that she would win.
It's glorious seeing them turn their tail.

My squid loves me, your squid uses you
I suppose we all get what we wanted

American Marie seems like a bit of a bitch 2bh

Callie was way more popular in US/EU. Half the battles were Team Callie v. Team Callie.
It's Japan that rides Marie dick.

The johns are already out in full force.

The EU dialogue is US is:
M: HOLY CARP! I.. WON? I WON! Thanks for believing in me, Team Marie!
C: I'd also like to thank Judd, Gramps, and most of all...
M: Thank you Callie, for being my best friend.
C: Congrats, Marie. You earned it.
M: Well, I guess that's it. I'm really gonna miss this.
C: Me too, Marie. Me too.
M: Now get to the plaza and claim your prize!

>Cut off a major part of the game that a majority of people play and/or only go back to
>Just play the rest, XD

It's LITERALLY okay when Nintendo does it

Makes sense. Japan always have the worst taste for some reason

You know what? I ain't even mad. GG, guys. Glad we got one last chance to play around.


I know, that's what I'm saying. Thanks.

I don't like this dialogue, but I wish the EU one had more of an acknowledgement of the finality of it.

I had tons of mirror battles on Team Marie.

A cheeky bitch.
It's why a lot of people like her.

>Implying Marie fags aren't there ones false flagging

Americans love cheeky bitches, the rest of the world is more endeared to genuine and nice people.
Sounds about right.

Then the whole thing was rigged.

Marie also said thank you to Callie for being her best friend

America has the best dialogue? Strange. It also seems like the only dialogue that acknowledges the end of the splatfests.

>major part of the game
You got me. Nice bait.

>th-that wasn't us, we swear!

>this callie denial

Look up the Callie Jap that spent all day getting up to 3200 power. All for nothing

Is there even confirmation online will die after this

No, they even went as far as to state it WOULD NOT end after this event.

you know the thing about duos is that there's never really a "better" character because that would negate the need for the other

like who's your favorite beavis or butthead
who's your favorite abbot or costello
who's your favorite ren or stimpy

without the other they're basically a one-dimensional character

Why would they confirm lies?


no more snails ;_;

You know, given the popularity of this game and the scope of the splatfest, this event will probably go down in gaming history. Feels good, man.

The JP twitter account hinted that Judd gives them out now.




>there's never really a "better" character
Then why is it "Ren and Stimpy" and not "Stimpy and Ren"?

Or rather "Callie and Marie" and not "Marie and Callie"




You know exactly goddamn why

>Not a major part of the game that's been advertised since its inception

WEW LAD. the only reason people coming back to play this shit is because of splatfest. But hey, have fun playing with Japs from now on

You're a loveable idiot, Marie.

So who won more Splatfests?

>major part
>happens for one day roughly every month
>is a minor annoyance for anyone that doesn't want to play 24 hours of turf war

You are fucking stupid

I wonder if the Callie and Marie amiibos will let you play on the night stages or bring back the splatfest plaza temporarily.

Because otherwise the pun wouldn't work you dense fuck.

Callie won a lot more than Marie overall

ranked is the meat of the game though. Stop shitposting when you don't own the game it really shows.

It doesn't really have the same magic when you know it's just you


>Gaming history

Yeah, no

In literal terms it is part of gaming history.

I'm surprised no one has exploited this test

>>Not a major part of the game that's been advertised since its inception

That's a straight up lie. They didn't reveal Splatfests until the Splatoon direct on the 7th May 2015. The game launched two weeks later on the 28th May 2015. The game was first revealed in July of 2014.

>tfw glorious team Marie dominated in popularity and wins.

Probably not. It was mostly confined to players of the game. Sup Forums is an exception because discussion for multiple games gets mixxed frequently


*Slurp* *SLURP* *swallow*

That position looks really uncomfortable.

just the plaza when i try it