Montezuma preorder bonus

>Montezuma preorder bonus

Why is this industry so cancerous?
He is the second most iconic character after Gandhi.

Anyway, building art looks good...

... but unit art does NOT.

>buying a firaxis game on day 1 and not waiting for complete edition since they will of course make a mandatory dlc(s) again.

grand strats are garbage anyway

Check the bottom text, people who predorder get him 3 months early then everyone gets it for free, still bullshit, but not as bullshit.

>Monty is DLC
>Jaguars are now shit burds.
>Japan doesn't have either a Sengoku rep or first prime minister.
>The only reason to buy this game is for best president Roosevelt.

How far the mighty have fallen.

But he's not. That's Montezuma I, not Montezuma II. Montezuma I only appeared once before, in Civ 5.

Montezuma's various incarnations are the same character.

>Not Kennedy

Bad photo, Monty's looking at a billboard or something.

Okay, I know for a fact that I will want to play this game on release, so I might as well spend the money now rather than later, to preload it and get Monti.

Which version do I buy though? The +20 euro one has:
>the full base game, the 25th Anniversary Digital Soundtrack, and access to four post-launch DLC packs that will add new maps, scenarios, civilizations and leaders for a bundled discount

Whatever the fuck that means. I am not sure if it will be saving me money. Are those just cosmetics, like alternative leaders for some civs?

Read the small text at the bottom fuck face.

This is exactly how pre order bonuses should be done.


Jesus christ why isn't this a mobile exclusive? It sure seems like one.

>preorder bonus

That's retarded. If you want to offer preorder bonuses, you should be rewarding them (with something that's not gameplay-related), not withholding something from everyone else.

3 wrong people in the one thread

Let's make a game that looks worse than the one before it.

But requires a more powerful computer to run at max settings!

>alternative leaders

It is all but confirmed that alternative leaders will have alternative bonuses as well.

hmm 20 euro extra for music you can torrent, dlc that will be free or extremely cheap in a few months, and ???

tough one

>implying someone cares about shitty 15-16 century civs

It's a lot better then giving people an extra civ that nobody else can ever get again.

Fuck off.

Stop using rotten shitposts, it's not going to get you's anymore

>Stealing is ok when the white man does it

>mad because the man himself Andrew Jackson cucked his wife

Oh say can you see

it does look like cheap mobile shit tho

The implication is that the four DLC will cost more than 20 euro together, I think. So the soundtrack is "free".

I am trying to decide if I'll buy that DLC on release anyway. I think I will, I just have so few new games I play, so when something I am looking forward to comes out I need all the content right then, before I burn out.

but not really though

I'm with him, senpai
It looks mobile as fuck

>paying for Firaxis DLC

What? I'm just pointing out that the art direction looks pretty much like these popular mobile games.

Forgot my image.

Wasn't one of the biggest complaints about early Civ5 that you had to buy several civs as DLC and now they are doing this BS again?

This game is DOA.

>they are doing the same thing as their best selling game ever?
>its dead on arrival lol


>Grand strat

Are you high or just retarded nigger?

>guy acts exactly like the average nigger
>but is a white president

>Pre-order for early access to the aztec civilization
>early access
>to aztec
>Civ game
>early access
>to aztec

There are too many layers, my third eye just opened and kek'd.

>implying based Ike wouldn't just up and D-day his bitch ass

>Van Buren will never be the leader of the American civ

I only just realised there was gameplay out for Civ6, don't know how I missed it

why does it look like fucking farmville?

Yeah man, they totally copied Farmville, look at all that green. Green games are all facebook tier.

Wait 90 days to get a civ i never gonna use.

We reached the point where people defend and praise actual gameplay elements as preorder bonus.
I wonder how low the slippery slope will bring us in the future.

>we want the Clash of Clans audience

Oh man, you are right, totally the same game. All that green!

Why is he given such light skin? I thought Mexicans got their poo-color from the Aztecs not the Spaniards.

>not "I ended US neutrality and sovereignty and handed our nation over to the Rothschild illuminati" Wilson

And how many years does that take, foraxis launch games are better than most. Xcom2 was fine

Fucking please
I bet they have 5 other DLCs coming like last time.
And XCOM1/2 is as casual as Fire Emblem.

I don't give a shit about him.

People are still mad about Civ5's launch.
Nevermind that Civ6 is being developed by a different person. Its made by the guy who fixed Civ5 with the two expansions.

Eh, why would I give a shit?

Eagle Warriors? Fuck off, no Jaguar Warriors no interest.

>we want the clash of clans audience

Just go mobile already

see and mr Mememaster9000.

It shows how CivV was starving for mechanics at release.

No matter who is directing the game, the execs will still gut the game for DLC.

We have zero reason to think so other than Civ5's launch. That is the only reason. You are being overly cynical, and the joke is you probably didn't even play Civ5 on release, you just read that other people complained about it and joined the circlejerk.

Name 7 mobile games that look as good as Civ 6.

I'll wait.

Infinity Blade
Infinity Blade 2
Infinity Blade 3
Deus Ex: The Fall

Sumer better not be DLC/pre-order bonus bullshit.


>aztecs behind a pay wall

Why do people compare Civ 6 to mobile games? Because it's colourful, vibrant and clean?
Surely that's a good thing in a strategy game so that you can tell what's going on easily? Readability is important.
Mobile games don't have this level of detail or depth anyway.
Obviously this is just shitposters trying to find something wrong with the game so they can scream about it, and because there's so little for them to shitpost about they're resorting to crying about graphics like a 12 year old.

Come on now, graphics? That's an ancient retarded argument that you shouldn't be using. If it was actually ugly and full of aliasing or shitty post-effects I'd understand the complaints, but there's really nothing in Civ 6 for them to be complaining about graphics-wise.

Sure this preorder thing is a bit silly but since it unlocks after 90 days for everyone there's no real point in complaining.

>before Wind Waker
>'this game looks like a cartoon! They RUINED Zelda!!'
>After Wind Waker
>'Best Zelda yet! Revolutionary!

Will Civ 6 be the new Wind Waker?!

From the perspective of someone who has only played civ 5, the graphics look like a downgrade. I would guess that to the casual audience, it looks "cartoony". The art style is out of place for a game series that has been known to take itself seriously.

So long as strategy view doesn't look too different I'll cope.

Do have a look at previous civ games, 4 and 3 were rather colourful. 5 is the black sheep for having graphics that appear slightly more realistic.

2K/Rockstar/Gearbox needs mad cash after the flop that is Battleborn

>Moved from Civ to GSG
>never looked back
Lets be honest, Civ has always been a bit shit.

Two decades of Civilization and the Aztecs always being there until now, where they are just DLC

I'll bite

Lol videogame music on my phone!
>maps and scenarios
Who the hell plays the maps and scenarios?
>new civs and leaders
Only real meat and potatoes of the bundle, and it doesn't even include the fix-problems expansion(s) they will invariably release.

It still isn't included in the base game at launch like every other Civ.

They are probably worried about bad reviews at launch, since it'll be missing features and full of bugs. They want those pre orders.

I'll still pick the game up when its the game of the year edition with everything included. I didn't miss anything waiting for Civ 5 to get all the mods and expansions it needed.

And I assume you fuck your uncle every night.
Cynicism is the most logical approach to life.

I was really hyped back then and quickly changed my mind after 1,5 of a play in CivV.
Expansions made it great though.

>No revolutions
>No oversea colonial system
>No religions at launch again
>Handful of Civs at launch again
>Combat simplified again
>Units have three soldiers in them so Pike/formation units look stupid

>No religions at launch again
Actually its in.
Can't be sure about the rest.

>talking out of your ass again

Civ looks like a fucking dreamworks cartoon movie now. Just like fucking Overwatch. Man I fucking hate that artsyle so goddamn much.

But it says on the bottom everyone gets it for free, still a greedy move

next you'll be saying Julius Caesar and Augustus are the same

Julius Caesar Augustus, you mean?

>tfw really want to get into this series but don't have a gaming PC to play it on
Shit, man. I really liked Civ: Revolution though.

>no gaming pc


Poor as fuck.

i like the artstyle

>Civilization series
>Still can't play as Hitler

This looks like Battle of the Clans of whatever its called, the mobile game all casual fags play/played

What do you lose on preordering the game?

>no unit stacking
>no baba yetu
>no leonard nimoy


>no unit stacking

last two points completely valid tho

Money obviously.

Are you confusing preordering with pre-purcahse?

It's Sean Bean, that's alright.

Nimoy is dead.

Also there is actually some unit stacking IIRC support units can stack or something.

and fuck you hexes are boss.

they are bringing back the guy who wrote baba yetu to write a new theme for 6

holy shit

What's wrong with hexes?

Surely they're better since you have 6 ways of movement instead of 4 like with squares?
(unless you use diagonals but those are dumb and break the system)


How many civs are in the game from the start anyway?

>tfw not being able to play with 20+ civs on Marathon speed and Huge map

hexagons rule