You will never play Arx Fatalis for the first time again

>you will never play Arx Fatalis for the first time again

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I've played it like 8 years ago, at this point i barely remember anything about the game.
Feels good that i will be able to replay it with a fresh experience if i want to.

I have never played it in the first place

Played it a few months back. Great game.

I sort of still can, since I dropped it midway through the second level. The magic system was just too unbearably unresponsive, it annoyed the hell out of me.

Should get Art Libertatis, the magic system breaks on high resolutions with the original version, Libertatis fixes it.

Didn't know that, I'll look into it then. Thanks, I might actually give this game another go some day.

I've never played it. You get to convince me.

I hate to be nitpicky, but somebody really needs to make a mod to increase the walking speed or something. I don't mind backtracking to previous floors and what not but the base walking speed is so fucking slow it starts to be a chore just to walk anywhere. They released the source code so I don't see why it can't be done. Or maybe it's just me being a fag.

Imagine being in an underground tunnels, cold wind from the frozen wastelands that are the surface world echoing through the stone walls. From somewhere deep inside the maze-like dungeons, you can hear the screams of those lost in the dungeon, now prey to the rat-men and goblins.
The low ceiling of the damp, dimly lit tunnels press down upon you with the weight of a million tons of earth, and there is no way out. The world above has died, the sun snuffed out. The only way forward is down, deeper and deeper into the earth.

>an ancient evil has awakened
>YOU are the chosen one
>game literally hands you THE best gear at one point, it's part of the main storyline
>the retarded magic system
It was okay at best.

Story was garbage, but everything else was top tier.
The game works best if you ignore the story and just go down the tunnels to explore.

Magic system was amazing, you're just a pleb.

I'd take a game that is being overt with its chosen one story over one that still tells a chosen one story but pretends it doesn't any day though.

Planning on playing it this summer, is Libertatis just better in every way, or should I play the original for my first go?

Libertatis is a patch, hd and compatibility fix.
It doesn't change anything in the game.

It's like playing VTMB without community patches.

Oh, from what I'd heard it's more like OpenMW to Morrowind. Well, just downloaded it anyway, thanks.

I could if I wanted to.

Eh. Describe gameplay and cool shit you can do astead o' story.

Stories are for dweebs.

No, the story sucks.
It's the atmosphere that sucks you in.

In gameplay terms, it feels a lot like an adventure game in that you will need to collect items, combine them and use them on objects to get through.
The game has some nice interactivity (you can bake a pie with some flour, apple, watter and fire), and the magic system is very interesting, you draw various runes and combine them to create spells.

Game's linear, but there's usually several ways to solve a problem.

>Describe gameplay
Ultima Underworld 3

>cool shit you can do
Throw fireball at chicken and loot your KFC.

Why is no one mentioning the bald armor dudes that rape you if ur melee.

>the retarded magic system

fuck you nigga drawing runes in the air was a pretty neat gimmick

But doing that in the middle of combat was a real hassle.

I know you could memorize 3 of them in reserve but it was still pretty bad, you never had the right spells there for the situation if you got into a sudden battle. No one wants to remember that shit and scribble the most useful spells on a piece of paper to have them at hand fast, just make a proper magic system.

God forbid if you played the game on a modern monitor/resolution (which I did), 60% of the time the spell wouldn't get recognized.

Thought I was on Sup Forums for a second. This album has a disturbingly similar cover.

That's the fucking point you dingus.
It's not world of warcraft where you pew pew firebolts everywhere.

Come prepared or get your ass fucked.

The fact that they let you "pre-cast" spells means they knew the system was unreliable and inherently flawed but they just refused to ditch it and instead put in a lazy balancing hack.

It's shit.



I didn't get my ass fucked, I made it through the game with relative easy.

It's still not a good system, it's terrible and it makes the game slightly more "difficult" for the wrong reasons.

You guys don't understand.
The fights are supposed to be stressful and messy. The clunky interface is the point, like in silent hill.
It helps the pacing so that you don't run into a room firebolts blazing, but only have three shots before you have to play defensive.

>the gameplay is meant to be shit, just like in Silent Hill it's what makes the game good

Are you people actually serious when you spout this crap?

Silent Hill is nowhere near this clunky, you never have to draw pictures on the screen, you just open a menu and the game actually pauses the game world for your comfort as you manage your items and equip things.

If by interface you somehow meant the tank controls I'd just say that they were the standard for 90's survival horror games, every game worked that way and I think it works fine.

The magic system in Arx is bad, sorry. I know this is a cult classic but it's okay to point out bad things about it.

Not every game is an empowerment fantasy you fucking pleb, some games aim yo make you feel vulnerable and weak.
Have you ever played a horror game?

Go play skyrim you fucking fag.


It's not bad you piece of shit, you're just bad at the game.
By the end of the playthrough I had memorized all the runes and could cast spells at will with 100% accuracy.

I guess you're just too shit to be a wizard, stick to a sword next time.

>you are literally a special being who is the chosen one destined to save the world

Why are you bringing horror games to this?

It's a fantasy RPG and it is pretty much an empowerment fantasy as well since you are THE chosen one who everyone relies on to take care of the great evil.

The only thing that makes you vulnerable and weak is the fact that the game has shit design/interface in it, and that's a huge concern, there are better and less frustrating ways to make the player feel vulnerable.

>Hurr, why do I have to get good at the game to feel powerful
Not the game's fault you keep fumbling the runes, get good.

Git good you faggot, you're just a casual fucking babby who wants a nice little button with a colorful icon he can press.

good game but too wonky

unintuitive mechanics

You can get good at anything no matter how broken or bad it is. That doesn't somehow make the system good.

It's sad to see how autistic and oversensitive the fanbase of this game has gotten, it seems to happen with all of these kind of lesser known games.

>it's bad and broken because I'm shit at it
Ok kid, now kill yourself, nigger.

Obviously that AI was as deliberate design choice by the developers intending to illustrate that the world is so depressing even the arachnids are suicidal.

That or he just needed to "git gud".

I love discovering things like this in games

I'm not shit at it, I beat the game and it wasn't hard, it's just a bad system.

And it's the general consensus too, anytime this game gets brought up everyone always mentions how bad the magic system is.

On the other hand I feel you are just rusing me at this point seeing how your posts turned into the "gitgud" pasting.

>And it's the general consensus too
Among whom, your imaginary friends?

The system is good at what it does, it limits the use of powerful magic as to not make it trivial, while also rewarding players who memorize the runes.

>Among whom, your imaginary friends?
Just keep lurking, Arx threads pop in from time to time.

>The system is good at what it does
Being bad to limit the use of magic? Gotta agree on that one.

Just admit you couldn't git gud at drawing runes and had to pre-cast 3 firebolts every two minutes like a scrub.