I'm not big into Zombie games other than playing Zombie Panic HL mod back in the day and Dying Light.
Is Dead Rising a good zombie game?
I'm not big into Zombie games other than playing Zombie Panic HL mod back in the day and Dying Light.
Is Dead Rising a good zombie game?
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Haven't we been talking a lot about this already?
Why even talk about Windows Store exclusives?
because it came out a decade ago?
Because no one asked for this.
I think it's pretty fun. A big turn off for some people is the time limit, but it was never really a problem for me.
Will they disable the shit time limit, fix the shit save system, and unfuck the shit controls?
The time limit and escort missions actually give the game some necessary difficulty. Makes sense that as the shittier the series gets they do away with these elements.
If you're that casual just play DR3.
Believe it or not, they got rid of the time limit in DR4 because of faggots like you. Fuck you.
The limit is an integral game mechanic that actually adds difficulty. If you want the true ending you need to be good enough to finish assignments quickly.
The save system was a little wonky. The controls were fine I thought, excited to play it with M+KB, as the only problem I had with it was aiming on a stick.
>intentional badness is good because it makes the game harder
Its not bad, though.
The game doesn't really have a time limit. It had deadlines. If you fail to meet those dead lines it's not a game over. If you just want to run around and go full Sandbox mode you can. I never saw the problem with this.
The word is "constraints".
It's your opinion that those constraints are bad, but your opinion is shit so who cares lol.
as long as they fix the awful ai it'll be great
>FINALLY coming to PC
Thank god
>a shit escort mission with lousy AI and all the problems that are normally associated with awful escort missions
>it's not BAD, it's a CONSTRAINT
Because I played it 10 years ago.
because almost no one cares in the slightest.
Admittedly DR1 has some piss poor AI, which was of course over-corrected in DR2 with uber competent survivors who seemed to not need your help.
And in dr3 they removed escorting them completely
We've had daily threads for over a week now. Some very comfy Dead Rising 1 chat. Sorry you missed out.
Wasn't Dead Rising already on PC? I don't play these kinds of games, but I remember there being a DR game.
It's not going to be a Windows 10 exclusive now is it?
No for 10 years now dr1 was 360 excusive 2 otr and 3 are on pc though
DR4 will be Windows 10 exclusive for the first 90 days, so probably expect something similar.
Are the remasters going to get a physical release like Resident Evil 4,5,and 6 did?
Damn I hope it's only for a limited time if thats the case, otherwise I'll just have to stick to the 360 version.
Because last gen was last gen. We've gone from constant rereleases to rereleases that used to be exclusives going multiplat. As if that is something to be excited about.
I want new games for the most part. If you're gonna do rereleases it should be old stuff that gets a nice bump (as in 2+ gens ago, not shit on hardware I actively used 3 years ago) or reasonable choices like Fable 2 getting a PC port since 1, 1 remastered, and 3 all came out on PC.
DR I guess should for that reason but I'm not really excited because 1 was weakest in gameplay although the story was alright.
fuck off microcuck
Personally I am excited as fuck. DR1 was one of those games on my list of "games I want ported over to PC the most" just to be able to play it at a higher resolution + framerate.
We talked about it a lot and now we're getting called shills whenever we bring it up so we stopped.
Depends what you want from a Zombie game.
I think it's a good "time waster". It's more fun to just find cool shit to kill zombies with or mow them down with vehicles than it is to play the story. It's something I pick up when I'm super high and want something to fuck around in. Like GTA but with zombies instead of hookers.
Jesus christ, has it really been 10 years?
The frame rate was pretty good and the game already looked great. Better than the sequel even. Thank MT Framework.
How on earth is the save system wonky?
It works exactly as intended. There's nothing off about it.
Nobody is forcing you to rescue survivors, it's a completely optional mechanic for beating the game and fighting zombies
Your argument is equivilent to saying that mario is bad because you don't get a jetpack to fly out of pits and have to jump over blocks, or that tennis is bad because you have to let the ball bounce before returning a serve
Games have rules and limitations for a reason, if you constantly remove those limitations because of people that fear failure like little baby bitches you get bland as fuck games like every other dead rising besides the first one where you kill zombies for 10 minutes and have seen the whole game.
Who else 1000/1000g here?
What is it with gamers having hissy fits when games have time limits, especially when it's integral to the first two Dead Rising games.
If they ever add any kind of save system to Infinity mode I might do it, otherwise fuck that.
Can't handle 14 hours straight? It was well worth it for some heart underpants.
no one cares about the thread topic
the fuck is a microcuck
1000/1000 every single DR game here.
Infinity Mode wasn't even difficult.
They got rid of all that stuff in DR3. DR3 is also the worst DR game.
>Windows Store only
Why not just put it on Steam and triple the sales???
Yes. In DR 1, 2, Case Zero/West, and 3.
How do you find another person insane enough to do the OTR challenge bullshit? I only found one crazy enough to co-op the whole of DR2 with me.
MS probably threw them a fat check for exclusive rights.
without the time limit, the game doesnt work
Because nobody cares about a shit game from 2007
They're fucking zombies not ghosts what the fuck is this?
what was wrong with the 3 days system?
you werent supposed to complete the game in one sitting, its an RPG
I think what most people don't realize is that Frank's movement speed is something that you level up too. For the first playthrough it's a good idea to screw around, kill zombies, explore the mall and level up. Level 1 Frank's just a slug compared to level 50 Frank.
Nothing more to say now that it's been confirmed. Wait til 9/13 comes around so we can get that sweet 06 nostalgia going. good Christ it's been a decade already goddamn
Because Im a Win7 missile
Hot new game gets rave reviews and praise by early adopters. Those outside of the paywall or just not fans of the type of game are genuinely curious and want in on it.
When they finally try it out, they can't get into the game because it's nothing like all the other mainstream game they're told to play.
it's not getting on Steam? FUCK. Welp. At least MUA will be.
dead rising has shallow gameplay so i don't care. That's why i'm not talking about it.
Is the DR1 port exclusive to the Windows store? That's disappointing. Guess I'm not going to get it. I was excited too.
Hope you like mass amounts of DRM and using Windows 10, because that's the only way you'll be playing it.
Where is it stated it's Windows Store only?
>I don't care so I'll reply in a thread about it
>Windows 10
why did they change the voice actor?
Might not have been able to get the old one back, but if so I wonder why they even bothered brining Frank back.
After fans going apeshit after companies trying to get new voices for 47, Max Payne, and even Big Boss you'd figure they would know that fans like the full package when it comes to classic characters.
Because the controls were terrible in the original game and i wouldn't wish them upon anyone?
It's a place holder old VA was confirmed a little bit ago.
>Make Dead rising 4 Windows 10 exclusive
>But let's release Dead Rising 1 on Steam!
It's being done by the same team that did the DDDA Port, jackass.
Confirmed where? Only place I heard that was a hopeful rumor.
Though I did find it curious they didn't have Frank speak at all during the reveal trailer.
Only missed the two Infinity Mode ones because fuck that, and the radio call because I missed like one or two
Didn't try on the other games but I took fairly large chunks out of the lists regardless
>It's being done by the same team that did the DDDA Port
>That totally means it'll be on Steam!
>it's a windows store exclusive because my ass says so