Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

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*spanks that ass*
mmm love me some white girls

why? Blacks and Latino girls have that thicc

>Those polygons
eyy bb wan sum fuq?

literally THE WORST ass

nah white girls are better


I can't.


This was unironically the second best cutscene in MGSV

Quiet walking around in a stripper costume flaunting herself all game is one of the main reasons MGS V was so cringy and im so glad that i pirated it instead of wasting money on this trash

>hurr durr shes a plant she needs her skin showing

People who need this garbage shoved into their video games are similar to pic related.

>shit character with no development or a sensible story arc
The only people who will defend her are cancerous waifufags.


Almost a year later and Based Quiet is STILL making numales cry

Ugly, droopy ass. Still better than her face, at least.

butts were long in 80's

>tfw I finally gave in today after I picked the game back up for the first time in months and changed my emblem from the Butterfly and did her mission

I fucking choked up guys

at least I can get her back by doing her mission a bunch of times now

Except they made it an actual plot point. Get over yourself, fag.

The skull girls had better butts.

>Sup Forums will defend this

Hell yeah I'll defend it

Nothing more than a retarded excuse to have her wearing as little clothing as possible. I'd have more respect for them if they just flat out said they wanted her naked instead.

You tell em bro,I totally agree with your views ;)

Better at having flatter asses yeah.

Except it's a recurring factor in the game. This isn't Tumblr. Get the fuck out.

>another thread full of people proving that Tumblr has fully seeded themselves into Sup Forums

Not I.

Really hated everything about that character. Especially the whole
>character named Quiet
>supposedly very quiet
>loudest, most annoying buddy character that never shuts up on missions with repetitive humming

>Sup Forums will defend
Sup Forums isn't too serious about anything
its only faggots like you OP who make retarded posts like this

You can literally make that argument about ANY plot device EVER

Of course they only exist because the creator made them, are you fucking retarded?

>she's angry
whoever took that photo is about to get fucked up

there is nothing wrong with sexualizing women. They should be honored that anybody gives a shit about their sex anyway

Thist͏bh f͏am
Lots of white girls have flat asses
White women can't even compete


Frankly I prefer female characters having a reason for why they dress slutty rather than just dressing slutty because character design.

Theres a huge difference between a plot point meant to make the story interesting and drive the story forward, and a plot point literally just meant to let you have women running around in stripper clothing in a warzone in the desert.

Like are you just pretending to be a bitter virgin or did konami actually manage to convince you they were sincere with their intentions. I feel sorry for you either way . How pathetic can someone be to be so easily manipulated with sex appeal.

I'd rather have a white girl than no girl


Havent read NeoGAF in years. It really that bad now

>Implying chunky shitskin cellulite asses will ever compare to smooth white and asian grill asses

webms that make you go hmmm

>interesting and drive the story forward
oh you mean like how her powers played a significant role multiple times in the story?

or you mean you didn't like it so it shouldn't have been in the game because it didn't agree with your viewpoint

Yeah I guess if white women had busted faces like black and latino I'd rather look at their asses too.

how the hell can anyone defend THAT atrocious, low-poly model?

>Like are you just pretending to be a bitter virgin
Except you're the one with a bone to pick because "hurrdurr stop explaining things I don't like!"

The entitlement is real. this is one of the sorriest excuses to be offended in months.

> It really that bad now

When was it ever good user?


they made the plant thing up and it still didn't justify it since The End from metal gear solid 3 was said to be photosynthetic in the same way and he wears a full set of fatigues


I don't know what the fuck do you people were expecting

mgs was always a highly fictional series with crazy unrealistic concepts all over the place that had little to no explanation

>b-but a character can't be naked! I accept any other exeggerated concept but having a naked female design is just way over the line!!

>significant role multiple times in the story?
All of which are cringy as fuck and pretty much ruin the story.

>The entitlement is real.
No my good sir, it is you who are entitled. Fucking cancerous waifufags ruining almost every good series there has ever been.

Believe it or not, a dev doesn't need to justify anything for you. This goes for hamfisted gay/tranny characters as well that people feel the need to have explained to them.

I don't think you can get her back

do you guys really like thicc women or is it just a meme

That sums it up
Glad I left that cess pool a few years ago, it was bad enough then.

>ruin the story
What fucking story?
>memelord cowboy wants to wipe out languages or something
It was already fucked m8

>mgs was always a highly fictional series with crazy unrealistic concepts all over the place that had little to no explanation

How underage are you to not know what suspension of disbelief is?

Even if a story is fictional, things have to make sense inside of its own universe. The plant thing was OBVIOUSLY just made up to have half naked women running around and you KNOW IT.

Nobody forced them to make up the plant thing, they chose it KNOWING FULL WELL it would justify having half naked characters running around for no reason

Can you quote where I said that?

I said your reasoning for being offended is retarded and lazy. How you made this a gender issue is kind of funny.

Metal Gear Solid has always been the rule of cool, they just bothered to come up with half-assed plausible explanations. Still can't explain why anyone was supposed to like Fortune

His camo was literally made out of moss and living plants, so he was able to photosynthesize through it.

>b-but why didn't Quiet do that?

Because Afghanistan is a desert and the End had far more knowledge and experience than her.

But the End was dying
If he'd be comfortable in the nude, he'da been fine


>All of which are cringy as fuck and pretty much ruin the story.

>or you mean you didn't like it so it shouldn't have been in the game
thanks for proving me right

>Can you quote where I said that?
So are you saying you dont play waifu pandering games? You arent fooling anyone if you say otherwise.

so you post there and take a screenshot to prove your "point"?

>Even if a story is fictional, things have to make sense inside of its own universe. The plant thing was OBVIOUSLY just made up to have half naked women running around and you KNOW IT
But a half naked vampire is a-ok according to you

Your tantrum is silly.

I like thick and thin women, they just can't be TOO thick or thin, you know what I mean?

I'm fully convinced that “men” who only like one of them are closet homos

Theres a reason MGS is dead now. Your pathetic waifu pandering was literally just a last ditch effort by Konami to attract as many forever alone virgins as possible for 1 last time while Kojima was still under their boot.

They know sex appeal sells becuase they know pathetic virgins like you will eat it up and believe whatever they tell you is the reason for it.

They added something in a patch that lets you get her back if you play her first appearance mission (or maybe the harder one) like 10 times. Or something like that.

someone needs to burst their bubble

>MGS is dead because of Quiet

What if you aren't a virgin but still love quiet?

That depends. With your line of thought, any game with a female is waifu pandering. I could play Gone Home and your incredibly delicate sensibilities would say I'm using it for yuri fap-fic.

This is what happens when you actively look for dumb things to be offended by.

you should try a little harder because your post was kinda cringy


I agree they can't too thicc or thin

>MGSV is the best in the series
>Quiet is in the game

I don't think this is a coincidence

>delusional waifufags unable to accept reality

She had no personality, her story was shit, her acting was cringy as fuck, she felt forced and out of place and i guarantee the next MGS will sell like SHIT because of her.

how to spot an american

Ohhh please user,this screenshot is old like 6 months ago when the topic here was stolen and token over there for SJW edition of a Sup Forums thread. Point is the place is trash and this nugget was from lurking there to read that shit. I'm guessing someone from Sup Forums wrote that shit,either way it gt them so ass hurt they scrubbed his existence from the server lol.


>rage caps

Sup Forums needs IDs so we can examine this anons descent in to patriarchal insanity

>any game with a female is waifu pandering
False. There is a huge difference between having attractive females in your game that are interesting , have a story and character, etc etc

and then theres just quiet with nothing at all to her besides the fact she walks around half naked and makes the most awkward lewd poses at the most awkward times .


That's a shitload of subjectivity, user

Is blatant fanservice the equivalent of shoehorned diversity?

It's a nice ass, What's to defend?

>>MGSV is the best in the series
You must be 18 years old to post on this website. MGS was complete trash, especially compared to 3 and 4.

>every person talking in caps is raging
hello newfriend

>MGSV is the best in the series


i like females

but females dont like me



it's worse

>I don't like it so nobody should!
Stop posting

>tfw you will never be triggered by how a fictional person who doesn't actually exist and is just computer generated pixels is dressed

I don't know about you guys but it's a pretty good feel imo

Why do you people talk about the same things over and over again ?
That's why I consider myself so superior to you all.

they're equivalents in the sense that both are terms that I mostly read on Sup Forums and anywhere else

>kojima is a shitty writer
whoa dude, no way?!

i wonder what exactly happened in MGSV to let it all hang out. i personally noticed by MGS2.

Why the need to defend anything? Sexy for a reason or sexy for sexiness' sake, the fuck does it matter? Enjoy what you want to enjoy, life is too short to worry about this bullshit.

No because while both are forms of pandering, fanservice is pandering to an important demographic who buys games and forced diversity is pandering to an unimportant demographic that doesn't buy games.

But of course, MGS wouldn't count specifically because you don't like the way a character dresses. Because, according to you, her attire completely invalidates anything regarding the plot because, according to you, it was all a conspiracy to undermine the anti-pantyhose movement.

How is this any different from "anti-SJWs" bitching about Zaryas hair again?

Can't really be sure because thicc is a buzzword that doesn't really describe a specific body type.

