This is valve's current audience
This is valve's current audience
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This is your second thread with the same picture
i dont get it
what's there to get? valve's audience are shitskins and psychopaths
>a male below 30 has a steam account
what a coincidence. really makes you think...
>vac ban 37 day ago
Its all your fault steam. He saw the edge and fell over.
>he played csgo
well shit, fps games are gonna get banned soon in germany
>they actually blame it on video games
Germans are so fucking pathetic. Is the country really run by 80 year olds who are so out of touch with reality?
it's run by women of various ages actually.
they're actually run by the post war generation, that is the 50-65 year olds like Merkel who hate everything german because that's what the occupation taught them to do
According to Sup Forums, bullying will "eradicate nu-males and make men stronger".
Now look how it ends in the real-world. Bullying creates mass shooters.
how was he bullied?
You can't bully anyone without first understanding their position in life.
If you bully a friendless loser, he's going to lash out because all he'll know is torment
But the same age people from other countries are not so clueless. Something weird going on with Germany.
They've always had the most ridiculous censorship in video games too.
>hoe was he bullied?
He was bullied the fuck out in his school. He was the target of the whole class according to medias and such.
Looks like he got VAC banned in CS:GO and real life.
>Last Online: 11 days ago
Anything but the third world immigrants
>blame it on an old ass game that looks like its out of the 90s
Might aswell kill yourself
i'm confuse. was he german or iranian?
Someone gift me nba 2k16 pls
are there seriously Germans that are mad because some sandnigger kid got €10??
the biggest number in that pic is €1200. Literally what can you do with that cash? Buy four Happy Meals and if you find some fucking spare change you might be able to super size one of them.
wow shekelberg, never thought about it that way. really makes you think.
Nice Source faggot
>According to Sup Forums, bullying will "eradicate nu-males and make men stronger".
Well I don't think it worked out well for them
>be unemployed poorfag
>get mad at other pathetic unemployed poorfags with a different skin color
really makes you think
I'm not understanding any of this. Mods pls delete
>only skin matters
Poor ethnic germans
>be german
>get shot
>According to Sup Forums, bullying will "eradicate nu-males and make men stronger".
What? Fuck no
>Now look how it ends in the real-world. Bullying creates mass shooters.
t. bullyed person
>If you bully a friendless loser, he's going to lash out because all he'll know is torment
Literally nobody in Germany defended that tweet excet Künast herself. But it makes for a nice strawmen
I want to protect that shrimp.
wow. germany has a very bright and diverse future ahead of it.
i don't think he was a nu-male.
>bully people
>they might become mass murders
>don't bully people that deserve it
>they become numales that will stay on welfare all their lives
What should we do?
>Literally nobody in Germany defended that tweet
Literally all the leftist did.
I see those migrants are hard at work in Germany.
oh look it's another Sup Forums thread
The people that vote for the Green party were probably agreeing with it,same with all the other commies.
>Literally all the leftist did.
No they didn't. Fuck off to Sup Forums
>they become numales that will stay on welfare all their lives
I'm a neet at 24 all because of bullying.
I don't care what your excuse is, bullying is BAD and fucked up.
The shooter was a smart iranian guy who spoke perfect high german. He was well intergrated and if he wasn't a shitskin you would not even have noticed his heritage.
It's somewhat common for bullied german kids to shot up placed. It hasn't anything to do with Islam this time, but we already got another "syrian" ""refugee"" slaughterin a pregnant woman and several other persons today.
new volkische bewegung when?
Fuck off back to twitter, tumblr, reddit and see for yourself cucklord
wtf? who thought it was a good idea to let all this fuckers in? has the world gone insane?
top kek
>I can't accept reality
Game censorship is Germany's hidden shame. In 2001 there was a big school shooting and because the kid was a gamer it started the "Killerspiele" (KILLER GAMES) ""debate"""
Now they want the debate back, and a "stronger debate"
NS stuff is always censored, and sometimes blood is turned into alien blood, or people into cyborgs
Bullying is sometimes useful
This. Reddit is not different than this shithole. The same content, the same opinion on stuff like muslims, refugees or anything else. This whole hate is old and stupid. Make fun of tumblr alright. But Reddit is just another Sup Forums outpost
>ever listening to Sup Forums
I thought reddit was pretty left but it seems people and times change. Hell, even I was a leftist before my country got flooded with rapefugees so I'm not that suprised.
We love trump and they hate him.
Reddit has way more leftists per capita than Sup Forums,not as bad as Tumblr or Neogaf though.
Germany still does the video games causes violent shootings shit? Even America has stopped that.
Reminder that being bullied is a choice.
Reminder that not fighting back is consent.
Reminder that school shooting is the easy bitch way out.
>We love trump and they hate him.
That's a joke, right? Tgeir political subs are spammed with people saying they love Bernie but vote Trump if Hillary is nominee. The Admins literally had to change algorithms so that Trump spam wasn't clogging the frontpage
Is this is actual Steam page?
R...redditor here (no bully)
/r/news, which is US news, is extremely "republican" and sometimes alt-rightist but also depending on the issue has some "liberal" posting. So for example they support abortion, but are against immigration.
/r/worldnews, for non-US news, is now heavily alt-right. I think Sup Forums successfully conquered it. The top rated posts are like "Why do they let these muslims in?" then if you click controversial posts, you can go to the bottom and see "WTF is wrong with this sub? Islamaphobia and racism, you should all go to hell bigots!" with -30 downvotes
Because /r/worldnews and /r/news are turning hard right, the admins have sometimes turned the heavily-moderated /r/AskReddit into a news place during big incidents
Basically reddit was very liberal 3 years ago, and is now kind of a civil war
Fuck off.
>Reminder that being bullied is a choice.
>Reminder that not fighting back is consent.
Agreed. I never fought back because I didn't want so ruin my grades so I took the abuse and bullying.
If I could turn back time I wouldn't have none of that shit . It really fucked me up mentally in the long run, those good grades weren't worth the torment and humiliation.
If any of you are being bullied ,fight back, don't let them pick on you.
Games were censored long before 2001. I remember the German Carmageddon version having some stupid robots instead of human pedestrians.
yes, see
>One VAC ban on record
I still need sauce.
Merkel is east German idiot. They were tought that fascism was a natural result of capitalism.
That looks like a nice doujin there
trump is essentially an adult baby which is the average Sup Forums and /pol user so i guess you're right. his daddy is the only reason he has anything in life
>If I could turn back time I wouldn't have none of that shit.
I stood up, beat up a dipshit and school and the only thing I got for it is that next day he came with four guys and beat the shit out of me weekly for two years.
If you ever get bullied you'll stay bullied brah, no hope outside of always moving in groups like some herd animal.
That pic is me except I'm a big tittied girl and pretty.
This. Reverse image search a shit
So a kebab was bullied by other kebab in school, was into school shootings, for some reason chose the 5 year anniversary of Breviks attacks to shoot up some kebabs he lured by posing as some arab girl online? What a clusterfuck.
He was such a betafaggot that even his sandnigger people bullied him.
sounds like you didnt beat him hard enough. I kicked the guy's teeth in and when he came back with a group I went so mental they ended up running to the teacher.
If you don't support trump you don't belong on Sup Forums.
Only excuse is if you're from another country.
Women need to be gassed.
It's a lot for unemployed "bild" readers, who are usually the ones on the far right spectrum in germany
Bullying is a choice as well, remember that when the kid you bullied plugs a hole through your skull you consented to it.
He's the only person left to vote for, there's literally no other option unless you want a criminal.
top pic is photoshopped
What the fuck is wrong with german women?
Germany is utterly fucked, and so is the rest of EU countries.
So much for traveling Europe once I graduate. Might as well take a trip to the Middle-East than to Germanistan.
But user that girl does have big tits and is VERY pretty.
What game?
That's because everyone with half a brain left the leftist shithole and became a right wringer.
He was iranian but the people that bullied him were t*rks
By the way Germans you are all invited to Poland
>15 years until Soros will fuck off
>40 years until these old and stupid german higherups can fuck off
Trump's extensive and well-documented history of lying and fraud is just as criminal as anything Hillary has done. Probably moreso.
What game?