>only attracted Mirai because of her personality
>people still think I'm a lolicon
How do I stop this misunderstanding
>only attracted Mirai because of her personality
>people still think I'm a lolicon
How do I stop this misunderstanding
by not playing shit games anymore
>because of her personality
become a lolicon
I like her because of her body leaving aside she is flat.
You don't, and Mirai's okay I guess. Way better now than she was back in Burst.
yeah I enjoy her personality alright
id like to stick my dick into her personality
>I like her because of her body
I'd like to hold hands with her personality.
Stop playing weebshit.
what personality? being a whitty bitch with titty envy?
mirai is trash.
she's soft
fap to Mirai.
She has evolved into a fiction writing, IRL shitposting, flat cat chuuni. Still better off than how she started, a.k.a. "WHY WON'T YAGYUU PAY ATTENTION TO ME?"
It's almost crazy how this series has failed for over four entries to make a game more worthwhile than a 6/10 at absolute best launch window 3DS game.
2 is better than Burst, and even then I wouldn't give that anything higher than a generous 7/10. I can tell they at least tried to make a better game with that one. The Versus games are okay, EV is better than SV at least.
Mirai wasn't too bad in SV(only one I've actually played) at least.
I was surprised she pulled the "my flat chest is my selling point!" card instead of being soreassed about it like Ryoubi.
Mirai is great.
Funny and cute as a button.
SV is where she stopped being irredeemable shit. Really, she's better in the Versus games in general. The mainline games force a dynamic with Yagyuu that just doesn't work, she pairs much better with Murakumo and Murasaki.
i like Mirai because she is a loli and I want to bully her with my dick.
How can a poor person be so overweight?
Beansprouts are cheap to buy in bulk
She pigs out every chance she gets.
Girls gonna get diabetes.
One of the joys of loosing your SK folder is recollection all these nice images and being able to save them again.
Yomi doesn't care. All she wants to do is eat and belittle rich people.
Simple pleasures, I suppose.
I want to rub a stuffed Senran tummy.
>eat and belittle rich people
Eat the rich
Too decadent for her tastes.
I'd like that too.
I'd eat Ikaruga, if you know what I mean...
>that last screen
Diamonds every time.
She can sprinkle some beansprouts on them to cheapen them up.
I really like Ryobi. Compared to rest of cast she has pretty balanced body, but more than that she seems like one of the more sensible, down to earth characters of the bunch.
Sure, she has the sadism thing going on, but unlike Ryobi or other characters with gimmicks, it's not her whole personality. In fact, rather than straight-up sadist, she seems kind of... I dunno, ironic?
Do not consume the Imai.
So bland, why is she so shit?
>she seems kind of... I dunno, ironic?
She's pretty much a female Kazuhira Miller.
Kaz has bigger tits than Ryobi
I'm not sure I like the redesign though.
I actually vastly prefer Ryouna. I'm not much for the bitchy types and Ryoubi is too far in that direction for me. Ryouna's a really sweet girl though and she's pretty level-headed when she's not going full masochist mode. And then there's the matter of playstyle - not a huge fan of Ryoubi's long range deal but I love Ryouna's ice ballerina thing.
Charm points will do that to you.
why is there so little pornography of SK
Charm points are a miracle of the universe. They even salvage Yagyuu to an extent.
Because the official art is actually pretty fucking GOAT.
You aren't looking hard enough.
Now I want to see her dressed up like him now.
Because almost none of the fan art is able to catch that special style that makes the SK style so nice to look at. at least for me.
Post the one with her womb :3
>still no actual stuffing minigame
wtf Marvelous
Lets hope we'll see more of them in future games.
Yeah, while I prefer Ryobi's personality, Ryona definitely plays better. And while Ryobi has a lot going on with her story, Ryona is just so happy.
When at the end of Crimson Squad's Shinovi Versus story everybody else from Hebijo goes "GUAAAAH THE MIND CONTROL IS ENDING" Ryona just goes "Tee-hee-hee, thanks Haruka, not everybody understands this fetish~"
But while I do also like silly, fun haracters like her, I like down to earth ones even more.
>SK2 had an in-game breast slider
>EV somehow doesn't
One step forwards, two steps back. Maybe SK3 will deliver on weirder promises like a stuffing minigame or, God willing, full body sliders.
EV was made before SK2.
Pretty sure it goes Burst > Shinovi Versus > Deep Crimson > Estival Versus, then Valkyrie Drive and Uppers happened.
I like her because of her personality and I'm a lolicon.
Shit. For some reason I can never remember if SV or EV came first.
E is before S, so logically...yeah, it throws me off.
We will see more flat chested girls eventually right?
Why two bikinis?
why not?
i need the one with tsun dere mirai plox
EV had a moderate sized girl with Kafuru so maybe. I just want more diverse body models at this point. Ryoubi and Yomi are supposed to have larger hometowns than the rest of the Senrans but I want the models to actually reflect that.
Double the bikini, double the sexiness!
Bikinis are a gift from the heavens.
I don't quite understand it, but it's a real thing girls do.
Post favorite SK themes.
Mirai is a gorgeous, beautiful young woman!
This has to be one of my favorite vidya tracks period.
It is just so comfy and cute.
That dress is too short!
Everything from and with Yomi.
Her themes are always catchy as fuck.
It's like a more Japanese rendition of Megaman Legends' Apple Market, and dem kick drums. It's amazing.
Not as short as Hebijo's school uniform, god damn. Why is it so short?
Nonsense, it's just the right size!
Why is she answering the phone with her butt?
It's 2016, butts are more versatile than ever. Get with the times, man. I bet you can't even frost a cake with your butt.
If you know a better way I'd like to hear it.
They keep skirting around the issue, but it's probably Imu's fault Miyabi got short changed. There's different sizes of skirts for Hebijo, after all.
Eh, he's got us there...
Fuckin' Haruka, man.
Old ladies are allowed to wear shorter clothes without it being an issue.
>skirting around the issue
Best HQ theme coming through!
DFC is great, you're trash.
>Mirai chugging milk
Heh. Cute.
You somehow took the worst Senran and made her even worse. Congratulations, your shit taste is impeccable.
>taking your own upskirts
Why. Even Katsu would be glad to do it.
No one else was around.
Weird way to say fixed her.
>disgusting flat chest
Pick one and only one
You didn't change her personality wholesale, or at least not from what I'm able to determine from that pic.
It's disgusting and no amount of delusional babbling is going to make you a patrician for liking it, faggot
Become a lolicon. Misunderstanding solved.
How is Mirai loli when she's 16?