What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

They meant that shitters use Sup Forums memes outside of Sup Forums

Did Europoors just get Cloud? Amazing.

They are implying that Cloud uses hair spray to keep his hair standing up, and that Kirby is also using hair spray to keep his hair standing up because he has copied Cloud's hair, but now that they are both using hair spray, they are using too much and they ran out

FF7 for e-shop

I just want a Cloud amiibo at this point. Why are they waiting so long to release it?

Also, Kirby's hair is huge because his whole body is a "head", so he uses a lot of hairspray.

>Americans are this dumb

So does Cloud come with other outfits? Because I'd much prefer a blocky Cloud

cloud nerf when

Cloud's hair is natural though

Just classic, advent and advent sleeveless

I want Shinra grunt Cloud

With or without the helmet?

Also Cloud in a dress would have been amusing

And tranny's reactions would have been more-so


My theory....

3 game announcements for NX.

FFVII remake port, Bayonetta 3 and a new Fire Emblem game or Fire Emblem Fates HD.

I can see FF7 Remake easily. I know lots of people loved 2 including me but did it sell enough to make Nintendo want to publish the third game? I mean they could just port Bayo 1+2 for NX I guess. And as for FE yeah I can see that since Nintendo is talking about it's being one of their biggest series right now.

Personally I see them starting to put third party characters into the next Mario Kart

They're already opening the avenue up by adding in more non-Mario characters outside of DK and his crew so I don't see why not.

Excite Bike, Animal Crossing and F-Zero stages were great additions to MK8.

please Sup Forums show me hpow much of a shithole this place has become and keep this thread alive above the 200 replymark

Don't forget Zelda.

>Fates HD
>not Tellius Saga HD

The stage didn't impress me as much as the others, but it was still nice that they put alot of effort into easter eggs on the course.

Think he also meant Link as a playable character

Well in that case, it was pretty neat having him, Villager and Isabelle as playable characters.

Surprised Kirby didn't make the cut given that bait and switch teaser for the Rosaline / Rainbow Road reveal for Sm4sh.

Maybe new DLC when it's ported over to NX or if they make a new one. I do wonder which games from Wii U will be ported and which will be new. Smash is almost surely going to be ported.

Poor attempt at memes