What are some of the strongest potions in video games?

What are some of the strongest potions in video games?

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I am going into battle and I am going to use this strongest potion

But can you handle it?

Fortify Intelligence

to those of you with tomodachi life or a wii u: trust me

who was in the right here?

Is this some oblivion reference? I saw the video but the camera effect and potions make me think of oblivion's ridiculous faces

What fucking game is this shitty meme from so I can play it.

this too

Any Morrowind potion given enough ingredients beforehand.
>yo I heard you wanted a potion of exponential growth that can multiply well outside the bounds the game can process

this meme is old as fuck, why did it regain popularity now

I am not going to drink it, I am going to throw it at a dragon

It starts with four and ends with teen year olds.


Potions in Morrowind can be stacked exponentially. There was one guy who even did a one hit on the final boss, even though hes supposed to be invincible.

Dont talk to me like Im some kinda fuckin' chump.

B'cause Im not.

Four eighteen year olds?

In morrowind, due to a corner case of unfixed exploits, you could make potions so strong they rolled over the integer for the stat they affected, had durations of real world years, and sold for enough gold to clean out every shop in the game at once

Here's how it worked: you could make a potion to increase your intelligence. Which made you make better potions. And make another. Which made you make even better potions. Ad infinitum. Then you can make other sorts of potions with truly ludicrous properties. There was also a bug to get certain vendors to never run out of huge piles of the ingredients needed.

yes, they collaborated

>I saw the video

It's always fun exploiting game bugs.
The ways you can use them are always interesting.

Game glitches in general are just great.
Just as long as they don't break the game in a negative way.

that's what I assumed when I first saw it, it's the only reason it's funny to me

whoops I meant for