Give me one good reason why you don't apply for a job at CDPR and help creating the ultimate cyberpunk vidya?

Give me one good reason why you don't apply for a job at CDPR and help creating the ultimate cyberpunk vidya?

because i like steampunk

>multiple years of experience

Overweight faggot

Why would I want to work for a console pandering AAA dev?

I canĀ“t squat

I hate math


When has CDPR ever made a GOOD game?

I tried to apply for GOG and I got rejected.

you DISGUST me

I don't really have any skills they could use.

Why did it get rejected?

Do alternate universes count?

Because CDPR has never made a good RPG

Furthest I got was a GED

Didn't like the debt slavory climate of College, or how a faculty member not liking you or being lazy at their job could completely torpedo things for you.

Good enough reason?

Why don't you help them making a good RPG then? :^)

Probably because they aren't asking him to fire everyone else and start over completely.

No idea, I applied for customer service career, I got an email to answer a set of questions and then received a really standard HR email saying: "Hey we already choose the candidates for the next phase, good luck next time"

Because they're not gonna hire a art college dropout with 10+ years of customer service.

That's a shame. Would you had to have move to poland or do you already live there?

I'd had to move there, it was for the job opening for Brazilian Customer service.

If I had feedback it would be start, looking for a new job is a fucking madness people fear saying stuff thinking they might offend someone and you can't improve because of all the politeness.

>24/7 crunch time
no thank you.

Is it ok if i read the Cyberpunk manuals while waiting for the game to come out?

I'm an architect, user. Not a software engineer.

>At least 3 years of experience

Why would I help a bunch of backstabbing, downgrading, Polish cucks?

i thought there were no jobs in that field? did how i met your mother lie to me?

Because you would be making actually good games unlike when they pandered to PC.

Why would you spend all your time crying about them on 4chins?

To improve their shitty games of course

I'm not unemployed if that's what you meant (or more precisely I quit last month and I'm starting at a new place next month; so I'm not working atm.).

i ain't no programmer. Also I doubt they'd hire me anyway.

Why is it funny?

If any employer requires x years experience it means is an asshole who will hire someone from family or friends

Only NEETs on Sup Forums can be this deluded. But of course user, that's the reason you can't find a job...

I'm sure you never applied for a job.
X years of experience don't matter at all for software jobs, they just give you an idea of how familiar you should be with the job you are applying for. Big companies regularly hire graduates for jobs that say "3 years of experience" when they only have like 2-3 summer internships.

Because I don't like downgrades

they never pandered to PC, they wanted to release TW1 on console but didnt have the money
>Because you would be making actually good games
t. sonygger who has only played Wild Hunt.

Because I'm not particularly smart, or good looking, or qualified in any way.

I don't want to live in a 3rd world country.

why the fuck would i want to live in poland

>Apply for Job at Cdproject Red
>have no skills for coding or other stuff whatsoever.
>become prime vodka taster for devs.
>Get 60k a year just to make sure that the vodka they drink is not poisoned.

I guess I lucked out.

Because there are more appealing offers then the one CD Projekt Red offers.

Then, they want you to learn polish.
Seriously, fuck them.

Just applied for Hello Games
>small team
>badass geniuses people
>free PS4

They just can't compete

Because I'm not polish.

>Hello Games
Do you have to get castrated and dye your hair pink to get hired?
I'm guessing patreon donations to feminist frequency and other oppressed females is a huge plus on your curriculum

>hello games
>no mans buy
>mobile game
ohwow haha

>console pandering
>good games

hello sonycuck

>being this delusional
Mind my words, they're gonna be the next big deal

Actually, I just don't like giant ass development teams - having more man power not always translates as "we will make things better and finish earlier".
It's a dispersive enviroment.

A small team that tackles small problems at a time is more effective than a bigger team dealing with major problems.

This is Software engineering 101, agile development.

>implying Sup Forums people knows about software engineering