What game do you play when your in a bad mood?
What game do you play when your in a bad mood?
>that burnt fucking meat
>how you want your meat sir
>i like charcoal
>say no more
>blood all over your meal
Fucking primitives
>how to get colorectal cancer in a meal : the webmening
Fucking vegans can't recognize perfection when they see it
Any of the 3D Mario games. Simple and colorful visuals. Catchy and simple music. Mostly easy gameplay.
Are you people really so retarded you can't tell when meat is burnt or not?
A lil genocide to brighten the day
End your pathetic manchild existences at the earliest convenience.
A good char on the outside means that the heat was high enough to seal the meat juice up entirely, it also adds a very strong sweet flavor
Do you not see how tender those pieces are? They're a little overcooked for my tastes but they look quite great nonetheless
If I'm in a bad mood, I don't game. I eat.
It also means cancer. Literally the most cancerous thing you can eat, obvious chemicals aside.
When I marinate my meat, I like to actually taste the shit I marinated it with instead of getting cancer.
Not enough bread.
ITT: manchildren who still have their steaks well done, and can't recognize a good brisquet
Imagine being made of meat
Yeah i stopped doing that. Lost 12kg over the last 3 weeks.
>People who don't understand char
>Thinking that is overcooked
>The inside is fine and sealed perfect
>It cut like a fucking dream like fucking butter.
Kiddies don't understand how to cook. Its called a char you fucking simple creatures. The only concept of burnt you have comes from bread related things so you can't understand how other types of food can benefit from it.
>By the time he's served that half of it has gone cold.
This supposed illness is such a meme at this point
If you look it up, literally everything in the world gives you cancer in some way
Also as I previously explained it's not a burn, it's a char so it has a very sweet flavor
Also you clearly have no fucking idea since you can actually taste the marinade much more thanks to the charring process which ultimately develops the most flavor
That's not healthy.
killing floor 2, usually as a seker when im in a bad mood.
beating the living shit out of a zed with a hammer its a great way to deal with anger
I wish I didn't do that.
Torture porn flash games on comdotgames
>that burnt
Just carcinogen my shit up famalam
>started eating less and less
>lost three inches off my waist
Man starving yourself is the way to go with losing weight.
>eating anything other than well done
>playing games when you're angry
The outside of that meat isn't burned you fucking manchild, it's the marinade.
>all these burnt food lmao cancer posts
Do none of you know how to cook
You're also not supposed to eat this all that frequently, and a plate that large is meant to be shared
>Letting your marinade burn on purpose
I love how this webm always attracts retards who don't know what good BBQ looks like. Hell, food threads on Sup Forums in general are fucking hilarious.
Only because the body might go into starvation mode but i just stopped excess eating, not eating in general so no starvation here. I just downsized my portions from family size to normal human size. Also cutting out sugar and processed food and replacing it with 1 bowl of cereal, fresh veggies and chicken helped a lot.
>well done
> w e l l d o n e
O I am laffin
I've never met someone with objectively shit taste.
>eating anything other than well done
Found the pleb
Quake 1 with Omicron bots.
Something with cute anime grills.
>i like eating unsafe and uncooked meat
Pleb city.
>good bbq
lmao enlighten me about how I should bbq my ribs senpai
I usually switch between God Hand, Spyro 2, and Smash bros Melee.
I'll occasionally play some Senran Kagura as well.
>he has no idea how rare and medium cooked meat works
The only valid complaint.
What shithole country do you hail from?
>american """""""""""cuisine"""""""""""
Heat/searing/charring doesn't "seal in the juices," that's a myth.
is that The Meat Bone On?
It's myglobin and water you dumb catposter
Is the bone in the meat goddamnit
>Sup Forumstards will never grasp the concept of smoking meat or experience a sublime bbq
I'll never understand elitism over how you like your meat cooked. Any meat that isn't bone dry or literally raw is fine with me, but I'm not going to tell others how they should enjoy their meat because I'm not a petty little faggot.
oh, god dammit.
every fucking time i see this webm i get hungry. i just had some pizza a while ago and now this and im hungry again. where is the place that serves this food? new york? california? i need to make my pilgrimage to this place
Why would you expect anyone here knows how to cook? 70% of the board is filled with filthy NEETS and occasional Sup Forumstards who only know how to operate a microwave.
Look up barbeque or smoke houses near me on Google
Go enjoy delicious meat
People in this thread pretending like Sup Forums isn't an expert in all things eating.
If I smoke my ribs for 10 hours it doesn't look like this senpai
nigger i live in san antonio, those places are all over. i don't know which one to go to that isn't shit. should i just head up to austin and see what they have there?
The few things Sup Forums is good for is food analogies, gay sleepover stories, doujins, and gay furry porn
Nah you can amazing ones in San Antonio just look it up on google and find one that isn't a chain.
lol at the people who think this is burned and dont know what smoked meat looks like.
>live in Texas
>ask about going to New York or California for fucking barbecue
Literally what?
What a colossal vagina. Take a very miniscule risk every once in a while you ball-less little boy, especially when its well worth it.
Use yelp or ask friends and family. You've got endless references for critique of any restaurant you consider at your finger tips man, use them.
i just sit quietly browsing memes and wish the feeling would go away
for 7 days straight
Cleansing this thread.
does Sup Forums like porn?
I'm way too focused on my inputs to be pissed.
Alternatively, Bloodborne pisses me the fuck off if I'm already mad.
>take a risk of eating uncooked meat
>it's worth it
Hey guess what? Well done meat is delicious, I love it.
Based Ja/ck/
>When determining the temperature to cook your meat to, there's a crucial distinction to be made between whole muscle cuts and ground meat. The food scientist Harold McGee explains:
>"... meats inevitably harbor bacteria, and it takes temperatures of 160 degrees Fahrenheit or higher to guarantee the rapid destruction of the bacteria that can cause human disease — temperatures at which meat is well-done and has lost much of its moisture. So is eating juicy, pink-red meat risky? Not if the cut is an intact piece of healthy muscle tissue, a steak or chop, and its surface has been thoroughly cooked: bacteria are on the meat surfaces, not inside. "
>In other words, with whole cuts of meat it is the external temp, not the internal temp, that must exceed 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Normal cooking methods — sauteing, grilling, roasting, braising, etc. — raise surface temperatures far above 160 degrees Fahrenheit. (To get a sense of this, consider that meat only begins to brown at 230 degrees Fahrenheit.) People very rarely get sick from rare or medium-rare meat. Overwhelmingly, people get sick from the way meat is handled in the home: from cross-contamination, lack of cleanliness and holding meat at dangerous temps. Internal temperature should be the least of your worries.
I hope you retards learned something about cooking today, now shut the fuck up about "undercooked" meats in these fucking threads.
Is this one of those "how to chew five gum" commercials? If not then this shit looks pretentious and it probably does not taste good.
this thread needs a new direction
Hotline Miami
twig arms are so fucking repulsive
As a Texan, the responses to this thread trigger me so much. How is it that so many people don't know what fucking good Barbecue looks like? Yall need to expand your food knowledge.
>not posting the edited version
>a good loking jav
gib code pls
That's bark, son.
looks like all the meat went into her cunny, looks pretty puffy
>All the meat overcooked
I hope someone was ordering well down everything.
I am not talking about the char either.
I pity you, your shit taste, and everyone that has to ruin a good steak to appease your comatose palette.
also heres another im going away anyway
snis 392
It's Yu Shinoda. Sadly she makes the ol' pig screeching the Japs love.
what the shite am I looking at
Post the one with the "beautiful" raw chicken
That's barbecue user, of course it's well done. Shits been cooking for at least 5 hours.
>meat eaters
Not him, but get your water goblin off of my meat!
also anybody have sauce 4 dis
please stop
Drive to Houston and go to Goode Company or Luling City Market
what the fuck is that shit?