How can you argue shooters don't make you violent?

how can you argue shooters don't make you violent?

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Yeah, and ice cream sales cause people to drown.

That's not evidence. As far as I know, there is none.

If his steam profile isnt evidence i dont know what is

I played Payday but I havent tried to rob a bank yet, checkmate

A replicated study that shows statistically significant correlation between violent crime and playing shooter games, having controlled for all relevant variables.

>violent people likes violent videogames
Yeah no shit retard, what else, water is wet?

>9 years a steam member
>only 5 games

Combine these two and you have your answer

People are violent before they play shooters, it just enhances the trait

There are probably tons of people who, because they play lots of shooters, become a lot more civil and friendly IRL

That's just an assumption though, the only people I know are my family, my coworkers and my chef

>9 years on steam
>only 7 games
this is how you spot autism


I actually did a paper on this cause I was tired of the instructor saying games caused violence. I argued that violent people tend to like violent forms of media.

>those profile comments
Jesus Christ

>le violent games cause violence maymay
Back to plebbit you go

>You have been visited by the Fedora of Mystery and Autism! Tip this fedora to 5 friends or you'll be haunted to become an atheist neckbeard!
Top reddit content right there

Use pedos in childcare or departments with minors for comparison.
Children don't turn people pedo, pedos take jobs around children to get closer to them for easier access.

Really, with how many shooters and games involving shooting and violence exist it would be common and undeniable knowledge by now if games turn people homicidal wouldn't it?

>gets VAC banned a month ago
>snaps and guns down normie turkroaches



Argue that:
>racing games make you a racecar driver
>sandbox games make you a sandbox
>platform games make you a platform
>stealth games make you a ninja spy
>survival games make you a survivalist
>zombie games make you a zombie
>pokemon games make you a pokemon
on the contrary
>tfw simulators make you a simultor

My thought exactly

Completely irrelevant but these are pretty retarded analogies. Let me fix some of it for you. For example:

>>sandbox games make you a sandbox
You mean a guy free from laws and able to do anything he wants.
>>platform games make you a platform
You mean a guy who has incredible jumping and parkour skills.
>>zombie games make you a zombie
You mean a zombie survivalist expert.
>>pokemon games make you a pokemon
You mean Pokemon trainer (if you are referring to the mainline games at least)

>vac ban


You need to prove he wasnt violent before playing games.

Playing games didn't make them violent. Being violent caused them to want to play violent games.

Violent games keeps violent people from wanting to harm others

what videogames were people playing in the early 50s and 60s?

They don't. ASSFAGGOTS do.

I've been playing Guilty Gear a lot lately,but I have yet to attempt to speak Japanese or run around like a ninja whilst yelling about how I'm the president. Don't know where you're going with this.

>about 2000 hours in cs

No wonder he went nuts. Getting fucked by 12 year old russians everyday would make everyone go mental

What it him?