Considering the high amount of pro-Sony people here

are we heading towards NeoGAF?

Neo/v/ meme was born out of NeoGAF which means SonyGAF

Sup Forums just bandwagons the current market leader. A few years ago that was Nintendo, now it's Sony.

>heading towards
We're already there

I like my PS4 and I hate neogaf

We're pretty much Reddit at this point. There must have been a secret crackdown on Pokemon GO threads.

No, they're heading towards Sup Forums, frequently and repeatedly no matter how much we tell them to fuck off.

All fanbase threads must be reported and derailed


> Many of the users of NeoFAG were former or current users who were dissatisfied with what they perceived as the site's bias towards Sony, shift towards left-wing politics, banning of dissenting opinions, and favoritism among moderators

shit! they are describing Sup Forums

Nice way to try and deflect the fact that Sup Forums is mostly pro-Nintendo

Go ahead and find how many times Nintendo gets a free pass on all the shitty things they do

I love how this image completely fails its point because Sup Forums 'artists' can't help but draw waifus

Nah, Sup Forums is pretty much a r/pcmasterrace colony by now.

Legitimate sonyggers are extremely rare and most of those shitty sony sucess threads are being made by shitposters that don't care about video games to bait the easily triggered PC only faggots.

Sup Forums used to be very pro-Nintendo with countless these times are gone and it seems that the only "correct" opinion is to be a PC fanatic.

Fuck off nintenbabby

The image is pretty accurate and well done user.

Nice way to try and deflect the fact that Sup Forums is mostly pro-Sony

Go ahead and find how many times Sony gets a free pass on all the shitty things they do

all neogaf users will eventually be banned and migrate to this board and elsewhere, then this place will be sonychan.

no, she does look amazing and le muh perfect waifu
if she were an actual fat slob it would make sense

That's a good idea
whoever made this should replace this waifu with a leftist fat whore

Sup Forums does not have a high amount of pro ANYTHING user, it doesn't matter what you post, some people will shit on it and spout retarded buzzwords constantly.

Sure, it varies from thread to thread and from time to time but the only thing that is guaranteed here is le ebin "Sup Forums haets videogames! XD" meme

I suspect there is a nintendogaf raid here every 2 days

What can we do to stop it? specially during e3

>if she were an actual fat slob it would make sense
That wouldn't be an accurate depiction of a PS4.

I like it when Nintendo does good. I hate it when they fuck up.
Currently they're fucking more stuff up.
I like it when Sony does good. I hate it when they fuck up.
Currently they're doing more good.

PC is for cucks though.

Considering people obsess over sales figures and twitch viewer numbers as validation for liking or disliking things, we are lucky enough that all the "industry experts" are already here, Sup Forums is now a hotbed for connecting with my fellow execs, unlike Neogaf which has really gone down hill in that respect. :)

if you had a pussy i'd marry you

>the high amount of pro sony

You can't.
That's the price of posting in such a big, Anonymous community: anonymity brings out the worst in people and there are so many people posting here that moderators can't do shit.

>fellow execs

get outta here you kike

which is not a bad thing considering people might say a few truthful words while on forums is 100% lies all the time

I'd rather have a constant stream of shitposting than an ego stroking circlejerk and popularity contests. I'd rather see another "CENSORSHIP" thread than another "safe" post devoid of substance parroting the "correct" and popular opinion for upvotes.

If you can manage to go through the "NINTENDRONE, SONYPONY, XBONE, PKEK" shit that makes up 95% of the posts here then you can manage some decent videogame discussion. Sometimes anyway.

I mostly still come here because Sup Forums moves really fast so it's a great place to find out about videogame news, but it's pretty shit to actually discuss those videogame news.
Drawthreads are pretty alright too.

Name one point in the last 10 years when there weren't legions of fanboys and haters for each of the 3 major console releases at the time.

There is no flux, there is no trend, Sup Forums just irrationally loves/hates based on what ever 'team' they picked in middle school (back before they had a job and could easily buy all three, and thus had to defend their choice to their peers at all opportunity)

Most people that like Sony here like it because that's where all the niche weeb games are at.
Neogaf is what happens when you have groupthink and suck each others dick and ban anyone that disagrees with you.