Finish game

>Finish game
>Don't skip the credits
>There's nothing afterwards

>Finish game
>Don't skip the credits
>Get Thank you for playing pic

>Finish game
>Don't skip the credits
>There's a cheat code at the very end

>Finish game
>Don't skip the credits
>"In memory of [random person in dev team]. 1969-2012"

>Finish game
>don't skip the credits
>important story bit at the end

>watch credits
>they don't thank me for playing


>Finish game
>Don't skip the credits
>go back on Sup Forums
>someone is Rubyposting

>Credits feel longer than the game

>Final boss is your wife
>Forced loss
>After the credits your party is shown giving her money

>finish game
>skip the credits
Now there's no problem

>Finish Game
>Austrian team, Hungarian Team, Seaworld Team, Babylonian Team, Zimbabwe Team all in the credits and it lasts for an hour

>Don't skip credits
>There is a cutscene and more credits
>After that, nothing

>go behind waterfall
>there's nothing there

>unskippable credits at the beginning of the game

>Finish game
>Don't skip the credits
>Game hintes a sequel that will never happen

>Finish game
>Credits roll
>Game goes back to menu
>Menu buttons slide away and it opens into the intro sequence for the 3rd, secret campaign

C&C 3 got my dick so hard all the way through goddamn

>Seaworld team


>You will never cheer up a dissapointed Chaika
At least she's on the front page


I like how you put Zimbabwe team after seaworld and babylonia as if that was more ridiculous





>finish game
>tells me to buy DLC to watch the credits


Wow hes fast!!

>ITT creepy anime girl smiles

>Finish game
>Don't even want to skip the credits because it has cool artwork and a soundtrack


my computer's from 2002 user. you could at least change the filename to the correct name


>my computer's from 2002 user



Wait its a dude?! I didn't know this.


I will prevent your disappointment, user!

well sure buddy

>finish game
>credits are longer than the game

>finish game
>watching the credits put you over the refund time limit

>tfw you will never be Chaika

>finish game
>credits include everyone who made anything related to the game + their friends and relatives
>can't skip the credits
>alt-tab pauses them
>there's nothing afterwards
fucking assassin's creed

Well there's the freeroam



